
Hidden in plane sight

Hordes of people fly through the open french doors of the small clinic. Thato runs down the hallways of the small clinic. She is out of breath and sweat breaks down her between her shoulder blades. She winces as her ankle brushes past a bench in the corner from f the clinic. The wail of a crying child has her speeding down towards the young couple standing offishly at the doors of the clinic. A young woman who doesn't look a day over 18 is wiping as she rocks the crying child in her arms. The man next to him is in overalls and reefs. He reeks of perspiration and his sun burnt probably from working in the farms. As Thato approaches the young couple, her heart breaks a little as she glances at them. Whilst they were dirty and struggling, she looked all high and mighty in her six inch stillettos, her thigh length formal nude dress and her heavy make-up that made her beauty stand out. Thato was a beautiful woman. She had dark melanin with large eyes, bushy eyebrows, bow-shaped red lushious lips. She is five foot with a petite hour glass body.

"She has the fever." The young woman says with a small voice as she hands over her child with open arms. "She... She..."

Thato releases a reasuring smile. "I will take of her." Her eyes fall to the young woman's bare feet. "Learnado and I will take care of her. Go in the other room and wear my flips flops. There is a blanket too. It's cold."

The young woman looks at her child probably torn between her own comfort and supporting her child all the way. Thato could relate.

"I will take care of her." Thato says with a smile.

The man grabs the young woman and walks her towards the small waiting room. Thato loved being a paediatrician. She enjoyed every minute of doing it. This was why she was stuck in the middle of the Amazon running a low budget paediatrician clinic. She cooes and talks softly to the child. Thunder struck and clouds rumbled. The shadows of the trees swinging through the curtain. For a second she was taken aback. Her heart beat acceralates and a chill runs down her spine. The sound of drums and chants fill her eardrums. Footsteps stomp and bartiones fill the ear. It was familiar... She could almost see herself. Young. Scared and screaming at the top of her voice as a larger than life. A beast of some sort ... A giant... She could no longer tell; drags her out of her home. Her step-mother, in her fluffy expensive coats and her six inch stillettos. The woman is saying something and does not look concerned about the foreign giants dragging her away. The sun darkened and the same storm beating outside had started.


She jerks oubof her thoughts and her past but not before she saw him. Standing there. Invisible. A God in his own right. In a white robe hiding his leather breeches. Thato could still remember the words he whispered into the air without opening his lips. His intense eyes boring into her soul


A cold hand touches her on the shoulder and she jerks up in surprise. Leonardo steps back from behind her and raises his hands up in surrender. He shakes his head, his long logs of brunette curls catching the light as he does so. Thato bites her lower lip and turns to the child at hand. She hated moments like these when he caught the fear she thought she had buried a lon time ago.

"Can you give me a hand?" She asks as she pulls on her surgical gloves.

Leonardo nods and takes a step forward, "His father says she has had it since morning. They didnt have any money to take her to a hospital."

Thato nods as she gently and expertly examines her small body. A frown plays on her forehead. A small by feeling fleeted inside of her. She glances through the door at the murmurs from the parents of the child. Something wasn't....
