
The Hidden Dragon Only I Can Enter Fan Fiction

Aroan and Kevin, skilled warriors proficient in both swordsmanship and marksmanship, embark on a journey to uphold justice. Their quest takes them deep into the heart of a dense rainforest, as they seek crucial information regarding the whereabouts of Ellna Stongs, a notorious former teacher. Ellna is rumored to have once been a formidable assassin in her prime, and the duo intends to locate and interrogate one of her former students, Noir Starida, a talented swordsman from the academy. Their ultimate goal is to extract from Noir details about Ellna's criminal activities during her time at the academy, with the intention of bringing her to justice. However, as Aroan and Kevin approach the critical juncture where truth and deception collide, their plans take an unexpected turn. The situation unfolds in a manner far different from what they had meticulously anticipated.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


As Aroan struggled beneath Ellna's weight, she shifted her gaze towards Kevin. There was an almost palpable sense of empathy, as if she could feel the turmoil and unease radiating from him. The room seemed to vibrate with tension, the air thick with anticipation and fear for Aroan's well-being.

A small, knowing smile played upon Ellna's lips as she recognized the impact of her manipulations. She reveled in her ability to twist the situation to her advantage, finding a strange satisfaction in the unfolding chaos.

Her attention snapped back to the present as Ellna made calculated moves to tighten her hold over Aroan. With a subtle and deliberate motion, she adjusted her position, her hips swaying in a rhythm that seemed to hold significance for her. Aroan's face grazed against the surface beneath him, his feet struggling to find stable ground. His words emerged muffled, his hands desperately searching for an escape from the embarrassment of the situation.

"You don't seem to be putting up much resistance, Aroan," Ellna's voice dripped with dark amusement. "Tell me, what crimes am I being arrested for?"

Aroan's desperation was palpable in his voice as he pleaded, "Please, get off." Confusion and desire mingled within him, an internal conflict he couldn't control. This unexpected turn of events left him grasping for solid footing, desperately seeking a way to extricate himself from the predicament. Ellna relaxed her grip on Aroan's hands, allowing them to fall limply to his sides, the soft grass providing a cushion for his palms.

"If you promise to cease your struggling and refrain from making any sudden movements, I shall grant you the freedom to rise from beneath me," Ellna taunts Aroan, her voice carrying a calm amusement.

"However, should you refuse to comply with these terms, I believe the pressure I can exert will be sufficient to ensure your agreement," she continues, the implicit threat evident in her tone and the confident expression on her face. With a subtle shift of her weight, Ellna applies a touch more pressure to Aroan's face, causing his voice to be muffled, his breathing growing rapid, and warmth spreading through his trembling limbs.

Aroan's voice trembles slightly as he responds, his words laced with a mix of compliance and unease. "I... I promise," he stammers, his eyes flickering with a hint of resignation. The weight of the situation, coupled with the implied threat, leaves him with little choice but to submit to Ellna's terms.

As he utters those words, Aroan's body relaxes, his muscles releasing the tension that had gripped them moments ago. His hands slowly withdraw from their futile attempts to free himself, surrendering to the control Ellna holds over him. Though a part of him resents the loss of agency, he recognizes that resistance would only lead to further consequences.

Ellna observes the mingled emotions in Aroan's gaze and hears the wavering tone of his voice as he succumbs to her power over him. A flicker of satisfaction dances within Ellna as she realizes that her actions have achieved the desired effect.

She gradually releases the pressure she had been exerting, easing the weight from Aroan's face in a slow and smooth motion, allowing him to regain his balance.

"Good boy, well done," Ellna utters, her voice carrying an undertone that hints at praise. A nervous chuckle escapes Aroan as he scratches his head, his heart racing and his flustered demeanor evident. His face feels warm and slightly flushed, its usual roundness accentuated. Kevin narrows his eyes at Aroan, sensing his friend's potential anger towards him for not intervening, even though they both acknowledge Ellna's crimes and the need for accountability. The unexpected turn of events catches them off guard.

Ellna walks up to Aroan, her hands extended towards him. "I'll release you if you hand over all the evidence of my wrongdoings," Ellna demands, her hands gesturing up and down. Aroan's eyes widen at her request, but he obeys, reaching into his backpack and retrieving her other swordman barrel equipment, placing it on the grass before her. "Hey, Aroan, don't do it! She needs to be held accountable!" Kevin interjects, his voice filled with a sense of justice as he tries to snap his friend out of his trance-like state. Ellna taunts Kevin, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Or you can have what Aroan got," she teases, causing Kevin to gulp and fidget with his fingers. "N-no, I don't," Kevin whispers, his voice barely audible.

Ellna takes hold of the additional evidence she receives, her fingers tracing over its surface as she relishes in the tangible proof of her wrongdoings. She keenly observes Kevin's internal struggle, sensing his hesitation, concern for his friend, and fear of becoming the next victim. A twisted amusement flickers in Ellna's eyes as she scoffs, reveling in the effects of her taunting comment.

The weight of Ellna's threat catches Kevin off guard, his senses heightened by the implications it holds. He realizes that resistance would be futile, and instead, he chooses self-preservation, making a calculated decision to comply with Ellna's demands.

"You have done well in gathering the evidence and holding me accountable. I shall reward you," Ellna addresses Aroan, her voice carrying a slight hint of empathy. She swiftly tucks the evidence away into her backpack, slinging it over her shoulders, concealing its contents. Aroan, unable to contain his curiosity, eagerly asks, "Oh, a gift? Can I see it now?" Ellna hushes Aroan, placing a finger over his lips. "Yes, but first, you must agree to become my students at the academy. You both possess great strength as warriors, and we would love to have you there," Ellna says in a seductive tone, causing Aroan to grow excited while Kevin bites his lip and nervously fidgets with his nails. "Please, take us in as your students," Aroan pleads, nodding his head in agreement.

A sly grin spreads across Ellna's face as she witnesses the flicker of excitement in Aroan's eyes and his wholehearted agreement to her proposal. The anticipation in his expression amuses her, and a sense of satisfaction washes over her for successfully manipulating him.

Ellna tilts her head, taking in the sight of the rain slowing down and eventually ceasing, revealing a vibrant blue sky. She observes Kevin's subtle nervous fidgeting and the hint of uncertainty in his demeanor. It's evident that he is deep in thought, contemplating something important.

When Aroan nods in agreement with her proposal, a victorious smirk tugs at the corners of Ellna's lips. "Good, then it is settled," she responds, maintaining the facade that conceals her true intentions. With a subtle gesture, she leads them away from the rainforest, guiding them towards a clearing. "I shall prepare the necessary paperwork for your admission," Ellna states, her voice carrying a tone of authority and determination.