
The Hierarchy of High Bridge Academy

Albert Einstein once said " Everyone is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” With this in mind. We see ourselves set in a world filled with the unimaginable potential for human evolution, as the residents of this world are blessed with the power of “Yex.” The unique ability, that's based on the user's emotions and personality. With countless possibilities of obtaining ungovernable power, we ultimately find ourselves observing… a certain individual... The timid and looked down upon, Damien Whitecastle. Who has finally set his mind on reaching the top of High Bridge Academy school rankings. With sharp crimson eyes and a mysterious childhood past, he is ready for any obstacles! With this goal in mind, Damien enters his second year of school at High Bridge Academy, confident and determined to become different from his past self. Will Damien be able to withstand his past and present trauma? Or will he fall short and be known as the failure of High Bridge Academy forever? ---------------------------------------------------- Chapter every Thursday’s at 7pm. " = dialogue (talking out loud) greater than sign = thought bubbles (only for damain) * = sound effects or time skips

JacksNovels · Fantasy
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15 Chs

HOHB - practice isn't my forte...

Chapter #7

( Note - Damien's father's name is Nolan Whitecastle." )

<The just-risen sun shines softly throughout the alluring pure crystalline forenoon sky. The unshaken serene breeze glides through a crease of an open window. The chambré touch of the breeze soothes my mind. Mornings like these, are what gives me enough willpower to not hurl a desk at anybody in my nearby vicinity! It's all because of the old man's irksome lecture…>

*two hours ago.*

"Damien! Hurry up the academy bus is about to be here." Nolan exclaims.

"Em, yeah. One second, let me finish my breakfast."

"Before you leave for school I have something to talk to you about."

"I've been informed by Instructor Yates, that your class will be resuming physical training, after the incident from two days ago. Nolan affirms.

"Yeah, he told us that yesterday. Did he change the schedule?"

"No... it's not that, you see I'm just a little worried." Nolan responds restlessly.


Nolan hesitates, "Well, you know, you have a-"

"A weird body."

"Ha, um. Well, you could word it like that. But there is nothing wrong with you. It's just that, your body tends to express itself differently than others do. You see, recently you've been conveying your emotions, differently. Additionally, your body is prone to injuries, so I'm just a little worried about the resumption of physical training. Nolan grunts in an anxious tone.

"You see I asked Instructor Yates if you could sit out of training for a couple of days. I heard from Professor Haynes you had an altercation with a classmate. I'm just worried something might occur during training." Nolan explains.

"Huh? what…"

Have you lost your mind?! Why would you say such a ridiculous thing? I'm not a child anymore, I can make my own decisions on my own, I don't need your unnecessary protection anymore."

"I have to get to school, and I'm gonna be participating in today's training. And just so you know I know my limitations and can handle myself on my own."


"Damn. His emotions are getting the best of him again. That boy hasn't changed since he got out of that godforsaken orphanage, his beast-like temper still rages undyingly."

*...present time...*

<ruining my day before it starts, typical of the old man.>


<fuck, now I feel like shit. Why did I say those stupid things? I'll have to apologize to the old man when I get home. Stupid ripple effect playing mind-games with my subconscious.>

"Yo!, Damien, you look more depressing than you usually do. Something pissing you off today?" Brenner torments.

<Great, this unwelcoming voice could only be one person. Of course, when I'm in my worst mood, this jackass appears out of nowhere, it's like it's systematic.>

"Heard from a little bird, we will be practicing some stuns today with partners. I'm all alone without a partner, and I'm really in need of a good friend right now. Will you be so kind to be my partner?" Brenner mimically smiles.

<This jackass! It's obvious this simple-minded idiot wants revenge from last time. And who says little bird nowadays. He's pissing me off more than usual.>

"Yeah, no problem Brenner. Always glad to help a friend out."

"Awesome! Damien glad you agreed. You're a great pal. Before I head to my seat just wanna say one more thing." Brenner bends forward.

"I don't know why you're acting so smug today, but whatever stupid tricks you used last time, I'll pay you back ten-folds today." Brenner's face contorts with vexation.

"It seems like everyone is quite lively today, please take your seats now." Instructor Yates announces as he enters.

"Today, I can only imagine your excitement for today's lesson, as we will finally be starting the physical aspect of training. We will be getting into pairs of two before beginning, so keep that in mind. I will give you a step-by-step explanation of a basic stun." Instructor Yates advises.

"Firstly, close your eyes and tame your emotions, nextly send a wave of negative emotions to your internal yex. Smoothly supply a sustainable flow of yex upwards to your eye region. It should feel like a motion of simultaneous clicks. When you feel comfortable and confident unfurl your eyes and focus your "aura yex" on a target."

"Now this may seem impossible to do at first. But the biggest aspect to a successful stun is being able to successfully send your negative emotions towards your internal yex. With just enough proper training it will become second nature."

"Now with the explanations at its conclusion, pair up with a classmate and practice your stuns on your partner. Now if you are worried about causing harm to your partner, don't fret you will be wearing a protective suit, and additionally, I will be supervising all of you. Instructor Yates finalizes.

Brenner leans over "Hope you're ready Damien, it seems like I'm magically full of energy." So I apologize in advance, I don't think I can hold back today. Brenner grins smugly.

"Ah, ye-yep no problem Brenner all good here."

<fuck, fuck, fuck. I didn't think this far, I only agreed out of irritation. But now that I recall, Brenner has prior experience and mastership in the basics of all three classifications of yex. I'm SO screwed!>

"Alright tutees, one of you come to the front and grab two pairs of protective armor suits. They should have numbers on them, those numbers designate your training courters. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I wish you all the best." Instructor Yates triumphs in excitement.

*a couple of minutes later...*

"I'll be going first, Damien stand over there I'll send you a stun from here. Don't be too nervous, that suit is infused with defensive yex, an armored truck couldn't cause a dent on it. Brenner smirks in agitation.


<a whisper of yex flushes rapidly towards me, an instant had already passed, but his attack had already crossed midway. The sheer gravity of the attack lopsides my right foot, as I slumped to the floor, a condensed sadistic intent subjugates me. A pungent pain muddies my body, robbing me of rational thought.>

<HOW? How could a mere primary grade stun, diminish such rippling torture? I muster narrowly enough energy as I glance upwards, immediately a spray of disorientation and dizziness purge my eyes, the effects of this mysterious attack had finally maximized.>

<I have reached my limit, this excruciating inexhaustible pain continued boundlessly. Abruptly the pain flutters noiseless. This feeling once again, the disconsolate emptiness tortures me every time, I hate it. The pain I so besought to terminate seconds ago, I envied. My body had long lost consciousness, but my mind continues to wander.>

<I hate this. The feeling of being powerless, the feeling of vulnerability plagues me. Motionless and unconscious the derisive voices of my peers, scream in my ears. Their disfigured echoed cries torment me. It's too noisy, resentment shifts my mind. A fresh swell of rage hustles to my gut, swiftly rage bolts to my veins, a tide of frustration asserts itself in the dome of my eye.

<a pixel of exasperation pricks my mind, barbaric malice solemnly controls me, I focus my eyes in ungovernable fury at an unidentified target. Disinterested in my target's identity, I fire.>


"You seem to have regained your senses, my dear tutee." An untold voice amplifies.

<The sunlit ceiling, stuns my eyes, the unabridged length of my body burns strenuously in pain. As I turn over I see a lanky man peering down at me.>

"huh, who-"

"It seems like I will be getting an earful from your father when he hears of this incident." A chuckle comes from Instructor Yates.

Realization dawns on me "Instructor Yates! shit, please don't tell my dad about this incident. He's already worried, he'll certainly kick me off the training program."

Instructor Yates smirks "he seems to be in dreadful pain, and the first thing he says after regaining consciousness is, "don't tell my dad" hah, this kid is more intriguing than I presumed" Instructor Yates mutters

"Listen Damien, I'll stay silent about today's incident, but you'll have to answer this one question of mine." Instructor Yates queries.

"A question?"

"How far will you go to become powerful?" Instructor Yates gazes intently

*to be continued…*