
The Hero or The Villain: The Bizarre Journey of The Blunt Guy

Bored with his life of doing the same things every day, Satoshi seeks excitement in his life. His pursuit does not end well for him and he finds himself in the presence of Aurora, the goddess of rebirth. Satoshi, who is not even aware that he is dead, when this self righteous goddess Aurora mocks him and explains the situation, he accepts his death. Satoshi has lived such an idle life that he deserves neither heaven nor hell. Aurora tells him to be grateful for giving him a second chance. Satoshi was shocked to see how absurd the afterlife was and decided to do whatever was on his mind... Satoshi's reckless actions annoyed Aurora and instead of giving him a chance to be reborn, she sent him with his powerless body to a fantasy universe. Originally the reason he is given a second chance is because he must do good deeds and deserve heaven, but even the goddess who judges him after his death is no better than a slut for Satoshi, so he can't even take death seriously anymore. And now he does and says whatever comes to his mind. Will his actions make him a good person or will he turn into a Villain over time? Brief notes : +It's a parody isekai +mc is a blunt and reckless guy. +The story won't be all about the mc, the stories of different characters will be explored little by little for the lore. +Except for the first chapter, the other chapters will be between 1000-1500 words.

LemonTheFirst · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 8 : Sven and His Crazy Daughter

After Satoshi fainted, Rosie reached her hand forward, her green eyes glowed for a second, and a wand appeared in her hand.

The wand was almost the same height as Rosie, it had a large green jewel at the top center and a red jewel at the bottom right of the large jewel and small white jewel at the bottom left.

Rosie pointed the wand at Satoshi's body lying on the ground and the white gem in the wand began to shine. Then Satoshi started to float in the air.

"I'm going to the tavern, Grandma, is there anything you want?" 

Her grandmother, with one eye closed again,

"Get me something to drink and give that maniac a good beating when he wakes up."


Rosie smiled and said "Don't worry I have better plans for him. Besides you need to stop drinking this early." 

Her grandmother seemed a little annoyed ,

"Huh, look at the one who's giving advice!"

Rosie giggled and headed towards the tavern. After she arrived at the tavern, she headed for the stairs to go upstairs but her father saw her downstairs and shouted.

"Hey my sweet little princess, who's that boy floating next to you?"

 At that time, Satoshi's face was not visible because his hair was covering his face.

"This is Satoshi, he scared of you this morning and ran away, remember?''

her father immediately made up an excuse,

''I-I don't think he scared of me! he said he ran away from the forest. If he was talking about the forest in the north, he was probably traumatized by hallucinations of the monsters and didn't trust us''

Rosie said, ''Are you talking about the Zylthorn forest, there's no way he could have survived there! His mana level was only one''

Her father laughed,

''Do not forget! The most important requirement for fighting hallucinations is mental strength, not mana''

Rosie rolled her eyes,

''Sure, sure, whatever you say... Anyway, I'm taking him to my room''

Her father startled and said, "Your room?!?"

Rosie giggled and said,

''Yes, don't worry! I was just testing my new poison as usual but he fainted so I need to heal him''

Her father relieved and sighed, "I told you not to try that stuff on the people we help.''

Rosie in an arrogant tone "Yes, but they have to pay their debts somehow, don't they?''

As Rosie went upstairs her father yelled "Don't stay in your room too long! I need help downstairs.''

Rosie yelled back, "Okaaaay!!''

Rosie went into her room, laid Satoshi down on the large table. When she let go of the wand, it disappeared. Then she took out the antidote that she had taken with her before.

After opening the lid of the antidote, she created a white beam of light in her hand. This beam of light made the liquid in the bottle float and put it into Satoshi's mouth.

After she made sure he swallowed it, she sat and observed for a while. Then she heard her father's voice calling from downstairs 

"Hey Rosie, aren't you done yet?! What are you still doing in the room with that boy, come down and help me''

Rosie sighed, "Coming!''

She moved Satoshi to his room, put him in bed and went downstairs.

*A few hours passed*


Man, let me wake up normally for once, I'm sick of passing out and dying…

My vision was a little blurry as I slowly open my eyes. There was the silhouette of a big man in front of me. 

Am I fucking dead again?!? 

I straightened up in fear and shook my head quickly from side to side and when my vision cleared a little more I realized that this was not the man I had seen the day I died, but the owner of the tavern...

When I think about it. I just realized, I can't believe I spanked the Grim Reaper's ass.

The tavern owner started talking to me,

''Ho ho ho ho, you finally awake!''

Are you really laughing like that? Are you Santa Claus or something? Never mind that, Man… I hope I don't get in trouble for running away without paying this morning,

"About this morni-''

''Don't worry, little guy... I looked at you that way because I thought something had happened between you and my little Rosie but she told me that nothing happened between two.''

Huh?! I don't even think she's of age, her chest is flatter than a plank of wood and her behavior doesn't look like she's grown up at all. Is that normal in this world?

"Sir, I have no interest in minors, I'm not a pervert. I was worried because I had no money. Beside that your expressions didn't help either at that time''

He laughed and said,

''Ha ha ha ha, my little Rosie is 25 years old ! but I'm relieved that you don't look at her that way. Don't worry about money, I don't open my door to the homeless and wounded adventurers because I want money. I help them because they need it.''

At that moment I couldn't believe that I finally met someone who really had good intentions and I thought, 'I want to hug this guy, man…'


Satoshi was so happy that he finally met a decent human being. He hugged him, without thinking,

"Thank you very much''

The tavern owner was surprised,

''You are a strange guy and by the looks of you you are from my hometown in the north but you must be mixed because you are quite short for a northern man. If you don't have a place to stay or a job, you can work in a tavern for a while''

Because of this man's good nature, his stern expression seemed like an angel to Satoshi.

"That would be great sir, thanks.''

The tavern owner patted Satoshi on the head and headed towards the door to leave the room

''By the way my name is Sven... Sven Blackthorn nice to meet you little fella ! I hope you and Rosie get along well. She doesn't have any friends because of her interest in magic and poison''

Satoshi nodded and said,

"I'm Satoshi, nice to meet you too''

The tavern owner left the room with a big smile on his face.

'Poison hobby?'


'Hey wait a minute. Did I pass out because that crazy witch poisoned me ?!'

Satoshi was angry at Rosie, but he was willing to overlook it because of his father's kind attitude towards him. When Satoshi tried to get out of bed, With a headache and stomach ache, he realized, he didn't feel so good…

'Ugh I feel so sick, but I have to eat something'

He pushed himself a little more and stood up. At that moment the door opened and Rosie came in, she looked at Satoshi

''Wow, you recovered faster than I thought, I guess you're a little more resistant to poison than other people''

Satoshi wasn't feeling good enough to react. In a calm voice,

''Why did you poison me, little demon?''

Rosie was a little surprised by Satoshi's calmness,

''Hmm, you reacted calmer than I thought. Actually, it's like my little hobby, I've been creating new poison types, and once I learn how long it takes for the poison to work and its effects, etc., I can use it as a new poison spell. And of course, I need to make an antidote for it, so I can try it on homeless people like you that my father has taken in for free.''

Satoshi with a disappointed expression "Really, you give poison to homeless people?''

Rosie was confident that she was right. 

''Of course, they're staying here for free, taking advantage of my father's goodwill, so why shouldn't they do something to help? Besides, I test it on my mice before I test it on them''

She sighed and continued, "If you hadn't run away, I could have given you the antidote sooner, so it's your fault.''

She looked in another direction ''Hmph!''

Satoshi laughed "Are you sure you're 25 Haha, what was that *Hmph*''

Just as Rosie was about to shout in anger, Satoshi continued,

''I need some rest for now but I'm starving, so can you get me something to eat? Please, with no poison flavor!''

Rosie ''Thanks to you I managed to test my new poison, so at least I can bring you something to eat''

She left the room and came back with a tray, which contained chicken bread and vegetable soup. After she gave the tray to Satoshi, she left the room. Satoshi ate slowly, then laid down to fell asleep.


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