
The Hidden Dungeon in the World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs

Not sure how I got here, but being trapped in this messed up world is the last thing I expected after death. Hey, at least I’ve got some sort of cheat. “I apologize I do not know that information.” Hmm, maybe calling it a cheat is a bit much.

SentToOblivion · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Livie Servant

"For fucks sake, another one?" I said preparing yet another spell to defeat yet another fish-like monster.

The fireball went straight through the chest of the beast, prompting it to burst into purple fragments.

In this story, it was mentioned quite a few times in the light novel that there was a system of leveling in the story.

As to my current knowledge, something like that doesn't exist. However, it is possible to gain more power by defeating monsters, it's just there is no system in place to track it.

Back to my adventure.

It's been a week since I left home. I've certainly been kept on my toes this entire time, especially given how many of these beast there are.

Thankfully, my destination seems to be growing near. If I was to give a measurement I'd say around 200 more kilometers. I haven't been driving all the time and have had to rest a bit from time to time.

I admittedly have underestimated how long my food would last as I only ate once a day. I've only eaten around 3 1/2 days worth of food and I barely made a dent in my stock.

I couldn't describe to you how much I missed the feeling of solid earth under my feet, a luxury I didn't think would be stripped from me.

It was two days later that I finally arrived. The air was so clear, the greenery so vibrant. The island showed no signs of human contact.

Its only peculiarity was the giant stone pillar sticking out from the center of the island.

"The Dungeon."

The Mediocre Sage's knowledge was severely limited. He knew a lot, however, his knowledge was limited to before he died. Any other wisdom I could seek from him would be based on logic. An example of that, is this island.

When I had just been around 100 meters from the island, it appeared that nothing was there. I was debating on whether to turn back thinking the Sage was wrong in his information, but then it happened. Right as I got near the 50-meter mark, the island began to become visible as if appearing from nothing.

My guess was the man had stumbled on the island a long time ago and knew due to its transparency from afar, it had a high likelihood to remain unknown.

As I began descending to the island I looked around at the scenery. The place was shockingly large, enough that even the giant dungeon only covered half of it.

Living up to how the Sage praised it, I could feel the immense magical presence radiating from the place.

Even if he isn't all knowledgeable it is certain that he is beyond useful.

I found the entrance. No matter how much I pushed or pulled the damn thing wouldn't work.

It was only then I remembered what I had to do exactly.

Unfortunately, that meant another headache as I asked the Sage and was forced to utter some really damn annoying words.

"Hidden Dungeon please let me in." "I will train in secret to be the world's strongest person."

God that sounded so idiotic. It's worse that I honestly probably will stick to those words.

Throughout my training at my family's estate, I had found some old swords in the basement.

All of them had dwindled to a saddening degree and were basically useless in combat. I had tried to sharpen them to some degree but only slightly succeeded on one.

It wasn't the best, but it was good enough to slash away at these low-tier mobs.

My unskilled self waved around the sword unsteadily as it clumsily went through the monster ant's skin.

It didn't feel real to be honest, cutting through them. How could it, when instead of blood it rained experience points?

The first floor of this place was thankfully easy, the same went for the next 3 floors.

It happened on the fifth floor.

As I was trying to pull my sword out of the wall I had clumsily embedded it in while trying to kill a goblin a voice resounded through my head.

'Your quite an interesting one.'

I admit, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard that. It had been a long time since I heard someone, well except the Sage.

Looking around I looked for the source. My eyes scanned everything and found no answer.

'Wait… isn't that how it started?' My mind slowly began to calm down as I started to remember the vague amount of memory I had about that perverted piece of literature.

'I'm here. Walk down further.'

I did as the feminine voice instructed, my steps unsteady and gaze focused.

'In here.' The voice resounded once more as I came upon a door.

A bit untrusting I opened it, making sure no monsters sprung upon me. The last thing I needed was dying, especially after the long ass journey it took to get here.

Luckily, there were no monsters. All that existed in that surprisingly well-lit room was a chained girl.

'There you are.' The voice was a bit higher pitched this time.

Staring in amazement I looked upon the source of the voices.

A wonderfully beautiful blue-haired blue-eyed woman with a buxom body. She wore a white dress with a golden band and red cloth around her waist. Her arms which had golden bands on each were held up by black chains that occasionally illuminated a purple color, the same was for her legs.

'You are the one who called for me?' I wasn't much sure how I should go about interacting with her.

Sure I was aware of exactly who she was, but she doesn't need to know that. It's best to keep my knowledge of my past to myself. Let's just hope I don't telegraph that to her.

'Indeed, touch my head.'

I listened to what the woman said, feigning caution as I did so.

As soon as my head landed on her hair a scene began playing in my head.

'My name is Livie Servant, one of the best of the best adventures.'

'One day while I was exploring I stumbled upon this island and by extension this dungeon.'

'I managed to figure the passcode out all by myself, and began exploring.'

'I managed to get to the 80th floor but stepped on a transportation circle and was sent back down here and locked in these chains.'

'And so I've been in this place for I don't know how long.'

(AN: Ok so one, changing the name of Olivia to bypass future annoyances. Second, a lot of dates regarding when the war where the new humans beat the old is not clear, so this story will reflect that. It's just been a while and that's all you need to know.)

'So… Livie, quite an interesting story…uhm, want me to cut the chains?' I asked, perhaps I am a good actor.

'NO, NO. There is a curse on these chains, cutting them will kill me.' Even through her panic, she remained still, her eyes closed almost as if she were sleeping.

'I called you here, because I wished to speak to you. It had been so long since I'd had a conversation with someone.' Her voice sounded shaky almost as if she were crying. She never did move though.

'I see.' I answered kinda weirded out.

'Ahem, so please, tell me about yourself.'

And so I did, I told her of myself, my problems, my reason for being here, my ability. I even told her of the current world, something she was oh so curious about.

'Livie understands your situation, it really is quite pitiful.' The blue-haired woman speaks in my head in a saddened tone.

'I'm not sure if pity is really what I'm after.' I retorted a bit annoyed.

'Yes…It is strength you are after, and luckily I have just the thing for you.'

Here it comes, I couldn't help but squeal internally in delight. My dreams of power were soon to come.

'I have the ability to bestow my own skills onto others. Specifically, the skill I used most throughout my time as one of the best of the best adventures, is known as [Get Creative], it allows you to create anything you can think of if you have enough LP.

'Woah… seriously?' Even after knowing it, it was still insane to hear out loud. Wasn't that a bit much for this world?

'See for yourself, why don't you go ahead and place that hand of yours back on my head.' Livie encouraged me and I was far too invested to back away.

As soon as my hand made contact a white light traveled from her to myself and my body began to burn.

I gritted my teeth hard, this feeling was not as liberating as I thought it'd feel. Why the hell does anything related to skills always hurt so damn much?

'That…was not pleasant.' When the pain finally died down I breathed heavily.

'Well, yes it is a part of the process, but it is now over. You are now the possessor of two new unique abilities, [Get creative] and [LP conversion].'

'Thanks…You told me of the first, but what does the second do?'

'LP conversion is a skill you'll need to replenish your LP. LP refers to Life Points which is the energy source that powers [Get Creative]. The more you satisfy your desires the more your LP accumulates.'

Livie continues to explain her powers to me as I take it all in.

'Focus your mind, try to see how much LP you have.'

I did as she instructed and slowly numbers began to form in my mind.


I told her as I saw it.

'Woo, that low? You must not be a happy camper.'

Well, can you blame me? Life has been rough since I first got here.

'I'd be careful, if that number reaches 0 you can say goodbye to your life.' Livie warned in a serious tone.

'I feel you should have told me that before you gave me the skill.' I deadpanned before sighing and then bowing.

'Thank you very much, I will make sure I repay this favor one day.' I wasn't one to let this go unrewarded.

As my past life's old man used to say. Repay deeds twofold.

'So formal all of a sudden! Just relax man, live life to the fullest, and don't be so stuck in the future.'

I'd much like to follow that advice but my current circumstances do not allow for that.

'Anyway, I'd say you should practice with it. Try the cheapest thing I could think of, a simple stream of water. Focus on your hand and make it happen.'

While her explanation was really not well said, I understood what she meant.

I focused on my arm, imagining a small stream of water. Suddenly, exactly what I imagined came to. A stream of clear water sprayed from my hand to the floor.


I'd admit my affinity with magic was pretty terrible. It took me a full year just to really get down to the basics. Now though, I could just imagine it happening and it would.

LP: 400

'?!' I used a skill and somehow gained more LP, well, I guess this does fit with satisfying my desires.

Wonder how much I'd get from banging…

*Cough cough*

I've done well so far to not let my mind wander in that direction. I had far too much shit on my plate to focus on that.

'Look at you already getting the hang of it huh?'

A mental applause was sent from Livie as she congratulated me.

'Now I'm not sure how exactly you get your rocks off but you might want to go indulge in that. The more powerful stuff can be really expensive.'

Speaking from experience Livie kept giving me advice.

'How much LP do you think it'd take to get those chains off you Livie?' I couldn't help but ask.

'Geeeeeeez, don't become annoying. I told you not to worry about that. Just go enjoy yourself you can pay me back later.' The woman sounded both concerned and annoyed, and with that, I decided not to push the issue.

'Okay.' I responded like that before turning toward the door. 'I will do as you said but I will return later.'

'Mhm, don't be a stranger come back anytime.' With that, I walked out of that room and back outside. I needed a break and some time to think.