
The Hexa-Blooded Prodigy

The world of Arachia has people with multiple blood-essences in them. The three major ones being Dragon, Phoenix and Lion. Each Blood signature gives the person a specific trait or ability. Although rare, after years of breeding between people of different bloods, there were now cases of people with more than one prominent Blood signature having multiple abilities. Rio, who lives with his Grandma Marge on the Island of Endings with three other old men and woman, doesn't know what the future holds for him.

therahulbhagat · Fantasy
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2 Chs

2 - The Island of Endings

"Took you guys long enough huh?" asked Phoenia while sitting on a Pale blue mat by a gigantic old tree with a trunk that looks like its made of thousands of smaller branches smooshed together. Leonard was waiting by the tree, standing and observing the star filled sky.

"Sorry, I put Rio to bed just now." replied Marge.

Dromov opened the bottle of mead and started pouring it for everyone.

"So, you will be going to Otherland tomorrow? You know, to bring back that thing you mentioned?" asked Phoenia.

"I do not want to leave Rio alone and go, but I have to. My Masters would want Rio to have that gift when he comes of age, so I better bring that back here." said Marge with a sad face.

"Do not worry, I will accompany you tomorrow. I might look old, but I am still stronger than the current King of Leonia. No one will touch you while I am there and we will return by evening." said Leonard in a cheeky voice.

Phoena sighed with exasperation at Leonard.

" Really? But what about the training you do every morning?" asked Marge worriedly.

"Its okay. I will do that training at night, after we return, so do not worry about the small things." assured Leonard before taking a huge chug of the mead that Dromov had poured.

"Well, that settles it then, tomorrow me and Phoenia will look after Rio until you guys return. Right Phoenia?" asked Dromov in a stubborn voice.

"Do not make plans for me yourself you old bag. But yes, we will look after him Marge. Don't you worry." said Phoenia turning to Marge with a smile halfway.

"Thank you. That relieves me a bit." replied Marge.

"Okay, so now that everything is settled, lets drink up!" exclaimed Dromov.

Everyone raised their glasses, as if it was an annoying but mandatory ritual that they followed whenever Dromov raised a toast, and then started drinking.

The next day.

"Rio, do not worry Grandpa Dromov and Granny Phoenia, Okay? Be a good boy and listen to them. I'll return by evening." instructed Marge to Rio.

"Yes Grandma. Can I watch Grandpa Dromov train today then? Please please please?" begged Rio.

Marge never allowed Rio to witness the powers of the Blood before because she thought he is too young for these things, but today Marge agreed. If it meant she could leave the Island with out any worries, then why not?

"Okay. But do not get in his way." said Marge.

"Okay!" replied Rio excitingly.

Marge and Leonard left the Island to set towards their destination which was 13 kilometres south of the Island of Endings.

Rio, waited patiently for Dromov to come to his house to pick him up. He couldn't contain his excitement because today was the day he would finally be able to witness about the powers he had heard in the stories.

Dromov and Phoenia came by after about 10 minutes.

"Okay, you go and train first. I'll look after Rio till then. After you're done, we will switch and I'll go to train then. Agreed?" explained Phoenia.

" Okay that works I guess. But let me meet Rio first. I want to say hi!" replied Dromov.

"Hey Rio! Where are you, you funny little rat?" exclaimed Dromov as he entered Marge's house.

"Grandpa Dromov!" exclaimed Rio as he ran towards Dromov.

"Listen to this. Grandma agreed to let me see you train today!" said Rio in a high voice.

"Wait, for real? She never agreed before. Are you really saying the truth?" inquired Dromov.

"He is 5. You know Rio never lies." interrupted Phoenia. "Go on then. Sigh. Make sure he is safe, and returns in one piece, or Marge will kill you before I do." threatened Phoenia.

"Yes, yes. So scary." muttered Dromov.

"Lets go then Rio. I'll show you the might of the great Dromov today." laughed out Dromov.

Dromov's training area.

The top of a small hill, with hard and huge rocks, all over a big clearing. In the background, stand tall and thick trees with luscious green tops.

"What will you be training today Grandpa?" asked Rio.

"Do you know about the blood powers Rio?" asked Dromov.

"Yes, but only a bit. Only through grandma Marge's stories." said Rio.

"Okay then. You might not understand all of it but I'll try explaining it anyway, now that you are here."

"The major three blood races right now - Dragon, Phoenix and Lion, all have different kind of powers, although they are connected by the fact that all of them have blood essence as their source of power.

The Phoenix race produces excellent Mages that do spells - Attack, Defence and Support types. The Lion race produces excellent Weapons experts - Sword Masters, Spear Masters, etc. due to the powerful Physical boosting spells that they have.

And finally, the Dragon race, my race, is somewhere between the middle. We do a little bit of both and produce Magical weapons experts, that use mage spells on our weapons along with some basic physical boosting. Phoenix bloods are mostly Long-ranged fighters in general. Lion bloods are close-ranged warriors. Dragon bloods have a lot of variation and it depends on the individual....um.....sorry I got too ahead of myself. This is obviously too much for you to soak in now." said Dromov embarrassed.

"Ummm I think I get it a little." said Rio with his eyes closed and thinking hard.

"Ha ha .... Do not worry. You still have a lot of time, you're young. So today, I'll train to use as many Physical boosting and Weapon strengthing spells at the same time." explained Dromov.

"Hmmm...." muttered Rio, still confused.

Dromov took the sword out of the sheath on his hips and started concentrating, and slowly the air around him seemed to vibrate. Gradually, the sword started glowing orange and then bright yellow.

Dromov, swiftly in a single movement, raised his sword and cut the air down infront of him. A huge gush of wind pushed Rio back a little.

Dromov then loosened up to check on Rio. Rio stood there, with his eyes wide open in awe and excitement.

"Wooaahh...that was awesome grandpa!" exclaimed Rio.

"Huhuhu....see, your Grandpa Dromov is not a weakling." said Dromov with pride.

"I wonder if I can do it too?" asked Rio.

"Ha ha ha.....It will take years before you can even do the weapon strengthening alone, and thats the easiest step. To use your blood essence and pull in the energy from the surrounding into your sword takes years of practice." explained Dromov haughtily.

"Hmmm I think I understand the process. Let me try with this." said Rio while he picked up a small twig. Rio closed his eyes trying to concentrate, raised his twig in the air and slashed down the air.

The movement was not perfect like Dromov, nor was it refined or smooth in any sort of way, but the moment the twig hit the ground after Rio accidentally let go of it midway the ground split into two, and there was a 2 metre long slash mark on the ground.

Dromov could not believe his eyes. He stood there in awe and muttered "You have got to be kidding me!"