
The Hidden Card

Jin is living in a remoted town with his grandparents. He help them with their small farm. He knows nothing about notes, music, or songs composition. He hates numbers and computing them brakes his head and a few words to be read makes him sleep? the only thing he are sure and confident is his looks are too good to be true. He woke up one day to be the young successor of the number one leading company of the Entertainment industry. Can he manage the business? or will it all go down the drain?

Purple_ARMY · Music & Bands
Not enough ratings
69 Chs


Yoo P.O.V.

"You will work for me."

The old aunt told me.

"Okay." I am used to work.. I got a lot of partime jobs before, this is easy.

I am in a small restaurant of the town.

The old lady led me inside the kitchen.

"Do the dishes."

He pointed the big pile of plates beside the sink.


She left me and I started to work.

I finish it emidiatelly.

"Ma'am I'm done."

I called the old lady outside.

I can speak basic english..

Now I feel thankful about my English teacher before.

"Very good, you work fast."

She let me to the other room and made me cut and slice so.e of her ingriedients.

I finish it quickly too.

I can feel hunger now.

"Did you eat already?" she asked.

"No." I touched my stomach to show her I'm hungry.

"okay, Sit down first. I'll give you food."

"Really?" I smiled widely. She is so kind.

"Yes, wait there."

I was left alone.

Few minuted had pass and she brought a lot of foods on my table.

"Thank you very much!" She just smiled.

I remember the other members.. How are they? Have they eaten yet? Did they got a kind employer too?

I slowly chew my food.

I feel like I am betraying them.. I want to share this foods to them.