
Chapter 5: Memories Part 5

Rodrigo and Alice lived in opposite parts; Alice, who almost every day went in a limousine, lived in the west and Rodrigo in the east; so, they both went their separate ways to go home.

Rodrigo was heading home, walking while looking down.

"Honestly, I would like to stay at school all day" -said Rodrigo disappointed and then sigh-

Rodrigo walked along the sidewalks, crossed the street and continued walking until he reached the doors of his house, a couple was heard arguing inside, which made Rodrigo hesitate to enter, but in the end he passed.

"I'm here" -said Rodrigo without encouragement-

"Ho, hello son, is good that you have arrived" - A 37-year-old woman answered, she is Rodrigo's mother-

"Tch, I'm leaving here" -said a bad-looking man with a lot of annoyance, he is Rodrigo's stepfather-

"What?! Just like that, you won't clean up this mess ?!" -Said the mother annoyed-

"Yes! ... Tch, I'll go to the bar de mue" -The man replied as he went out the door-

"Everything is fine?" -Asked Rodrigo-

"A, yes, yes, it was just a little fight, you know, like every day, Ojojojo" -answered her mother, ending with a nervous laugh-

Rodrigo managed to see beer bottles on the floor, and some of them were broken, the mother realized that and told him that she would clean up that mess.

"Okay ..." -said Rodrigo, and next he goes up the stairs-

He goes to her room, put his backpack on a shelf and sits on her desk chair, then sighed.

"Really ... I would like to always stay in high school, maybe it's something that a high school boy wouldn't say ... but it's better than being in this place ..." -Thought Rodrigo- "My mother, she is very good to me ... but ... that man is not good. Years ago, ... 6 to be exact ... my father died from a bullet impact, trying to defend my mother from criminals ... he was taken to the hospital but they couldn't do anything to save him ... his last words ... were to I should take care of my mother ... He was buried in the cemetery of this city and once a year I go to see him ... that time, my mother was really sad, I couldn't do anything to help her, but over time things changed, she was encouraged again and the things were going really well, but a few years later, my mother remarried, this not bothers me, since she has the right to leave the past behind ... but that person is not the best of all, at first he seemed like someone presentable, someone good, but as time went by, he showed his true personality, he is despicable ... he is an alcoholic and does not get a stable job, whenever I am not there, he fights with my mother and has caused serious injuries ... in truth that person is the worst, the people speaks ill of us because of him, every time we go out there are murmurs from the neighbors, I have a good ear and I can hear things that fill me with a lot of hatred ... I really hate this place ... but ... when I'm at school everything is different, there no one knows about my personal life, I'm just an ordinary classmate, there I spend the best moments of the day, playing and talking with friends, being with Alice and the girls ... although Rose and Ana can be very annoying, they are good friends ... it is a good place to hang out, I doubt that it will be ruined ... and if they found out, I know that Alice, Rose and Ana would be with me "-Rodrigo thinks-

Rodrigo's mother calls him to lunch and he down the stairs, then goes up to his room and starts playing video games.

Parallel to these events, Alice was traveling to her home, "The White Mansion", which is in the part of the city where the wealthiest people live, since she is the daughter of a world-renowned designer, her mother.

Alice got out of the limo and upon opening the doors of the mansion she was greeted by her servants, and she went to her room.

Alice's room was really large, located on the upper floors of the mansion, with a large balcony where she can see the landscape and paint, a closet with many expensive pieces of clothing, a shelf with world literature books and a desk with fancy computer. She just lays on her bed and thinks.

"I wish mom would stop insisting so much ..." -Said Alice- "The fact that the daughter of the White family had a boyfriend was really an international scandal ... if it hadn't been for Ana, I wouldn't have this problem, when Rodrigo say me his feelings I was really happy and I said yes, I was thinking of keeping our relationship a secret, but that "Surprise Event" that Ana and Rose planned was really a bad thing, although the good thing is that my arranged marriage with a certain Prince Ramírez third was canceled, but my mother wasn't approves of my relationship with Rodrigo ... just because he's from a common family ... "-Alice said somewhat sadly-

"I remember when I confronted my mother after the engagement was canceled, she told me that I had already achieved my objective and should break whit Rodrigo, because she thought I just wanted to cancel the engagement, but it wasn't like that, and I told her that I really I wanted to be with Rodrigo, because he is one of the few people who does not treat me differently ... having money is a curse ... I learned it the hard way ... when I was a child I had no friends ... the boys and girls did not want to approach me, they said that I was superior to them and they moved away, and every time they saw me they acted differently than they acted among themselves ... and I stopped trying to be friends with my classmates ... so I decided to become friends with other children with money, but they cruelly treated those who were not of the same economic class, and that did not like me ... time later, some classmates They approached me, said they wanted to be my friends and I was really happy, but they only approached to take advantage of me ... my mother told me that having money is a curse, because you can't trust in the people... and I broke my friendship with those classmates… and I was alone again ... I stopped going to school and my mother got me private teachers ... of mathematics, science, karate and others, but I had no one ... until one day, Rose arrived here, she is the daughter of a famous singer, she came to my home as a playmate, I thought she would be like everyone else ... but it wasn't like that, she was good with others, somewhat impulsive and too social, but she was a good girl, and we became friends since then ... and time later I met Ana, daughter of a world-renowned scientist, she admires her father a lot and wants to be a scientist too, she was somewhat serious, and perverted ... but she was also a good girl, and we also became friends... with they, I managed to go back to school when I was in secondary, but I still didn't trust my classmates, only Rose and Ana, I still had problems adjusting and I got to high school… it was there that I met Rodrigo… our first meeting was… quite peculiar; the tutor sent me to wake him up ... and He touched my chest ... he surprised me so much that I hit him hard and I sent him out of the classroom, haha ..., because of that I thought he was a pervert, the tutor saw that we did not get along very well, and gave the classroom a homework, to meet a "random" partner and Rodrigo and I had to meet, we were together throughout that day ... But my image of him had not changed, the time passed and it was time to go home, I decided to walk that day, and without wanting to pass through a dangerous place, where I was cornered by several men in bad taste, and when I did not know what to do to get out of there, Rodrigo appeared and saved me, He didn't fight them or something like that, but He manage to trick them so that we could get out of there, I thought he was crazy for doing something like that, or that he was going to ask me for a lot of money in return, but he simply said that he could not leave alone a girl who needed help, and who came to return a pencil that I had forgotten, but it broke when one of the men stepped on it, I told him that it did not matter and that I would buy another, but he offered to pay for it, when I asked him: why was he doing that ?, he said it was to apologize for this morning, since he just wanted to get along with me, I doubted him and I told him if it was because he wanted money, and he said no, I asked him, why? ... and he said that it was normal to want to get along with your classmates; he treated me like all people ... I do not exclude myself ... and I really liked that, we became friends, and although there were still "Accidents" I knew that he was a good person, and over time ... I fell in love with he." -Alice said-

"Aww, so cute" -said the voice of a young woman under Alice-

The young woman was Rose, who was under Alice's bed with Ana, who hit her on the head. Alice got scared and asked them what were they doing there?

"We came because you said we would have a sleepover" -Said Ana seriously-

"If so, we arrived faster and when you arrived, we wanted to scare you, so we hid under your bed" -said Rose after rubbing her head-

"But since you started talking about the Mr. Pervert and us, we didn't want to interrupt you" -Said Ana-

"Girls, do not do that again, I was very scared" -Alice said fearfully-

They both nod their heads.

"I thought That a clown's going to eat me" -Alice said with comic tears of sadness-

Rose rubs Alice's head and calms her down.

"And? What did your mother say after that Alice? " -Said Ana something serious-

"When I told her why I loved Rodrigo, she simply said again that she did not approve of our relationship, and that if I did not break with him, she would find a way to get me away from him for my own good, but she has not done anything yet. I am afraid of that she can do"-Said Alice worried-

There was silence in the room for a few seconds.

"Well, don't worry, is not important whatever your mother tries to do, I know Rodrigo won't let you" -said Rose, comforting Alice-

"If so, the Mr. Pervert loves you more than anyone" -Said Ana-

"Yes, they're right, and I'm not willing to get away from him either" -Alice said happily-

"That's the attitude, now ... let the party begin!" -Said Rose energetically-

"Yes!" -Alice and Ana answered-

What the girls did not know is that they were being watched and listened to by a hidden security camera.

"Well, it seems that your plan did not work" -said a maid to Alice's mother-

"If plan A does not work then we will go to plan B" -The mother replied- "My daughter, I will not allow you to go through the same thing that I went through years ago, if I have to make you hate me to avoid that ... then I will"

Hello everyone, the filling is over and the plot comes, find out in the next chapter.

Swords_Senseicreators' thoughts
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