

The first day of their training was a blast, they became strong physically and mentally, but their training is not finish yet.

Unfortunately the heros cannot continue it because of the storm.


Kaja: Agggghhhhhhh... What is this we can't continue our training.

Grock: Is this Vale's doing?

Karrie: My gosh grock just because Vale's powers are the wind doesn't mean his the one responsible for this storm.

Grock: Oh sorry...

Lunox: Guys? what if we play a game?

Grock: Hide and seek!

Karrie: Seriously Grock? If we play hide and seek you

will always get cought! HAHAHA

Grock: You're always bad at me Karrie.


Kaja: If we play a game? what if we study about the

other squads?

Lunox: RIGHT! We have 9 opponents

Grock: And the first one is EPIC SQUAD

Team: Hmmmm?

Lunox: The heroes are Johnson, Odette, Miya, Zilong and Alucard.

Kaja: What a deadly duo, Johnson and Odette?

Lunox: Ok ok guys, if this team will be our opponent

we need to be careful, when we are in the game we

to use purify for the stun and 3rd skill of Johnson and

also for odette's immobilize skill, if we are cought by

that massive robot and that fancy Odette is riding? Then we are toast!

So we need to be very careful we need to stalk

Johnson if he's recalling, why? because thats the signal for his ultimate, check every spaces in the map.

Karrie: Ahhhhh this studying stuff is so exhausting

we go on something new? like eating or sleep or

other kinds of stuff

Grock: Karrie this is an important stuff just listen to


Karrie: Yeah yeah what ever, oh wait where is


Leomord: snore snore snore.....

Lunox: Oh my gosh lets check him in his room!

Kaja: Okay he's sleeping in this whole time