
The Hidden City Master

In the realm of reality, the majority of men harbor various fantasies, with their yearnings often revolving around possessing extraordinary prowess, formidable fists, an abundance of beauties, and plentiful riches for an elegant existence. The protagonist of this tale, however, never indulges in such fantasies and leads a less than gallant life. Yet, by an unforeseen twist of fate, he encounters precisely what most men fantasize about. Moreover, the beauties he encounters surpass the dreams of many, albeit they prove to be far more challenging to conquer than imagined...

jojokria · Urban
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

053 Savior

These street vendors were unlicensed operators who set up their stalls in the evening, pushing tricycles with wooden boards loaded with dishes and various foods. They would place a few small tables and stools nearby, creating a simple outdoor dining setup.

Zhang Wei often ate late-night snacks at these street vendors, particularly favoring the stall run by a female vendor. Over time, he became familiar with her. He knew her surname was Xu and usually called her Sister Xu.

Sister Xu was around 40 years old, thin, with a somewhat yellowish complexion that made her look a bit unwell. However, her facial features were quite delicate and she had a refined appearance. She must have been quite beautiful in her youth. Unlike other vendors, she wasn't vulgar. When Zhang Wei came for late-night snacks, she always smiled and spoke gently, giving off a well-mannered impression.

At this moment, Sister Xu's stall was empty of customers. Perhaps her sickly appearance deterred people, and her business was usually not very good. Zhang Wei, feeling a natural inclination to help the weak, often chose to eat at her stall because of this.

Seeing Zhang Wei approach, Sister Xu smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, I haven't seen you for a couple of days. What would you like to eat tonight?"

"The usual: stir-fried rice noodles with egg, green pepper pork ears, braised fish, and a bottle of Snow Beer." Zhang Wei sat at a low table and lit a cigarette.

Sister Xu smiled and agreed, first bringing the beer to Zhang Wei's table before deftly lighting the stove on her tricycle and heating up the oil in the pan.

In no time, the dishes were ready. Sister Xu's cooking was simple but perfectly seasoned and very tasty.

After eating a bit and drinking a couple of sips of beer, Zhang Wei noticed Sister Xu cleaning up the tableware and asked, "Sister Xu, why are you packing up so early?"

Sister Xu sighed lightly, "I heard there's going to be a big health inspection in the next couple of days, so I need to pack up early to avoid fines."

Zhang Wei nodded and didn't ask further, knowing that unlicensed street vendors were always wary of such inspections.

Just then, a clear and sweet voice called out from behind, "Mom..." The voice sounded young and pleasant.

Zhang Wei's heart skipped a beat as he heard Sister Xu reply softly, "Qianqian, didn't I tell you not to come down here? Why are you here?"

"I finished my homework early. Mom, you said you were closing early, so I came to help."

"You little rascal... Well, since you're here, help me pack up those two empty tables." Sister Xu's tone was full of affection.

Hearing this, Zhang Wei didn't need to turn around. He recognized the voice as that of Xu Qianqian, who had once been a hostage alongside him.

As Xu Qianqian was packing up the tables, she glanced at Zhang Wei and froze for a moment before exclaiming, "Ah, Uncle, it's Uncle Zhang!" Her face was still rosy and beautiful, her eyes filled with joy.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly and said, "Little girl, we meet again..." He was genuinely happy to see her, noting that her school uniform looked new. It seemed that Old Wang from the National Security Bureau had been quite efficient.

Sister Xu, seeing that her daughter knew Zhang Wei, was slightly surprised and asked, "Qianqian, how do you know Xiao Zhang?"

Xu Qianqian excitedly said, "Mom, this is the Uncle Zhang I told you about. Oh, last night, Uncle Zhang saved me! He's amazing. If it weren't for him, I might not have seen you again..." She rambled on, her bright eyes filled with admiration as she looked at Zhang Wei.

"Really? It was... it was Xiao Zhang who saved you?" Sister Xu was initially taken aback and looked at Zhang Wei, but soon her eyes filled with excitement. "How can I thank you enough for saving my daughter? I... I don't even know how to express my gratitude. Thank you... thank you so much for saving her."

Zhang Wei quickly said, "Sister Xu, please don't say that. I was just there at the right time... as long as everyone is safe, there's no need to mention it."

"No, that's not right..." Sister Xu fidgeted, seemingly unable to find a way to show her gratitude.

She then hastily relit the stove and said, "Xiao Zhang, let me cook a few more dishes for you. It's on me. From now on, all your meals here are on the house."

Zhang Wei felt a headache coming on and quickly stood up. "Sister Xu, please don't. You're making me feel embarrassed..." He felt genuinely embarrassed, stepping forward to turn off the stove. "Sister Xu, if you cook more, I won't be able to eat it all. Let's not waste anything... I still need to pay for tonight's food and drink. If you insist on not taking my money, I won't dare come here anymore."

Zhang Wei sighed inwardly, realizing how difficult their financial situation must be. Operating a night stall hardly made much money, and if she didn't take his payment, it would only make things harder for them.

Sister Xu quickly said, "How can I take money from my daughter's savior? That would make me feel guilty. How about this... tomorrow, I won't set up my stall. Please come to our home for a meal. Zhang... no, Mr. Zhang, please come to our home and let me properly thank you."

At this point, Xu Qianqian chimed in, "Uncle Zhang, please agree. If you don't, my mom won't be able to sleep tonight. She's always afraid of owing people favors. We live just behind Century Garden, very close..."

Seeing the hopeful looks on their faces, Zhang Wei couldn't refuse. He sighed inwardly and smiled. "Alright, I'll come to your home tomorrow evening. But, Sister Xu, let's keep it simple. We're all friends, no need for anything too elaborate."

Both mother and daughter were visibly pleased. Xu Qianqian, in her excitement, suddenly blushed and hurriedly went to move the empty tables. Sister Xu began mentally planning the menu for tomorrow. There had to be crabs, even if they weren't in season, and seafood, since Zhang Wei always ordered it at the stall.

Just then, a white van turned the corner of the street, followed by another. The vans seemed to be moving slowly at first, but as they approached the stall, they suddenly accelerated! They sped directly towards the stall.

Zhang Wei's reflexes were quick. Seeing the danger, he immediately pulled Sister Xu aside, stepping back from the stall.

It was a close call. The driver's skill was exceptional. Just as the van was about to hit the stall, the driver swerved sharply to the side. The screeching sound of tires echoed as the van made a swift, controlled slide and came to a halt next to the stall.