
The Heroine Has Gone Crazy

Mila's life was perfect in every single way—she had a supportive family, wealth, and even a high stage of her career. However, all of this was shattered on a fateful day as her figure fell down from the stairs, died, and left this life behind. Still in a confused state, she wakes up in an unfamiliar place and later finds out she possesses a different body than she was used to. The appearance she now possessed might be that of a goddess compared to her own, but the life they lived had a significant difference: one was living a life of solace while the other was living in hell. Now that Mila possesses the body, she has to experience a life that is completely different from her own. In her previous world, she was wearing high-quality clothes; now she is wearing the rugged clothes of a laundry maid. Living in a world where cruelness is breaming on the majority under a kind facade, will Mila be able to adapt and survive in this harsh reality, or will she be consumed by the darkness that surrounds her? Warning: The cover is not mine. I got it from Pinterest.

cute_lady_Jean · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

Chapter 23: Harsh Situation

Mila and Clara, their bodies now limp and battered, remained on their knees, their chained hands providing the only support to prevent them from collapsing completely. The once defiant spirits had been subdued by the relentless whipping, and the courtyard that bore witness to their suffering was now gradually emptying.

The crowd of servants, who had watched the punishment unfold with a mixture of morbid curiosity and concern, dispersed quietly, returning to their respective tasks. The air carried a heavy silence, punctuated only by the occasional whimper from Mila and the labored breaths of Clara.

The dispersing servants avoided eye contact with each other, each carrying the weight of the grim spectacle they had witnessed. Some exchanged furtive glances, while others cast downward gazes, wrestling with their own thoughts and emotions in the aftermath of the brutal punishment.

As the courtyard emptied, the guards, no longer under the scrutiny of an audience, displayed a cold indifference. They unchained Mila and Clara, allowing their weakened bodies to slump to the ground. The pain etched on their faces was a stark testament to the cruelty of the punishment they had endured.

Mila and Clara, though physically broken, clung to each other for support. Their chained hands remained intertwined, a symbol of the unbroken bond that transcended the physical torment inflicted upon them. The courtyard, now devoid of spectators, became a solemn space marked by the echoes of their suffering.

The guards, having fulfilled their duty, retreated without a word, leaving Mila and Clara alone in the aftermath of their ordeal. The distant sounds of the estate slowly seeped back into the courtyard, a stark contrast to the eerie silence that had dominated during the punishment.

Mila, gasping for breath, turned to Clara with tear-streaked eyes. "We survived," she whispered, her voice a fragile echo of the defiance that had sustained them through the torment.

Clara, still bearing the pain with stoic determination, nodded weakly. "We may be physically broken, but our spirits endure. They can't take that away from us."

Slowly, with great effort, Mila and Clara rose from the ground. Their bodies trembled, weakened by the harsh punishment, but their resilience persevered. As they supported each other, they cast one last glance at the courtyard, which had transformed into a battlefield of suffering.

With a shared determination, Mila and Clara limped away from the scene, leaving the courtyard behind. The estate, though seemingly unchanged on the surface, bore the invisible scars of an unjust and brutal judgment that had unfolded within its walls.

Mila and Clara, their bodies aching and their movements laboring, slowly made their way back to their shared room. Each step was a struggle, and the journey through the estate felt like navigating a maze of silent judgment. The whispers of pain still echoed in their ears, a cruel reminder of the ordeal they had endured in the courtyard.

As they limped through the hallways, they encountered fellow servants going about their tasks. The atmosphere was palpably different; a mixture of discomfort and avoidance hung in the air. Some servants, upon seeing Mila and Clara, simply averted their gazes, pretending not to notice the battered duo in their midst. Their eyes were filled with a mix of guilt and fear, reflecting the unspoken acknowledgment of the injustice that had unfolded.

Others lowered their heads, unable to meet Mila and Clara's eyes. The weight of complicity bore down on them, and the act of ignoring the suffering duo became a way to cope with their own discomfort. The once-familiar faces now seemed like strangers in a world tainted by cruelty and indifference.

Mila and Clara, resilient despite their physical pain, pressed on through the gauntlet of silent judgment. The solidarity they had once shared with their fellow servants now felt shattered, replaced by an uncomfortable distance. The journey to their room became a test of endurance, not just of physical pain but of the emotional toll exacted by the harsh verdict imposed upon them.

In the midst of this silent procession, a few servants locked eyes with Mila and Clara, conveying a mixture of sympathy and powerlessness. These fleeting moments of connection were overshadowed by the overwhelming sense of isolation and betrayal that permeated the corridors.

Finally, they reached their room, the sanctuary that had witnessed their bond and now bore witness to their shared suffering. As they entered, the heavy door creaked shut behind them, muffling the distant sounds of the estate. The room, though familiar, felt different, as if the walls themselves held the echoes of their anguish.

Mila and Clara, left alone in the privacy of their room, collapsed onto the bed. The physical and emotional toll of the punishment weighed heavily on them. In the silence that followed, broken only by their ragged breaths, they clung to each other, finding solace in the shared understanding that transcended the isolation imposed by their fellow servants.

As Mila's body collided with the bed, a wave of exhaustion washed over her, pulling her into the depths of sleep. The physical and emotional toll of the punishment had taken its toll, and her consciousness succumbed to the darkness.

Hours later, Mila stirred, her eyes fluttering open to the dim light filtering through the room. The pain that greeted her awakening was a reminder of the brutal whipping they had endured. Every inch of her body ached, and the simple act of moving felt like a monumental task.

Beside her, Clara lay still, her form outlined by the faint glow in the room. Mila's gaze focused on her friend, intending to check on her well-being. However, as her senses gradually sharpened, Mila's concern shifted to surprise and then a hint of worry.

Clara's body emitted an unusual heat, and the rhythm of her breathing was heavy and erratic. Mila's brow furrowed in confusion. The room was not particularly warm, and Clara's condition seemed more intense than a mere fever.

Mila reached out to touch Clara's forehead, confirming the elevated temperature. Her worry deepened as she realized that Clara was burning up. Panic set in as she considered the possibility that the punishment had inflicted more than just physical wounds; perhaps it had triggered some internal reaction in Clara.

"Clara," Mila whispered, gently shaking her friend. "Wake up. Something's not right."

Clara groggily opened her eyes, the haze of sleep still lingering. Mila's concerned expression immediately caught her attention.

"What's wrong?" Clara mumbled, her voice weak and strained.

"You're burning up," Mila replied, her hand lingering on Clara's forehead. "It's not just the punishment. You might be sick."

Clara attempted to sit up, but a wave of dizziness forced her back down onto the bed. Mila, now fully alert, contemplated their next course of action.

"We need to get you some water and find help," Mila said, her worry etched across her face.

As Mila moved to stand, a twinge of pain shot through her body, a stark reminder of the punishment they had endured. She winced but pushed through, determined to attend to Clara's well-being.

The room, once a sanctuary, now felt like a battleground of suffering. Mila stumbled to the door, her movements slow and deliberate. She opened it cautiously, peering into the hallway. The estate, shrouded in the stillness of the night, seemed eerily calm.

Mila hesitated, torn between seeking help and attending to Clara. The distant sounds of the estate carried a haunting echo, a reminder of the world beyond their shared room. As she weighed her options, Clara's labored breathing underscored the urgency of the situation.

With a resolute breath, Mila stepped into the corridor, determined to find assistance and bring relief to her feverish friend. The night held a quiet tension, mirroring the silent struggle within the estate's walls.

Mila navigated the dimly lit hallway, her steps cautious yet purposeful. She reached the common area where water was accessible to the servants. Filling a small cup, she carefully balanced it as she made her way back to their room.

Upon returning, Mila found Clara still lying on the bed, her feverish state making even the simplest actions a challenge. Mila gently helped Clara sit up, propping her against the pillows. The cup of water trembled in Mila's hands as she offered it to Clara, but it became evident that Clara was in a hazy state, unable to coordinate the simple act of drinking.

Worry etched across her face, Mila contemplated her options. The urgency of the situation demanded a quick response. With a deep breath, Mila made a decision. She put some water in her mouth, set the cup aside, and gently cupped Clara's face with both hands.

"Clara, I need you to drink," Mila murmured softly, her eyes searching Clara's for any sign of comprehension.

Clara's gaze met Mila's, but her eyes were clouded with fever-induced confusion. Mila, undeterred, leaned closer, pressing her lips against Clara's and allowing a small stream of water to pass from her mouth to Clara's.

The unexpected act caught Clara by surprise, but the cool water provided relief against the fever raging within her. Mila, maintaining the intimate connection, repeated the process until Clara managed to swallow a sufficient amount.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Mila pulled back, her concern lingering in her gaze. "Better?" she asked, her voice a gentle reassurance.

Clara, though still weakened, nodded faintly. The shared moment had forged a connection beyond the physical, a testament to the depths of their bond.

However, the gravity of Clara's condition urged Mila to seek further help. Leaving Clara momentarily, Mila ventured into the estate once again. Determination fueled her steps as she navigated the familiar hallways, finally arriving at the door of Clara's lover.

She knocked urgently, the sound echoing through the silence of the night. After a tense moment, the door opened to reveal a tired and disheveled figure, Clara's lover, who had not been present during the earlier punishment.