
Ch. 3 The Heart


"Uh what?" I said in a daze. 

"Get your ass over here dumbass." Said the receptionist. 

I didn't really remember how or why I was here... who am I? 

I searched the deep corners of my thoughts... but nothing. 

"God, you wandering dipshits are just soooo wonderful to work with." The receptionist said annoyed at my dumbfounded look. 

"I'm just confused on who I am... No need to be a dick." I replied with a knowing smirk. Then it faded just as quick as it came... why did I say that? 

"Huh, interesting. You're retaining yourself. Not the first and definitely not the last. Anyway, step through this and you'll be reincarnated. Hurry up." 

"No wait, I have questions. Who am I? What-" 

"What am I? Am I a dumbass? Was I cool? No. I don't care, fuck off or go through." It interrupted me. 


"Head. Alright off you go then." With a flick of its wrist, I went flying backwards and landed amongst a group of wandering spirits. 

"Next!" I heard from the bitch. 

The next spirit went to the desk and after briefly telling it what to do it chose to go to the portal or something... it then disappeared and flew into the sky. After dusting my corporeal form off, I went off into the distance and sat down. Who was I? Why did I say those things? 

These questions weren't going to answer themselves... So, I had only one choice. 

I gave up. 

I leaned back and laid there.

I stared into the many stars that strung across the sky. I watched them dance, burn out, shoot across the sky... basically star stuff. 

After a while, I was completely lost in the stars... 

I didn't look away, move, or think. 

Then I felt it. 


It felt good. 


It felt like I was on the cusp of something... 

My spirit was rising away... I felt free... 


"Hey! You're floating away!" 

Then the magic was lost. 

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed, falling back down. 

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The spirit said apologetically. 

"Damn bitch! You scared the shit out of me." I replied with my being shaken. 

"How rude!" The spirit scowled. 

"I know, like damn knock or something." 

"Wha- Like where? There's no door!" 

"See that's your problem." 

"You're sitting out in the middle of nowhere!" 

"Well, it's somewhere to me can't believe you would insult my digs like that." 

"You were floating away! I was worried... for some reason?" the spirit said in a puzzled tone, as if struggling to recall the source of their concern. 

"Isn't that my problem?" I said annoyed by this interference. 

"I was hoping you had answers, like what is this place?" 

"If I knew, I wouldn't be here. Next." 

"Do you remember who you were? I... think I can remember? As soon as I do though... it slips through my fingers." 

"Ditto for me too." 

"Huh... well you were useless." 

"Damn are you related to the Receptionist?" 

"Uh no, why?" 

"Because you were just as bitchy as that thing too," I said, my laughter echoing through the spectral plane. 

"God you're such an asshole." The spirit sneered. 

"Takes one to know one," I replied with a relaxed tone, a hint of humor in my voice. 

"Mind if I sit here?" 

"Go for it." I lost nirvana, but I made a new acquaintance in the spectral plane. 

Dang. Life sucks... or Spirit life?

Well that was three chapter done over the course of like 2 weeks. I get most of my ideas while talking to myself. So there's that.

Forgott3n_H3rocreators' thoughts