
The Hero With Develish Skills

Follow Jack in his way to subdue demons using his devilish skills and ways. And see his tragic life and his way off perspective on his surroundings whether it is on people of any other creature.

DemuredWriter · Fantasy
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A Kind but Thick Headed Hero

Jack uses his sneak skill on the smoke screen he had made earlier and stab the monster behind his back this killing the monster with that hit.

"We did it Jack! We killed that Rank B monster with ease... but you killed it quite a evelish way" "are you really even a hero?" Amy followed

"Yeah that old man with a weird (the pope) hat said so, so yeah I was a hero! The one who will keep everybody safe and kill the demons!" proudly said by Jack

In a suburbs part of city of Besmirch (a city of kind hearted people) there was a kind but a tiny bit dumb boy who has a nice facial features. He always take care of the other even he is abused because of it. He often clean their place, place as in the whole town road! He help other people specially those old bitch who doesn't even give a appreciation about his kindness. Like that time when he carry an old man's bag up hill.

"let me help you carry your bag to the top of the stairs old sir" said by Jack while grabbing the loads of the old man with a smile in his face

the old man eagerly says "no! I was going down. stop!"

"don't worry about it sir this is like paper to me, I can carry these and even you to the top with an ease" Jack replied with a dumb smile

In a blink of an eye the Jack and the old man was at the top of the stairs.

"what the f***?! why you put me here the opposite of where I was going?" angrily said by the old man.

then the old man push Jack to fall down the stairs with all his might this hurting his back.

"You shouldn't shout at the one who helping you mister didn't you know that?" Jack whisper to himself while he is on the floor laying on the bottom ground of the very long cement staircase. Then Jack show an awkward smile and carry on.

Working in as a labor worker, Jack do almost everything like transporting heavy loads of farm vegetables and fruits, harbor goods to mainland, and chopping trees and mining, and many more work that his greedy foster father made him do to earn his stay at his house. His father always feed him little to nothing and always put his anger to him like that time when he mishear something and made a tiny mistake.

"Hey slave, make sure you make my very expensive suit cleaned and ironed by the night. I need it to attend a very important organization meeting" his foster father said with a intimidating tone

"Yes dad I'll do it right now." said by Jack with a positive tone and a smile

So Jack laundry the suit. Using a soap and brush it all away and make it very clean. so clean that the some color fade away. After that Jack hang it dry beside the fireplace. so dry that some parts easily cracked when he iron it straight. after the sun down his foster father come home with a shock but not for good ofcourse

"Dad here have this" Jack handed the tattered suit that looks like almost a rag to his father with an innocent smile

the foster father said thanks and wipe his shoes using the suit that's looks like a rag

"now where is my suit?"

Jack points it at the rag his father holding confused

"God Dammit slave! This tattered piece of cloth is actually my f***ing suit?! How the hell my suit become like this?!" his father furiously shouted

*Jack explain how he clean it so well, dry it so well and flatten it very well.

"F***!" his father yelled at him "after I buy you from that slave trader, give you proper meal and treat you like no other gang would do and this to me?!" "your food will be ten times lower than you currently have because of this f***ing mistake!" his father followed

And Jack stared at the wall thinking why he got yelled at even he do his task splendidly. That time there is a lot of mystery for Jack but his adventures isn't even starting.