
the hidden jem

A girl born with unusual looks and powers, but can she control them, and later on others with similar abilities? Join Lazuli on an exciting adventure to find out who or what she really is and who she wants to be.

Lila_Brown_7009 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I was now 2 weeks old and I had learned many things. 1. people don't have powers, well except me. 2. I understand the language, so I can read, wright, and talk, but I won't because I don't wanna freak out my parents too soon. and 3. I can crawl and walk already. so as the weeks go on, I have slowly began to do baby stuff like lern to roll over, or hold my head up, I already can of course, but, I don't for obvious reasons. I soon realized that I am an only child, unlike my previous life, where I was the youngest of 12. I missed my other family, but I loved my new one too. they were so caring and gentle, and my mom was so beautiful, I realized that I would have looked like her if I was normal, but I new I was a special baby. so I accepted it.