
Hidden pack

Alpha ran with his fellow wolf pack, Nola, Skip, Coal, Frost and Moon. Alpha wasn't a full wolf by blood but was raised by Moon when she had found him. Alpha is the leader and is only 17 of age. One day they all want on a run and heard a strange sound not far from the lake, "we must go see what it is Alpha" said Moon, Alpha agreed, "Nola, Coal, stay and watch Skip and Frost" said Alpha. They agreed to his order and watched the pups. Alpha and Moon goes to find the sound, Alpha is always cautious for and Kunkas spirit or known as deathly hounds. Kunkas spirit eats the flesh, blood, and their souls of any living being.

" Alpha, I smell blood near by, do you think a Kunkas got someone way out here?", "I don't know mother, but we will know soon enough" l, said Alpha. the rest of the way they ran to the smell and to their shocking sight, was a dead women, who was holding a child that is wrapped in a clothes, in a rich purple moon like flower bed. The little child started crying as Alpha moved closer to the dead mother and the crying child. " who is the baby still alive after the Kunkas hunt then down??" said moon,