
The Hero Of Nadia

A long time ago, there was a war. Leading that was unruly king named Jorgmunder, ‘Bringer of Destruction’. One day a hero rose up, decided that it was time for a change. He decided that enough is enough, and that no more people shall be harmed. It was time for Good men to rise, to battle the Evil that had been terrorising the good people of Nadia long enough. It took months, probably years, to defeat Jorgmunder. Although, in the end, it was all worth it. With Jorgmunder defeated, peace was now brought into the land. Something the people of Nadia experienced for what felt like the first time. Now, in the peaceful land of Nadia, there was a Kingdom called ‘Larion’. In that Kingdom lived the Hero and his Queen, who continued to do their best to keep the peace to their lands. The Queen, now bearing two beautiful children, would later find out… One of their children would soon be the New Light to an Old Darkness. Quill Langston, the son of a famous hero and brother to the proclaimed King Of Larion, has to rise and become a hero like his father and brother. Will he rise to become the new light the land of Nadia needs? Or will he let it all fall to the old darkness that once controlled the land of Nadia.

Alex_Cezar · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

"He needs help!" The crying kept getting louder and louder. Quill was unable to stand as he looked under the wagon to see two shadowy figures approach them. "We'll settle this later…" Quill overheard Asher, Quill pushed himself back up against the wagon, almost slipping as his legs almost gave out, but was then stopped by someone. "Careful, the potion doesn't work immediately," Elysa said, putting Quill's arm over her again. Quill saw everyone went on ahead to investigate the cry for help.

"I'm fine--"

"No, don't even start…" Elysa said, her head shaking no, with a smirk growing across her face.

Quill and Elysa, slowly moved towards the two distinct figures in the distance. Quill's legs felt weird and wobbly as he took each step forward. It was as if he had never used these legs in his life until now. He had to learn how to walk all over again just to keep up. When they got closer, Quill saw an Elf with sleek black hair, with dirt on her clothes. Quill looked down at the figure she was carrying and saw an Half-Elf whose face was covered in bruises with his shirt mixed with both dirt and blood. She was shaking, just like him. She was terrified for her companion.

"What happened?" Asher said, inspecting the Half-Elf with his wounds.

"I found him like this near the forest, he--" The Half-Elf took a big breath as his chest pushed up, scaring everyone around him. He then grabbed onto Asher's arm and pulled himself up, breathing profusely. "I have to save my son!" His breath was shaky. The man then uncontrollably started flailing around in such strength, trying desperately to get up and run back to where he was just dragged from. Asher held him down against the ground with everyone joining in to help. "Calm down man!" Said Chiko, holding his chest down with Asher, but the Half-Elf kept overpowering everyone. His veins were so visible, Quill could tell he was running with adrenaline and his heart filled with determination to get up. "Alwin! Your magic!" Said Asher, Alwin brought out a little notebook, with markings on the cover. The notebook opened, which the pages turned by itself as if a gust of wind just passed. Alwin then placed his hand on the man's head, unable to keep it steady, he proceeded to chant magical words, words Quill couldn't comprehend. As Alwin chanted, a magical glow of light radiated from his hand onto the man's forehead.

"Help… my…" The man slowly stopped struggling and his voice slowly calmed down like a storm was passing.

"What happened?" Quill asked, stepping a little closer to the Half-Elf with Elysa. The Half-Elf was no longer filled with anxiety and antsy, but was at ease.

"It was a 'sleep sorcery' spell, something you can conjure too." Alwin stated, backing away from the Half-Elf.

"And it works well too." Said Chiko, shaking the man gently. Silence occurs within the group as the man lays there, calm, and slow breathing. As Quill looked at the man now asleep, a sudden twig snapped, which led everyone's eyes to Asher, who was heading back to the wagon. "Asher, where are you going?" Quill asked, letting go of Elysa as he was able to stand on his own, the potion now fully coming into effect. Quill stumbled here and there but he was able to catch up to Asher, his hand on the wagon to support himself. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm going to find this man's son…" Asher said, brandishing a sheathed sword from the wagon.

"Let us come with you!" Quill said, putting his hand on Asher's shoulder.

"No, I need you guys to--" Walking past Quill only to be met by the others.

"No can do buddy… We're all coming with!" Chiko grins, with Elysa and Alwin standing behind.

"There's no talking us out of it!" Elysa said, walking up to Asher, playfully punching his shoulder. Asher groaned as he crossed his arms, his eyes glared at the ground.

"Fine," Asher said, attaching his sword to his back. "We'll meet in front of the forest… Go get your things." Asher commanded. Elysa, Alwin, and Chiko ran past Quill and Asher as they headed back into the kingdom to reacquire their belongings.

"What about me? Where's my weapon? I won't be able to help--"

"Not you 'Lil Brother, you're not ready," Asher said, cutting Quill off.

"But I…"

"You'll be helping us if you stay 'Lil brother," Asher said, Quill could hear his sincerity in his voice and see the worry in his eyes.

"It may be for the best, Prince Quill," Clara said, expressing her opinion. Quill wanted to say something so badly as he opened his mouth ready to speak up, but Quill knew it'd be better to keep it shut. "I understand…" Quill took a step back, looking down.

"Clara, Ma'am… Please get him inside and tend to his wounds, we'll be back before he wakes up."

. . .

Quill looked outside the scratched window, as he could feel the shame growing inside his chest. Quill could only think of one reason why Asher wanted him to stay; because he wasn't strong enough. Quill could overhear Clara and the lady talk about what to do with the man, but as of now, Quill wanted to get strong. Strong enough to become a hero his dad wanted, but Quill realized he wasn't getting anywhere. He walked away from the window, his feet dragging against the floor as he sat down next to the injured Half-Elf. As Quill inspected his wounds, he could tell it wasn't fatal. The cuts he bore weren't deep and the bruises he had would hopefully fade later on. Quill leaned back against the chair. "You think they're doing ok?" Quill turned around to see Clara stand beside him. Quill saw that Clara had taken off her helm which revealed chestnut, curly hair that gently hangs over a skinny, friendly face, with small dark brown eyes, set well within their sockets. "I think so… Wanna sit?" Quill said, standing up from the chair.

"No, I can't--"

"I insist, you helped carry the man with the guards. It's only fair." Quill said as he led Clara to the seat.

"Thank you, Prince Quill." She said, sitting down leaning her back against the chair.

"Why call me Prince Quill?" Quill asked, leaning against the wall. "I don't own anything extravagant, or a castle… Or anything royalty-like."

"Well, I, like all of Larion, call you 'Prince Quill' because you possess the royal blood of Larion." She said so calmly as if she already knew the question even before Quill had said it.

"I quite don't understand it yet…"

"You will, in time Prince Quill."

"Maybe…" Quill said, his mind then drifted towards different thoughts than the conversation they were just having. Quill bit his mouth, he wanted to keep this thought quiet, but Quill wanted to get her opinion on it.

"Clara, do you… Do you think I'm ready?" Quill said.

"I don't think I can answer that question, Prince Quill…" She said, frowning a bit.

"Right…" Quill frowned as he looked out the window. Quill knew she was going to answer his question with that reply. As Quill looked out the window, he saw some guards, armed with weapons, running down the road that brought up some curiosity in him. Quill backed away from the window and slowly headed towards the door. "Prince Quill? Where are you going?" Quill heard Clara, but he walked right outside and followed the guards. Quill could hear the guard's armor clank against each other as he followed them. As Quill kept following, he recognized where he was, the empty market stalls, and the stone-road path. As Quill came close to the now halted guards he was tailing, he saw the gate entrance, with four figures walking in front. Quill walked past the guards to see his friends and his brother. He could see Elysa, Alwin, and Chiko all smug and full of joy as they walked towards him. Even though they were covered in dirt, scratches, with their clothes slightly torn, their weapons sheathed. Quill could see their mouths run, unable to hear what they're saying. As they approached closer, Quill saw Asher walking behind them. He saw that he was carrying something in his arms, covered in a blanket Quill looked at Asher's face, he was bruised beyond compare and his left sleeve was completely missing. As Quill looked at the object, he saw that it was not an object but a child. The boy had tears running down his cheek, mixed with dirt across his face as he clutched onto the blanket he was in. "You guys are ok," Quill said, as he approached his friends. "What happened?"

"Nothing exciting, but we did it!" Elysa said, smiling.

"Yeah, we did!" Chiko chuckled.

"Do you think it was exciting--"

Asher then walked away and spoke to the guards, leaving Quill with Elysa, Alwin, and Chiko.

"Did something happen to Asher?" Quill asked, becoming a little worried.

"It's best if you don't know…" Alwin said, scratching his head.


"It's best if you ask Asher, it's not our place to say," Elysa said, nervously smiling.

"Don't worry I understand…" Quill's thoughts ran as he looked at Asher, his face was stern and no longer his joyous-self. "Was it bad?" asked Quill.

"Short story; it should be things a boy should have never encountered…"