
The Hidden City Master

In the realm of reality, the majority of men harbor various fantasies, with their yearnings often revolving around possessing extraordinary prowess, formidable fists, an abundance of beauties, and plentiful riches for an elegant existence. The protagonist of this tale, however, never indulges in such fantasies and leads a less than gallant life. Yet, by an unforeseen twist of fate, he encounters precisely what most men fantasize about. Moreover, the beauties he encounters surpass the dreams of many, albeit they prove to be far more challenging to conquer than imagined...

jojokria · Urban
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59 Chs

023 Scenery under the skirt

Zhang Wei exhibited considerable dexterity with Western tableware, though his dining etiquette was lacking refinement. With a flurry of knife and fork in the plate, a small piece of steak vanished into his stomach in no time. Meanwhile, Aunt Zhuang savored her meal with grace, chewing slowly and occasionally sipping juice. At this rate, it would likely take her another half an hour to finish her meal.

The restaurant was smoke-free, leaving Zhang Wei, accustomed to enjoying a post-meal cigarette, feeling uneasy. He apologized to Aunt Zhuang and excused himself from the table.

Without a balcony outside the restaurant, smoking seemed confined to the restroom area. As Zhang Wei made his way to the restroom, he stole a glance at Wen Kexin and Mr. Chen's table. Mr. Chen was being overly attentive to Wen Kexin, who wore a faint smile and listened quietly, though the exquisite dishes on the table remained untouched.

Passing through a corridor flanked by private rooms, Zhang Wei arrived at the restroom. Leisurely leaning against the sink, he lit a cigarette. As wisps of smoke curled around, the cigarette quickly burned down.

Perhaps it was time to leave? Zhang Wei sighed softly. Today, he had indulged in a spa session, feeling rejuvenated. Moreover, with Wen Kexin treating him to dinner, he believed she no longer owed him anything, settling any lingering debts. Yet, her extraordinary beauty had sparked some improper thoughts in Zhang Wei's mind. Deep down, he wished to spend more time with her, but he was aware of their disparate social statuses. Pursuing romantic notions with someone like Wen Kexin, born into wealth, was impractical, not to mention his prior meddling had already incurred her displeasure, and Aunt Zhuang's indifference suggested there was no need to linger further.

Deciding to bid an early farewell, Zhang Wei regarded his chance encounter with Wen Kexin as a fleeting episode in life. Tossing the cigarette butt into a nearby trash can, he headed back towards the restaurant.

As he approached the corridor exit, a figure suddenly appeared before him, accompanied by a waft of fragrance. The figure charged directly at him. Reacting swiftly, Zhang Wei sidestepped, catching a glimpse of a graceful lady. With a soft cry, they brushed past each other. Instinctively raising his hands, Zhang Wei felt a round, nondescript object hurtling towards him.

Without hesitation, Zhang Wei blocked it, the force accompanied by a cry. With a loud "snap," the object rebounded onto the lady's face, splattering red and white viscous substance. Had Zhang Wei not swiftly retreated, he would have been affected too.

Now, Zhang Wei could clearly see the mess on the lady's face—a cake, a birthday cake.

The corridor was filled with the aroma of cream as the lady stood frozen in shock. Zhang Wei's forceful block had left her dazed. Moreover, her face and head were covered in a messy mixture of cream and cake, rendering her expression unreadable.

Despite her disheveled appearance, the lady's fashionable attire accentuated her alluring figure. Her light green dress hugged her delicate frame, revealing slender legs beneath. Paired with stylish light green open-toed high heels, the creamy mess gave her an oddly sensual allure. Clearly, she was a young woman who cared about her appearance, but now, her smeared face and disheveled appearance betrayed her frustration.

"Apologies, my apologies..." Despite not being at fault, Zhang Wei maintained his composure and quickly apologized.

His apology immediately elicited a reaction from the stunned lady, who erupted in anger.

"You scoundrel!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with resentment.

The lady's fiery response, combined with her aggressive stance, was met with surprise by Zhang Wei. He had merely attempted to defuse the situation, but the woman seemed intent on shifting blame onto him.

"Oh, I was walking slowly, while you were rushing, so it was you who bumped into me. Please don't get it wrong. Besides, you were at fault first, yet I was the one who apologized first." Zhang Wei spoke slowly and calmly, stating the facts plainly.

His factual statement only served to fuel the lady's anger further. "You, are you even a man? You bumped into me and yet have the audacity to justify yourself. Do you think an apology is enough? I refuse to accept it!" Her face, covered in cake and cream, took on a grotesque appearance.

"Regardless of who bumped into whom, it was a mere accident. At most, I can buy you a cake and have your dress sent to the dry cleaners. Moreover, I've already apologized, haven't I?" Zhang Wei's tone remained calm as he sought to resolve the situation.

The woman's refusal to let the matter rest only irked Zhang Wei further. Finding her stubbornness pointless, he looked at the waiter standing behind her and said, "I believe she'll be fine after cleaning up. Please restrain her. I'd rather not have a scene here, disturbing the restaurant's pleasant atmosphere." With that, Zhang Wei emptied his pockets, producing only a few tens of yuan, which he handed to the waiter. "Here's the money for the cake. It's all I have on me." With a dismissive glance at the enraged woman, he left the corridor.

"Let me go! I won't let that scoundrel get away!" the woman's voice echoed behind him, filled with rage.

"...Miss Shen, please calm down. You should wash up first..." The waiter's voice was low as he attempted to pacify her.

Behind him, there was a commotion of struggling and cursing. It seemed the woman was unwilling to let the matter go. Zhang Wei shook his head, thinking, Was it my fault? I don't think so.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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