
The Hidden Dragon Only I Can Enter Fan Fiction

Aroan and Kevin, skilled warriors proficient in both swordsmanship and marksmanship, embark on a journey to uphold justice. Their quest takes them deep into the heart of a dense rainforest, as they seek crucial information regarding the whereabouts of Ellna Stongs, a notorious former teacher. Ellna is rumored to have once been a formidable assassin in her prime, and the duo intends to locate and interrogate one of her former students, Noir Starida, a talented swordsman from the academy. Their ultimate goal is to extract from Noir details about Ellna's criminal activities during her time at the academy, with the intention of bringing her to justice. However, as Aroan and Kevin approach the critical juncture where truth and deception collide, their plans take an unexpected turn. The situation unfolds in a manner far different from what they had meticulously anticipated.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


As Aroan and Kevin ventured deeper into the rainforest, the lush surroundings seemed to intensify. Towering trees, adorned with vibrant green foliage, stretched towards the sky, creating a natural cathedral of nature. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting ethereal rays that danced upon the forest floor, illuminating patches of emerald moss and delicate wildflowers.

They came upon a clearing, where a gentle breeze whispered through the trees, stirring the leaves in a graceful dance. The air carried a hint of freshness, tinged with the scent of damp earth and floral fragrances. It was as if nature itself was breathing, exhaling life into every nook and cranny.

Beyond the clearing, they caught a glimpse of another rainforest, a verdant paradise that beckoned them forward. The path led them across a gravel-like smorg stone border, its tan color in stark contrast to the vibrant greens of the surrounding foliage. The stones crunched beneath their feet, creating a satisfying rhythm that harmonized with the symphony of the forest.

In the distance, they could hear the roaring cascade of a waterfall. Its mighty waters cascaded down rugged cliffs, creating a mesmerizing display of raw power. The mist generated by the waterfall enveloped the air, creating a cool, refreshing atmosphere that offered respite from the humid embrace of the rainforest.

Aroan and Kevin stood at the edge of the clearing, captivated by the sight. The waterfall seemed to embody both grace and strength, its torrential flow a testament to the untamed beauty of nature. Aroan's fur glistened as droplets from the mist settled on his sleek coat, while Kevin felt a gentle spray against his face, invigorating his senses.

"Nature never ceases to amaze," whispered Aroan, his voice carrying a sense of wonder.

Kevin nodded in agreement, his eyes fixed on the cascading waters. "Indeed, Aroan. It's moments like these that remind us of the vastness and grandeur of the world we inhabit."

They stood there for a while, allowing the sights and sounds to wash over them, imprinting the memory of this breathtaking scene deep within their hearts. It was a moment of reflection, of connection with the untamed beauty that surrounded them.

With renewed determination, they continued their journey, leaving the clearing and venturing into the heart of the rainforest once more. The path beckoned them forward, winding through a tapestry of foliage, as the symphony of the forest continued to serenade their every step.

United in their purpose, Aroan and Kevin moved forward, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead in their search for the missing individuals. The rainforest, with its majestic trees, enchanting leaves, and awe-inspiring waterfalls, held the key to their quest. With each stride, they embraced the beauty of their surroundings, drawing strength from the wonders of nature as they pressed on, determined to bring hope and reunite those who had been lost.

As Aroan and Kevin ventured deeper into the rainforest, the air wrapped around them like a comforting embrace, carrying the earthy scent of damp moss and the sweet aroma of blooming flowers. The vibrant green canopy above filtered the sunlight, casting mesmerizing patterns on the forest floor, as if painting a masterpiece with nature's brushstrokes.

Their senses became heightened, attuned to the symphony of sounds that enveloped them. The gentle rustling of leaves reached their ears, whispering secrets on a soft breeze. Gradually, the whispers grew louder, their urgency echoing the rhythmic movement of a predator lurking in the depths of the sea, creating a sense of anticipation and caution.

Their heartbeats quickened, and their hands instinctively tightened around the hilt of their swords, finding solace in the cool touch of the metal. Each fiber of their beings braced for the unknown challenges that lay ahead, their muscles taut with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Suddenly, the foliage parted in a flurry of motion, revealing a mesmerizing display of color and movement. Aroan and Kevin gasped in unison, their eyes widening in awe as they beheld the enchanting spectacle unfolding before them. Instead of a menacing threat, they were greeted by a whimsical dance of leaves, swirling and twirling like a flock of magical birds taking flight, infusing the air with a sense of wonder and delight.

Emerging from within this leafy vortex was a figure that stood tall, reaching an astonishing height of six and a half feet. Clad in a bunny-themed magical fighter outfit, the child named Timmy appeared as a vision of innocence and charm. Soft, plush blue ears adorned their head, adding an endearing touch to their overall appearance. Aroan and Kevin found themselves momentarily rendered speechless, their swords hanging idly by their sides, forgotten in the presence of this enchanting being.

A wide-eyed grin spread across Timmy's face, their laughter bubbling forth like a joyous melody. With each step Timmy took, the forest floor seemed to come alive beneath their feet, as if celebrating their very presence. The symphony of crunching leaves and twigs created a rhythmic accompaniment to their movements, adding a harmonious touch to the immersive experience. Timmy's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and curiosity, mirroring the wondrous world that enveloped them all.

"Oh my gosh, h-hi!" Timmy's voice chimed, a delightful blend of innocence and enthusiasm. The words carried a musical lilt, as if each syllable effortlessly danced on the air. Timmy took confident strides forward, their light footsteps brushing against the forest floor, stirring up tiny eddies of fallen leaves. Their gaze, filled with marvel and wonder, locked onto Aroan and Kevin. "I'm Timmy, and I'm a hero too! I've come to save my own world. It's so amazing to see humans for once, and you don't seem threatening at all!"

Aroan blinked, his brows furrowing in confusion. The sensory overload left him momentarily overwhelmed, unsure of how to process this unexpected encounter. Meanwhile, Kevin couldn't help but be charmed by the whimsical nature of Timmy's words. A soft chuckle escaped his lips, harmonizing with the ambient sounds of the forest, as if nature itself joined in the moment. Breaking the momentary silence, Kevin's voice was gentle yet filled with curiosity as he knelt down, aligning his gaze with that of the child's.

"Um, Timmy, where are your parents?" Kevin inquired, a faint smile gracing his lips, appreciating the beauty of this unique connection they had stumbled upon.