
The Hidden Dragons

___--pov: Dylan--___ Dylan: so how do you find this Fiona girl? lizzy: can imagine Eric he is such a, a, I don't Even know what to call him right now even if he wanted to kiss her must it be infront of me Dylan: huh that not even what I asked her. Lizzy why are you so worked up about the kiss Lizzy: you know what screw this Fiona nonsense, screw Eric and his pretty face and hair screw his little girlfriend and her cross eye. Dylan: Lizzy are you jealous Lizzy: ppfff me jealous nah Dylan: then why are you angry about a mere kiss Lizzy: what mere kiss did you see how passionate she was and I'm not angry Dylan: good that your not angry he can kiss all the girls he sees we don't give a damn right Lizzy: you know what Dylan screw you Dylan: she left me I know she is jealous she's just too stubborn to admit it. hay lizzy wait up I thought we were going together

Divaxx · History
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22 Chs


Dragons are very beautiful but dangerously harmful to society and life itself some mite say the real reason that they are dead is because they could destroy every living thing that ever lived on this earth. but the real reason that they were extinct was humans didn't understand there way of living all they cared about was power fame and welt and they didn't even care for one another no trust no love for family's and among siblings everybody filled with there own problem thinking bad about other people

people tore themselves apart with (selfishness, greed, laziness, envy, anger, and manipulative nature were the seven sins of man