
The Hidden Phoenix - 숨겨진 불사조

In a seemingly ordinary world, there lies a great secret hidden behind ancient history: the extraordinary power derived from the 13 Chinese Zodiac signs. While 12 Zodiacs are known to everyone, there is one forgotten Zodiac, erased from history due to its uncontrollable and formidable power. The 13th Zodiac, the Phoenix, is a legend that lives only in myths and folklore. Ahn Joon-woo is a quiet 15-year-old who is often bullied because his Zodiac is considered worthless. Along with his childhood friend, Kim Hye-jin, Joon-woo strives to live a simple life in a small village in Korea. However, his life changes drastically on his 15th birthday when his Zodiac power is unexpectedly awakened. Though appearing as an ordinary bird, Joon-woo's Zodiac possesses extraordinary potential. He begins studying at a Zodiac academy in one of the big cities, where he meets various new friends and some rivals. Among them, Park Dae-hyun, a tough young man with the Tiger Zodiac, becomes an important ally on their journey. During training at the academy, Joon-woo starts to show the hidden potential within him. With the help of Hye-jin and Dae-hyun, he learns more about the history of the Phoenix and how to control its power. However, their journey is full of challenges and tough trials, including political intrigues and betrayals within the academy. As they face various obstacles, Joon-woo discovers an old book revealing important secrets about the Phoenix and its power. With each step forward, he gets closer to the truth about his Zodiac and the great threat lurking in the shadows. The Hidden Phoenix is an epic tale of rising above challenges, friendship, and fighting against evil forces. Joon-woo must find his true self and face the greatest challenges to protect the world from destruction while delving deeper into the secrets of the forgotten Zodiac and its formidable power. With his friends by his side, Joon-woo is ready to face whatever comes, proving that even the hidden can shine brightly and powerfully.

Soelx30 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A New Adventure

After leaving the Hunter Association and gaining valuable information about the Phoenix Shio, Joon-woo embarked on his new adventure with full enthusiasm and hope. He knew that to truly understand and master his power, he needed to explore the outside world and face the challenges it had to offer.

Journey to Gyeongju Joon-woo's first destination was the ancient city of Gyeongju, renowned for its historical sites and legends. He had heard that there were many ancient artifacts there that might provide more clues about the Phoenix Shio. The journey to Gyeongju took several days, and during the trip, Joon-woo used the opportunity to train and reflect.

Upon arriving in Gyeongju, Joon-woo was immediately struck by the beauty and historical richness of the city. He visited various temples and museums, hoping to find something that could help him. In one temple, he met an old monk who seemed to have deep knowledge about the history of Shio.

"May I ask you something, Monk?" Joon-woo asked politely.

"Of course, young man. What do you want to know?" the monk replied with a kind smile.

"I'm looking for information about the Phoenix Shio. Do you know anything about it?"

The monk nodded slowly. "The Phoenix is a symbol of resurrection and regeneration. In legend, the Phoenix has the ability to mimic and amplify the powers of other Shio. However, this power can only be fully awakened through self-understanding and spiritual journey."

Joon-woo felt he was on the right path. "Thank you, Monk. This is very helpful."

Battle in the Ancient Forest After spending several days in Gyeongju, Joon-woo heard about an ancient forest on the outskirts of the city that was rumored to be inhabited by powerful monsters. He decided to go there and test his strength. In the forest, he encountered various monsters that challenged his abilities.

The forest felt alive with the sounds of animals and the rustling of leaves. Every step Joon-woo took was watched by unseen eyes. He sensed the presence of mysterious creatures around, increasing the adrenaline in his body.

During battles against these monsters, Joon-woo felt his Phoenix power growing stronger. He managed to mimic some of the abilities of the monsters he fought and stored them in the available slots. Although the number of slots was limited, this ability provided a significant strategic advantage in battle. One of the abilities he successfully mimicked was the fire attack of a small dragon, which he used to burn his enemies.

Meeting Soo-jin One night, while resting in the forest, Joon-woo sensed someone's presence. He immediately prepared for a possible threat, but instead, a young girl in tattered clothes appeared. "Who are you?" Joon-woo asked cautiously.

"I'm just a wanderer. My name is Soo-jin. I'm searching for my lost family," the girl replied softly.

Despite usually avoiding attachments with others, there was something about Soo-jin that made Joon-woo want to help. He decided to let Soo-jin join him for a while. Together, they continued the journey through the ancient forest, facing various challenges and obstacles.

Soo-jin had extensive knowledge about medicinal plants and survival techniques in the wild, which greatly helped Joon-woo on his journey. On the other hand, Joon-woo protected Soo-jin from the monster threats they encountered along the way.

One night, as they rested near a small river, Soo-jin told Joon-woo about her family. "We used to live in a small village on the outskirts of the city. One night, monsters attacked, and I was separated from my family. Since then, I've been wandering, searching for them."

Joon-woo felt the sadness in Soo-jin's voice and sympathized with her. "I also lost my parents in a monster attack. I understand how you feel. We'll find your family, Soo-jin."

Uncovering Ancient Secrets During their journey, Joon-woo and Soo-jin discovered an ancient temple hidden in the forest. The temple was filled with carvings and artifacts depicting the Phoenix and its powers. They found an ancient inscription providing clues on how the Phoenix's power could be fully awakened.

"To awaken the true power of the Phoenix, the Shio bearer must pass tests of courage and endurance. Only by fully understanding and accepting oneself will the Phoenix's power arise," Joon-woo read from the inscription.

The inscription also mentioned an ancient ritual that could help awaken the Phoenix's power. This ritual involved meditation and soul purification at a sacred spring located deep within the forest. Joon-woo and Soo-jin decided to find the spring.

The journey to the sacred spring was full of challenges. They had to navigate dangerous terrain and face increasingly powerful monsters. However, with cooperation and perseverance, they eventually reached their destination.

Purification Ritual At the sacred spring, Joon-woo performed the purification ritual mentioned in the inscription. He sat at the edge of the spring, closed his eyes, and began to meditate. In a state of tranquility, he reflected on his life's journey, confronting all the pain and fear he had experienced.

During the meditation, Joon-woo felt warmth flowing through his body. The Shio mark on his chest began to glow brightly, and he felt the Phoenix's power growing stronger. In that moment, he realized that the key to awakening the true power of the Phoenix was to fully accept and understand himself.

When Joon-woo opened his eyes, he felt stronger and calmer. Soo-jin, who had been watching closely, was amazed by the transformation that had taken place in Joon-woo.

"You did it, Joon-woo. You have awakened your Phoenix power," Soo-jin said with admiration.

Joon-woo smiled and felt grateful. "It's all thanks to your help, Soo-jin. Thank you for being with me on this journey."

Parting Ways with Soo-jin After several days together, Soo-jin finally found traces of her family and had to part ways with Joon-woo. Although he felt sad, Joon-woo knew that this separation was part of their respective journeys. "Thank you for your help, Joon-woo. I won't forget your kindness," Soo-jin said before leaving.

"Take care, Soo-jin. I hope you find your family safely," Joon-woo replied sincerely.

Continuing the Journey With new information and renewed spirit, Joon-woo continued his journey. He knew that greater challenges awaited him ahead, but he felt more prepared than ever. Every step he took brought him closer to a true understanding of the Phoenix's power and himself.

In the midst of his journey, Joon-woo realized that the Phoenix's power was not just about physical strength but also about courage, endurance, and self-understanding. With strong determination, he vowed to continue seeking answers, protecting the people he loved, and finding Hye-jin, his lost childhood friend.

This adventure had only just begun, and Joon-woo was ready to face whatever came in the future. With each challenge he faced, he became more convinced that his decision to leave the Hunter Association was the right one. Though his journey was still long, Joon-woo was confident that he would find his true strength and uncover the mystery behind the Phoenix Shio.