
The Hidden Protector

Vanguard, also known as Ethan, was born as a superhuman in a medieval world where magic prevailed. As the only superhuman in existence, he faced discrimination and animosity from others who practiced magic. Despite this, Vanguard grew up with loving parents who treated him well. However, his obsession with superheroes and the desire to become a hero caused criticism from friends and family who considered it childish and unrealistic. In an effort to prove himself and become stronger, Vanguard dedicated himself to intense training and physical exercise. However, he still felt inadequate and was frustrated by his perceived weakness. One day, while returning from school feeling upset and broken, Vanguard heard a cry for help. Determined to take the opportunity to become a hero, he confronted a thief who was stealing a woman's purse. Tragically, the thief reacted by shooting Vanguard, resulting in his death. The story ends with Vanguard's death and his readiness for reincarnation.

ASH1928 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


A few years passed and I was in my teens.

I was sitting on a chair and eating breakfast, I looked at my dad and said.

Dad, do you think can also do magic?

He looked shocked and he placed his fork down and said,

Oh ahem, yea about that. you see, you can't do magic not even a bit.

That was the most awkward thing I heard, but hey at least I know I am useless.

I replied, thanks, Dad, for reminding me how much of a burden I am to you.

My dad understood how I was feeling at the moment, so he said, Son look it's not about performing magic it's about doing the right thing.

Wow, that's the most used line ever couldn't he think of something better?

After breakfast was done, I decided to go outside my house and take a walk outside my house, as I strolled outside the sun rays shined bright on me, I decided to rethink this hero situation, I can't be a hero nor I can save people if I can't complete one simple requirement that's having powers.

Sure, there are many heroes that fight crime without superpowers, but the problem is when it comes to big stuff like stopping an asteroid, stopping bullets, or lifting heavy objects humans are useless completely useless.

I hate these types of situations they give me a headache.

You know life feels empty these days, I don't know why but I guess I have to admit the fact I am powerless without a doubt.

Well, I guess I will abandon my hero life, and be a normal human like the others.

So as I went home, I saw my dad he was outside waiting for me, with his arms crossed, but he didn't look angry.

As I got closer to my dad and finally spoke he said, look kiddo sorry for insulting you I know I was a bit harsh, but I also kinda made your mom angry she said, I shouldn't be so straight to the point I should've been a bit motivational.

I replied, Dad no need to be sorry I realized that my life and dream weren't worth it, I should just give it all up.

While I was saying these words I let out a fake smile, each word I said the more broken I got from the inside, maybe they were right superheroes are all fictional.

My dad felt my sadness in me, after a few days of continuously working on the farm, my dad invited me outside the house as I went outside, to my surprise there was a tall man standing, he was quite tall. he had green eyes, brown hair, and a quite strong physique, he had a shield attached to his hand and also a sword placed in his belt.

He looked at me and smiles and said, So this is the adventurer you talked about he looks quite healthy and strong.

I know he said those words to make me feel better, but there was turning back from the fact I am powerless.

My father thought bringing a hero will cheer me up but instead, it made me feel worse because it felt like I was being laughed at for not achieving anything.

The hero got bent and pat me on my head, and said look kid I know it's hard to be a hero but how about coming with me, and having a great adventure together.

My dad said that sounds like a great idea maybe he will learn magic, let me get everything prepared.

My dad entered the house again, and my mother who also came from the house tried to make me feel better by convincing me that this was a perfect opportunity to achieve my dream.

So I was left with no choice but to accept the offer, after accepting the offer I got ready packed my stuff, left off, and waved goodbye to my family knowing that this journey is a waste.

After walking for what felt like an eternity, the hero said, let's stop for now and we will set up camp here.

We began unpacking the tent and hammering the nails on the ground, to pull the rope and tighten around it, so the tent doesn't fall.

After we were done it was already night, we decided to light a fire and sit down, the hero seemed quite proud of himself he lifted his sword and started sharpening it.

He used some kind of rock to do it, and after a while, he finally spoke.

So kiddo you wanna be a hero like me, right?

I replied, who said I wanna be like you?

The hero's smile vanished and replied, oh come on kiddo, can't you see people love me you should've thought of being a hero once in a while.

I replied with a neutral tone, yes I did though of being a hero but you can't be one without any powers or skills, I lack both of them.

The hero had a smirk on his face and he said, look kid I know it's hard to bottle up, the fact you are useless, which in fact you are but don't let that bring you down.

Wow, imagine when you are useless and people try to remind you of that.

I guess, that is what makes a person a villain, other people's opinions.

I replied to him, look I do admit I am not a hero or don't have powers, but hear me out you're the type of person who gets beaten up each day, but pretend they did their best, even if they did nothing much.

The hero didn't like what I said, so he replied, look kid one day I am gonna be getting cheered by people, and you will be on the ground begging for help.

Wow, heroes do like to think, there better than civilians even though the only difference is fame.

I replied, will see who begs who. ("Definitely not me")blind

So we decided to call it night, and sleep, as I woke up, the sun was shining quite bright blinding me.

As my vision became clear I was shocked to see, what had happened the camp was empty and the hero had left me, on my own wow that was terrible but who cares as long as I find food I am fine.

Well off to the forest we go.