
The Hidden Dragons

___--pov: Dylan--___ Dylan: so how do you find this Fiona girl? lizzy: can imagine Eric he is such a, a, I don't Even know what to call him right now even if he wanted to kiss her must it be infront of me Dylan: huh that not even what I asked her. Lizzy why are you so worked up about the kiss Lizzy: you know what screw this Fiona nonsense, screw Eric and his pretty face and hair screw his little girlfriend and her cross eye. Dylan: Lizzy are you jealous Lizzy: ppfff me jealous nah Dylan: then why are you angry about a mere kiss Lizzy: what mere kiss did you see how passionate she was and I'm not angry Dylan: good that your not angry he can kiss all the girls he sees we don't give a damn right Lizzy: you know what Dylan screw you Dylan: she left me I know she is jealous she's just too stubborn to admit it. hay lizzy wait up I thought we were going together

Divaxx · History
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22 Chs

new school 2

POV: Lizzy Don't worry you are safe now I followed obediently here she said giving me food wow

Lizzy snap out of it what if she's a serial killer

and she's trying to poison me now so she could cut my body piece by piece but the food looks so good I said almost drooling on myself it has been so long since I tasted a good meal well not since I was eighteen and had to go away from the orphanage and now I see it in front of me No No No I am not going t fall for it it's okay I will not poison you she said calmly. how did she know what I was thinking. puff I didn't think that

OK then eat the food as Prof

what's your name miss I said trying to change the topic

Lara Anderson and you

My name is Lizzy I don't have a son name and I am an orphan And I am 18 in age

Lara: woo calm down I didn't ask for your life information and I can see you are changing the topic from eating

can you read minds

Lara: of course not

then how do you do it

Lizzy: simple by studying you and watching you every move. and worry I know every thing about you and I like you so I would adopt you but you of age meaning you have to agree first before anthing I'll be waiting for your consent okey

she said handing a paper with what looks like an address to follow when I'm ready so I took it in my hand then looked at her

Lara: but before then you have to eat something

I looked at her again to see her expression to my surprise It was filled with care without any thoughts I took the plate an finished the food in one go she looked at me surprised

Lara: you more than I expected here have more

thank you wow she seems kind of nice not because gave me foo keep that in mind OK

Lara: when you ready then you find me

she said I waved goodbye to her before she left. should I consider or not I'll think about that later now that I'm fool I need