

The diary is a play centered on Becky, who grew up in a life of luxury and wealth but soon found out the bitter truth about her existence. She fell in love and found happiness in the man of her dreams but got betrayed and hurt as she was forced to let him go after which she suffered for it and left the world. In her second life, she came back as Israella and lived an entirely different life from her previous one. She struggled to achieve her aim and later smiled at the end. Find out more in this interesting novel.

DaoistD1nGkT · Urban
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Everyone had gone to sleep. Eric came into Becky's room and met her covering herself. On siting him, she sat up.

Eric: I'm sorry my dear, I hope I'm not disturbing your sleep?

Becky: No, not at all. I was just about to sleep.

Eric: (sits on the bed) Okay my princess. I want to tell you a secret, I don't want anyone to hear this. Is between me and you okay?

Becky: Okay, what's it?

Eric: Come closer. (She moved closer to him as he whispers in her ears.) You are actually my favorite. Don't tell anyone.

Becky: Thanks daddy. (She hugs him.) I won't tell anyone I promise.

Eric: Good girl. Always remember to keep your promise okay? A promise should always remain a promise, don't break it so easily because it hurts.

(At school)

The students all disperse from the assembly ground to their classrooms to begin their lessons. SS3 class teacher enters with a new boy. The class monitor sits at the front desk at the right wall side.

Class monitor: Compliment class!

Class: Good morning ma.

Mrs. Josephine: Good morning to you all. Settle down please.

(The class settles down.)

Mrs. Josephine: You are all welcome to another session. I want you all to be of your best behavior this term, no poor performance will be accepted this term as you all know is a promotional term and also when you would be taking your external exams. Tighten up your belts and put in your best is that understood?

Class: Yes ma.

Mrs. Josephine: This boy standing with me is a new student who will be joining us starting from today. His name is Daniel Michael but you can call him Daniel. Make sure you all welcome him and make him feel at home alright?

Class: Yes ma.

Mrs. Josephine: So what will you say?

Class: You are welcome.

Daniel: Thanks.

Mrs. Josephine: Is there an extra seat for him?

Joseph: Yes ma. There is an empty seat after Maya's row.

Mrs. Josephine: Okay, Daniel you can sit there. Please no noise, I have to go out to attend to other students. Take out your books and go through them if you have nothing to do. No noise I repeat is that alright? Joseph, you're in charge.

Maya is always admiring the new boy and tries to gets his attention but each time she tries, she fails. Daniel is sitting alone in the class as he is trying to copy some notes.

Maya: (walks to him and sits near him) Hi Daniel.

Daniel: Hello.

Maya: I am Maya, Maya Johnson.

Daniel: That's nice Maya, nice name. I am..

Maya: (cuts in) Daniel, Daniel Michael.

Daniel: That's right.

Maya: So what are you doing?

Daniel: Nothing much. I'm just copying the scheme of work that I missed.

Maya: Can I help you?

Daniel: That's kind of you but don't worry, I'm almost done as I said. (He writes few things and closes the books.) Done.

Maya: That was fast, wow nice writing.

Daniel: Thanks. It's Clara, she's in this class.

Maya: That's my twin sister.

Daniel: You're a twin?

Maya: Yes and she's my sister, she sits just at your side in the next row.

Daniel: That's nice.

Maya: Thanks but I was referring to your writing, it's cute just as you are (smiling)

Daniel: Thanks. If you can excuse me please.

Maya: Are you going out?

Daniel: (Getting up and making for the door)

Yes, I want to take these to the staff room.

Maya: I can do that for you, if you don't mind?

Daniel: You seem nice but don't worry, Mrs. Josephine asked me to see her as well so don't worry. (He turned to go)

Maya: Wait! (He stops and turns to look at her.) Erm... actually (scratching her head) I was just wondering if we could be friends?

Daniel: Sure, of course.

Maya: (smiles broadly) Thanks, can I accompany you?

Daniel: I said don't worry, I'll go alone.

Maya: If you say so.

Daniel: Alright. (He leaves) ( Maya's classroom)

Daniel is alone again as Maya comes to him.

Maya: Hi dear.

Daniel: Hi Maya, how are you doing?

Maya: I'm fine, what about you?

Daniel: Same. How's your day going?

Maya: ( moves closer) Not bad.

Daniel: Okay.

Maya: I love you.

Daniel: Sorry?

Maya: I said I love you, what's wrong with that?

Daniel: That's... anyway thanks. I have to go now.

Maya: Why is it that all the time I am with you you always look for an excuse to leave me?

Daniel: I'm not...

Maya: (getting closer and putting her hands around his neck) You're not what? Why are you doing this to me? You said we are friends but yet you treat me like nothing to you.

Daniel: Were you anything to me before?

Maya: Please don't do this to me, I love you please.

Daniel: Is okay, I've heard you. I'll think about it, can I go now?

Maya: Okay, thanks.

Daniel: Can you leave me now?

Maya: (releases herself as she removed her hand from his neck. He thinks she's leaving when all of a sudden she kisses him on his lips.) Love you.

Daniel: (Pushes her away and walks out)

Maya: (A mischievous smile lits her face as she swings her hands freely and feels happy.)