
Aftermath: 8 (Mini R-18)

A/N: Gonna had the 'Drama' tag, Also, mini R-18 towards the end. Deciding on if I should remove it or not, not sure it fits.

"You're leaving already huh?" Mom asked as we all stood outside, right in front of my docked ship.

"We'll come back towards the end," I responded trying to console her. Maybe I should openly use a teleportation circle to get here. I'm sure if I really told them to they wouldn't tell anyone.

Though if I got caught using one there'd be a lot of annoyances.

Off to the side I watched as Angie wrote down a full training regime for Alice to follow. I almost felt bad for her, that was until I saw the two hug and was filled with a warm feeling.

Looking over I saw Felix standing by smiling as he oversaw everything. To be honest, he and my Mother's marriage wasn't looking too good. They may have not said anything but I could tell by the atmosphere, that the warmness they shared with each other… was gone.

It was unfortunate, but, it's the consequences of his own actions.

After our final goodbye, we took off on our ship.

"Your family is nice, Noir," Livia said as we walked over to the kitchen. We had already eaten breakfast, but it was time for lunch.

"I agree, that level of genuine compassion doesn't exist in most Noble households." Angie followed up.

"Well, we were like the poorest of poor Nobles, we couldn't afford to not be." I shrugged.

"Yeah, then you managed to change that completely," Livia said recounting what my Mother had told her. "You really are amazing Noir."

"Indeed, even my Father deeply respects you for what you have accomplished," Angie said in a way that implied it was very rare.

"Ah geez, thanks, guys." I scratched the back of my head.

Seeing how Livia was reaching for the apron hung on the wall, I grabbed her hand.

"Nope, today, I'll cook. You two can go and I'll bring it to you when I'm done." I shook my head before grabbing the other apron.

"…You know… I've always wondered but I never said anything. Who exactly is piloting this ship." Angie's gears began to turn as she looked out the window.

"Hmm, right maybe this would be a good time." I contemplated before I looked into thin air, and like a Pokemon, I called, "Luxion come out."


The familiar metallic orb showed itself in front of us, its red lens shining a deep red.

"Meet Luxion, my personal AI, or rather you can think of him as my familiar," I said as I grabbed onto him and held him out like a basketball.

"Woah. It came out of nowhere." Livia got close, inspecting it.

[Master, I am incapable of feeling emotions, but calling me something like a familiar makes me want to self-destruct.]

Luxion added his input, his hate for anything magical apparent.

"It has quite the personality," Angie added as she tapped the lens.

"Mhm, it's cute." Livia nodded as she did the same.

[Please don't touch my lens.] Luxion deadpanned.

"Ah, sorry Luxy." Livia backed away scratching her head.

[Luxy… is that a nickname?]

"Aww, is Luxy embarrassed." Making perfect use of the opportunity I teased my AI friend.

[Embarrassed, yes I'm very embarrassed. Embarrassed that my Master sends me on missions to spy on little girls.]

'AH FUCK YOU, BASTARD!' This fucking fucker I'll make you pay for this.

My thoughts ran wild before I threw him across the room.

"N-Noir." Livia gasped in shock.

"How could you." Angie seemed equally as shocked.

"For the love of God, let me explain."

Thankfully, they didn't run off and actually allowed my input. I explained the case with Marie and how I knew what she was up to when she destroyed our rooms.

Eventually, suspicion was dropped.

"Noir… do you prefer smaller girls." Livia practically killed me with as I chased around Luxion all throughout the ship.

In the end, I ordered my helper chefs to cook as I instead had to comfort my shocked unofficial girlfriend.

We sat in the living room area after we ate, Angelica on my left and Livia on my right. I had finally managed to discard all the notions she had about possible pedophilia.

I'm not like the idiot five after all.

We passed the time by viewing a recording of a play taken by Luxion during one of his excursions in the capital.

It wasn't all too interesting to me, but both girls seemed to like it. I was still somehow used to modern entertainment so in retrospect this was boring.

So boring in fact, that halfway through, I fell asleep.

(Angelica POV)

I was enamored by the projection before me. Never had I seen such magic before, nor would I have ever thought something like this could be made without it.

Science is what Luxy had called it, truly a fascinating thing it was.

I was only brought out of my viewing when I felt a soft pressure on my shoulder.

Looking through the corner of my eye I could see Noir had dozed off on me. The instinct to wake him arose, but ultimately I chose not to and returned to watching the display.

A play about a Noble daughter and a Prince, a story of how they fought through all odds and with the help of other brave Noble households saved the country from destruction by a rival Nation.

Truly a reflection of how the Nobles in this society view themselves. That high and mighty attitude that thought their every action was righteous.

It was to be expected, this was shown in the capital, it only makes sense that they not show anything that even remotely painted Nobles in a bad light.

I didn't watch out of awe, more so amusement at how it was portrayed.

"This seems wrong…" Livia pointed out and I completely understood what she meant.

"I assume you mean the way the commoners are depicted?" I asked, slightly concerned that she'd turn towards me and see Noir and I's current position.

"Yes, where I'm from we aren't that well off," Livia said as she contemplated the meaning.

"Well, think about the intended audience," I explained everything to her. How even things like this were just a ploy to boost the reputation of Noble society.

Somewhere along the way, Noir had slipped from my shoulder, sliding down my abdomen before his head landed in my lap.

It was fairly hot out so I was wearing shorts, which meant when his head made contact with my skin, it made a noise.

Livia turned to me her eyes immediately locked onto Noir.

"Ah, sorry, I should wake him…" I said before Livia shook her head in denial.

"No, don't… he's really cute when he's like this." She got up, tip-toeing towards me before she bent down, getting a good look at his face.

Her eyes wandered all over his face. His unkempt dark hair, was a bit unusual in coloring. His thin eyebrows, and long eyelashes. His closed eyes that hid his pitch-black eyes.

He seemed so calm and peaceful, even his lips that normally were etched in some form of a smile were flat. He wasn't exceedingly handsome by any means, but… he had a level of charm that not even Julius possessed. It was hard to identify or maybe it wasn't even visible.

Either way, I found myself lost in the search for it, the same way Livia seemed to be.

My eyes wandered towards Livia, watching as her blue orbs roamed around his face. She couldn't hide it from me, that loving gaze that always made it to her face every time she thought I wasn't looking. She loved him, I could tell.

And I was sure he liked her as well, though I wasn't sure if they were in some sort of relationship. I never asked, they had allowed me into their space it would be impudent of me to pry into their personal matters.

'I'm sure they'd never tell me that though.'

"He's so peaceful," Livia said as she lightly ruffled his hair.

"Um, Is this okay? I don't mean to invade but aren't you two together." Eventually, my curiosity won out and I asked her.

For a second, Livia stood still, contemplation on her face.

"Together… Well, I don't know…" Of all the answers to receive that was the one I least expected.

"I like…Love Noir." She started as she seemed to be thinking back on something. "Noir, also likes me. He said so."

"So why don't you know? I asked curiously.

"I'm a commoner, and Noir is an established and accomplished Noble…" The sadness you'd expect from those words wasn't there.

"That doesn't matter… Did he say that as an excuse?" I got a bit skeptical.

"No." She shook her head in response. "Those were my thoughts, not his, Noir said he doesn't care."

"So… it's you?" She nodded to my question.

"Noir has done a lot for me, he's so incredible. But me? I'm just a commoner, I can't even defend myself when those mean girls bully me." There still wasn't any sadness present.

"You feel you aren't worthy of him?" I asked with a sigh. This stupid girl.

"Yes, and Noir says I treat him too highly, but… I can't help it."

I didn't know how to respond to her self-deprecating words. I was sure even in her position I'd feel the same.

"But, I want to be better… for Noir. I want to be worthy of him." She continued and I could see the conviction in her eyes.

"So, yes… I'm a little jealous that Noir is like this with Angie…but, I won't complain. I don't think I have the right to."

'So she is jealous.'

"Plus… if it's Angie, I think it's good." She said before she stood back up and climbed back on the couch.

"Angie is a high-ranking Noble. I'm not too good with politics but I know that, that would be good for Noir." The hell was this girl on about, I'm not gonna steal her man, and that was a stupid reason to let me.

"Hey-." Before I could express those thoughts she cut me off, placing a finger to my mouth.

"I'm not done." She said as she surprisingly laid herself down right next to Noir on my lap. "I like you, Angie. You are kind, caring, and don't discriminate against commoners. So… if it's you with Noir, it's okay."

I was more surprised at how genuine her words seemed, how could someone say that and actually mean that?

"Your willing to just give up a future with him… just because of that?" Something about that didn't sit right with me.

"I never said I was giving up." She frowned as she did what Noir tended to do and grabbed my cheeks in a pinch. "I love Noir, I'm not giving up on him."

I'm confused does she even know what she's insinuating? Or maybe I'm the one who's crazy.

It fell silent, I had no words to speak, only thoughts to contemplate. Though that didn't last long as Livia spoke again.

She, like Noir, was on my lap, though she was turned in such a way that she could still look over him, something she'd been doing since the silence reigned.

"Angie, what do you think about Noir?" Why was she asking me that… 'What I thought about him.'

"Well, being completely honest, he's reckless and an idiot. He's a bit shameless and I suspect he's a bit of a pervert, though he hides it well." I started, as I thought back to our exchanges.

Looking down I could see Livia chuckle.

"Yeah, I know right? And you aren't wrong about that last part." A faint blush made its way to her face.

"But, he's also really amazing. He's earned a name as an adventurer at such a young age. Came to my side when no one else would. Fought against all odds and came out on top. He's kind, soft-spoken… most of the time, diligent." I stopped to take a breath, Livia's eyes never left mine.

"I really respect how reliable he is, and how he sees people for their character rather than their status. I like how he treats me like a regular girl rather than some sacred object." I'd lost myself in recounting everything positive in the last few weeks.

"On top of it all, he's so fun to be around. I know that when I'm around him every day will be a blast." I finished like that, my shame starting to catch up with my words.

"Wow, you had a lot to say." Livia seemed surprised and I couldn't stop the blood that rushed to my head.

"Angie's cute." Livia giggled before she nodded.

"Yeah, I agree with it all, he's a really good guy right." She almost seemed like she was boasting when she said that.

"Yeah… I guess so." As much of a betrayal as it felt, I couldn't help but think that. I also, couldn't help but compare him to His Highness.

A shuffle followed my words as I felt Noir moving around. I had thought he was awakening but instead, he leaned in deeper.

His movement had positioned him closer moving Angie along with him. His face buried itself into her chest, and his arms moved to wrap around the both of us.

There we sat, on that couch. Livia lay half of her body spread out across my lap. Noir lay facing her, his nose in her cleavage looking as if he was in bliss.

Despite the fact that I held both of their weight, it felt like the arms wrapped around Livia and me were what was really securing us.

Consciously, I moved my hands, one going to Livia as I stroked her hair, and the other resting on Noir's head, careful not to wake him as I stroked his unkempt hair.

Whether it was right or not completely left my mind as I simply enjoyed the pleasant warmth of them both.

(Noir POV)

Waking up, the first sight to greet me upon opening my eyes was tits. From my experience, I knew for sure it was Livia.

She had a tank top on but it was being slightly pushed down by me, and as a consequence, her breast were being emphasized.

I without hesitation buried myself back into that.

It was as a I was attempting to throw myself back into the void of unconsciousness that I became aware of the hand on my head.

Reluctantly backing away a little, I tilted my head slightly to see Angie. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing softly.

From my position I could tell I was on her lap, quite strange considering how we were before…this.

Before I could regain my place with Livia I became aware of my full bladder.

Alas, it seemed further of that was not in the cards.

Slowly, I stood up trying my best not to wake either of them up. They were kind of cute sleeping like that.

I only made it halfway to the bathroom before I felt a slender pair of arms wrap around my waist.

Clearly, I didn't do good enough of a job to be quiet as Livia woke up.

Breaking free from her embrace I turned around to see her.

"Did I wake you? Sorry." I apologized as I looked over to make sure Angie was still sleeping, she was.

"It's okay. I just felt Noir was missing." She said so as she leaned into me.

This girl was cute, really damn cute.

It was a shame that I couldn't enjoy that for long as my bladder commanded me to go to the bathroom.

What I didn't expect was the girl to cling to me throughout the entire process, including when I pulled my pants down to piss.

Never have I ever seen someone look so interested in the action of peeing.

When I was done and my hands were washed, I swept the girl up into my arms, carrying her to one of the empty bedrooms.

Along the way, I looked outside to see not much time had passed since we started our journey to the island.

"How was the play?" I asked as I placed her gently on the bed.

"I fell asleep." Livia scratched the back of her head as she said so. "But, it was interesting…"

I listened to her as I took off my shirt. It was little damp from sweat.

"Yeah? I guess it's just not really my thing." I said as I grabbed a towel, drying myself.

"Eh, yeah I need a shower," I said as I realized I was sweating everywhere. That was a really damn good sleep.

I stripped down to my underwear, grabbing some clothes from my drawer as I did so.

Before I left I went over to the bed where Livia lay. She was usually quiet when she just woke up but I didn't need words to know what she wanted.

"You coming?" I asked and received an immediate nod.

I couldn't help but lean over and kiss her. She was adorable, even more so when she was like this.

My hands wrapped around her back lifting her softly as I pulled at the ends of her shirt.

She held up her arms letting me pull it over her head before I threw it to the hamper.

Next came her shorts. She lay peacefully as I did all the work of unzipping them and then pulling them straight down.

With her now in just her underwear I felt obliged to look.

Wrapping around her back again, I clasped the strap to her bra and unhooked it letting them bounce free from her restraints.

Her panties were all that were left and soon she lay completely naked.

I didn't try to hide my admiration. She was captivating.

My eyes were drawn back to her face when I heard her chuckle.

"Noir doesn't like little girls." I was confused why she said that until I thought back to a few hours ago, when she had been genuinely concerned I liked people like Marie.

In retaliation, I grabbed one of her breasts. "I told you, I much prefer yours." With her giggling, I yet again swept her off her feet and into my arms.

Each bedroom had a built-in bathroom so we didn't walk far to reach ours. Placing her naked form on the sink counter I went to the shower to make the water the right temperature.

Midway through our shower, it turned into a make-out session. It was the first time we had gone past lips and used tongue.

It was so good that even after we left the shower we went straight to the bed.

I held her close, my member ashamedly poking into her stomach.

When we finally broke off her gaze went to my crotch.

"Doesn't that hurt?" She asked as she poked at it.

"Well, it's a little uncomfortable." I thought of a way to describe it but came up empty.

"…Do you want…me to help." It took me a full five seconds to understand what she had just said.

Those words were equivalent to giving water to a dehydrated man.

Seeing how sincere she was being I couldn't help but take her lips again.

I moved her from my side until she was on top of me. I brazenly held her by her plump butt as I grind her against my rod.

My tongue invaded her mouth as I held her close. Her folds rubbed against my member, lubricating it with her ever-increasing wetness.

I broke off when I felt she needed air. Her breaths were erratic and at this point, she was grinding on me by herself.

Her nipples were hard and I was taken aback by how lewd this pure girl was. I guess that was my mistake, thinking her purity translated to a lack of sexual desire.

She looked into my eyes, her blue orbs moist in arousal. I pushed her down onto the bed and loomed over her.

I caught one of her breasts and took it in hand before my mouth wrapped around her nipple.

Starting slow I licked around, causing her to twitch a bit before I began to gently suck.

"Nnn." Her soft moans echoed in my ear as she held my head unfamiliar with what she was feeling.

Her legs wrapped around me as she pulled me in closer, begging me to suck harder.

I obliged, using my spit as a lubricant as I increased the suction.

"Noir…" She moaned my name and it did nothing to cool down my boner.

I continued like for another five minutes before I finally let go.

Sitting up I watched as her chest went up and down repeatedly. Her gaze never turned away from me.

Looking further down I saw her dripping pink pussy. If her arousal wasn't clear before the wet stain on the sheet made sure it was.

"More." She begged.

Planning to do exactly that I pulled her up, positioning her so that she sat up against the bed frame.

I grabbed a bottle of lotion I had in one of my drawers. We were going to start slow.

I dispensed some of the lotion onto her hand before guiding it toward my cock.

"Work it around," I said and she was quick to follow, using her hand to thoroughly lubricate my member,

While she was doing that, I wrapped my arm around her back and bent it for access to her snatch.

She easily opened her legs letting me run my fingers along her flooded garden, she shuddered at the touch.

"Haaa~." She gasped when I brushed past her clit as she jolted slightly.

"Move your hand like this." I guided her hand to my desire, sucking in some air as the pleasure shot straight to my brain.

"Keep going like that," I said before returning my attention to her as I rubbed at her clit.

It became apparent to me very quickly that we'd have to do one at a time.

I conveyed that to her and didn't let her fall into sadness. Instead, I focused all my attention on her, using her fluids to rub her clit at a controlled speed.

She bit down on her finger trying to control her moans, though she couldn't stifle them all.

I watched her every expression, as her body contorted in pleasure from my touch.

Soon I moved on from my fingers and brought my face closer. I gave a small lick to her clit, tasting the unfamiliar but not unpleasant taste of her juices.

I licked around her pussy, before my tongue entirely focused on her clit and like I had done before I began sucking on it.

The reaction this time was more extreme, as almost like she was trying to suffocate me, her thighs tightened around my head.

I didn't stop and slowly began increasing my suction power driving her to further and further heights.

I pushed her leg down by leaning my body on her and while she was held still moved my ring finger down to her opening.

"NOIR~." She moaned heavily as she felt herself invaded for presumably her first time.

I felt around her tunnel as I slowly like a piston went in and out.

I continued sucking her clit while fingering her until I felt her begin shaking uncontrollably, her back lifted from the bed and her legs straightened.

"Somethings coming!~"

She came.

Her whole body slumped down and I finally let go of her clit.

Sitting up I watched in satisfaction as Livia lay on her back, her expression contorted into a smile.

"That was amazing." She muttered absentmindedly.

It took her a full three minutes to recover before she pronounced it my turn.

As I lay against the bed frame she yet again applied lotion to my shaft.

I taught her how to move her hands and soon enough she was doing it better than I probably could.

She used both her hands to stroke me as I laid back and enjoyed the sensation. I was surprised when I felt myself enveloped in something.

Looking down I watched as Livia used her huge assets in place of her hands. With the arousing sight and the incredible stimulation, it wasn't long before I delivered a 15-year build-up of cum on the girl's breast.


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