

Akiol awakened with a start, taking a look around he found himself in a strange looking room. Their seemed to be many items that looked strange scattered around the place. As Akiol was holding one of the objects, a sudden pain forced its was through his head. Just as he was about scream from the pain, it stopped.

Akiol realized that he had memories that were not his own. Those of a 19 year old male named James. As it started to merge with his own memories, Akiol was soon able to name the objects in the room. The one he was holding was called a "Rubik's Cube".

Akiol left the room, which was his bedroom, and explored around the area. After all having memories tends to be a bit different from seeing it yourself. Akiol was in an apartment complex. Living off the money he obtained by suing his old job's company. After sitting down and intergrating the two memories he found out that the old owner of this body died from suffocation, due to him passing out and planting his face on a pillow.

Akiol felt mentally fatigued, so he decided to do the one thing anyone would do when feeling tired. He went to the bedroom and fell asleep.

Next chapter