
Rise of the Dragonborn

We finally made it out of Bleak Falls Barrow and agreed that we should return the stolen claw to its rightful owner. We made our back to Riverwood, and when we arrived, a courier approached us. He said that he had a letter to deliver so I told him to hand it over. It was from Siddgeir, the Jarl of Falkreath. He knows that I am the son of Jarl Ulfric and wishes to meet me. There is something he would like to discuss. Kai was curious as to what Siddgeir wanted to talk about. I told him that I couldn't possibly know as I have never met Siddgeir in person. I heard that he was young and had less experience than the other Jarls. We decided to return the claw first and then head to Falkreath and meet with Jarl Siddgeir.

When we entered the Riverwood Trader, the owner Lucan and his sister Camillia were in a yelling match with each other. Presumably over the stolen claw. I slammed the Golden Claw on the counter to draw their attention. They were shocked to see the stolen item that they were just arguing about sitting right in front of them. I informed them that those bandits won't be stealing from anyone else. Jens apologized on behalf of his parents as they were two of the robbers that stole the claw. Lucan told him not to worry about it as a child shouldn't be held responsible for their parents' wrongdoings. He gave us some gold from his last shipment as a thank you, and we left. Before heading to Falkreath, I stopped by the local blacksmith. It's time to get Jens out of those bandit rags and into some real armor. I handed the blacksmith a set of instructions, and within a few hours, the job was done. Stormcloak rebel armor custom fit just for Jens, and it looks good on him. Now we are ready to head for Falkreath. Along the road, a thief tried to rob us, but I took care of him. Not too long after that, an assassin of the dark brotherhood made an attempt on my life. Someone must have performed the black sacrament once they realized my relationship with Jarl Ulfric. He has many enemies, and it is not unusual for someone to send a message to him by killing me. Perhaps it was someone who lost a loved one in the war and blames Father or someone who wants to weaken the Stormcloaks by eliminating me. Whoever sent them, I should keep a lookout for more.

It was night when we arrived in Falkreath, so we decided to rent a room at the local inn, Dead Man's Drink. We went in, and I told Kai and Jens to relax while I got us some rooms. As I walked up to the bar, a man approached me. "Excuse me, young man," he said. "Huh? Are you talking to me?" I said back. He responded with a yes and apologized for his social awkwardness. He said he usually doesn't do this, but I look well-armed for someone so young. I told him that I am 16 and this is Skyrim. It's not unusual for someone my age to be well-armed. I can tell he is not from Skyrim, so I asked about his origins. He said his name is Lucien Flavius, and he is from Cyrodiil. "What brought you to Skyrim?" I said. His response was the culture, architecture, and politics. I can't argue with that. He said that he is looking for someone to protect him during his expedition and pay me for my help. I told him that I am a soldier fighting in the civil war and that he would be exposed to much danger if he came with me. "That's why I would have you. To protect me, of course," Lucien said. Very optimistic. I told him that I know Skyrim better than any Nord born here, and I wouldn't mind being his guide. He was very excited about it.

The next day, we all went to see Jarl Siddgeir. He was pleased for us to finally meet in person. I asked him what he wanted to discuss with me and couldn't believe what he said. The Jarl of Falkreath has been conducting secret deals with a group of bandits, and now that they have stopped paying him, he wants them dead. Unbelievable! And he calls himself a Jarl! I said that he was wasting my time and motioned the others to leave. Siddgeir stopped me and said that he would give me the Thane title if I took care of his problem. I told him I would do it, but he owes me a lot more than just a title in his hold. Kai, Jens, and Lucien all protested, but I assured them that it would help us in the long run.

After coming across a caravan that was quite literally set on fire, we found the bandits' hideout. There were a good number of them. We flanked them from the rear and took on the small mob of outlaws. They put up a good fight, but we took them down nonetheless. We found the entrance to their hideout and went inside. The chief was waiting for us, so Kai took him out in a single strike while I distracted him. I also took the liberty of reclaiming their stolen goods. Once that was done, we returned to Falkreath and reported our success to Siddgeir. I told him never to contact me again unless it was vital. With that, we took a carriage back to Whiterun and made our way to Dragonsreach. Farengar was talking to a mysterious woman when we went to turn in the Dragonstone. Apparently, she was the one who hired him to retrieve the stone in the first place.

I wondered who she was as I gave the Dragonstone to Farengar when Jarl Balgruff's housecarl Irileth came running in. She was yelling about a dragon being spotted near the eastern watchtower. She requested that we all follow her immediately. The five of us followed Irileth up the stairs, where we met the Jarl. One of the guards came in out of breath, repeating the report he gave Irileth to Jarl Balgruff. The dragon was seen circling around the tower, and there is no telling when it will come back. The Jarl thanked us for getting the Dragonstone, but there is no time to lose. Jarl Balgruff ordered Irileth to gather some men and investigate the tower. Since I was the one who gave the report of the first dragon sighting in Helgen, he wanted me and my group to go as well.

We followed Irileth to the main gate, where she gave a makeshift speech about the glory of killing a dragon to encourage her men. We then set for the tower. Along the way, we encountered a group of Thalmor escorting a Khajiit prisoner. Just the sight of them makes my blood boil. "Hey, what are you doing!? Last I checked, the Khajiit don't worship Talos!" I said. The Justiciar in robes told me that the woman's crimes are of no concern to me and that I should move along. I refused to let them kill the woman, so they attacked me. Mine and Irileth's group took out the elves, but one of them escaped. I tended to the Khajiit woman's wounds and asked if she was okay. She told me not to worry about her but that I must go to Riverwood and save the "young one." I had no idea what she was talking about. She told me there was a trader that may be able to help. I told her that there is an emergency at the watchtower across the way. Once we take care of it, we will go to Riverwood and check with this trader.

We left the Khajiit woman and met up with Irileth by a rock across from the tower. We didn't see the dragon, but the tower was engulfed in flames. It definitely was here. Irileth ordered her men to spread out while I told my group to stay close. We approached the tower when the dragon came flying in from above, spewing fire at us. I drew my Valiant Nord Bow and waited for an opportunity to assault the beast with arrows. The battle lasted for hours, and we all fought bravely until the dragon finally fell. When it died, I absorbed some kind of power from it. Kai said that only the Dragonborn can do such a thing. Lucien was curious as to what the strange energy was, and Jens stood there in awe. The guards approached and started speaking of the Dragonborn legends. One asked me if I can shout like the late Tiber Septim. I thought I would give it a try. I took a deep breath and "FUS!!!" a large gust of wind came out of my mouth. I couldn't believe it. I really am Dragonborn, just like Talos in the stories Ma used to tell me.

Kai, Lucien, and Jens were speechless. We went back to Whiterun to report to the Jarl. As soon as we entered the city, a disembodied voice yelled, "DOVAHKIIN!!!" We had no idea where it came from. It was kind of unnerving. When we got to Dragonsreach, the Jarl and his court were waiting for us. Balgruff asked me what happened at the watchtower, and I gave my report. Afterward, he was confident that I am indeed Dragonborn. He says that the Greybeards have summoned me to High Hrothgar, and there is no refusing them. I guess I have no choice but to go; however, I must do something first. The Jarl named me Thane of his hold and gave me a sword as my badge of office. He also informed his guards of my status as both Thane and Dragonborn. He assigned me, Lydia, as my personal housecarl. I thanked Jarl Balgruuf for bestowing such an honor and told him that I have a message from Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak. I presented him with the axe, and he examined it. After a discussion with his court, he handed the axe back to me. "Return this to our friend the Jarl of Windhelm. He has my answer," he said. I was hoping Balgruff would make the right choice, but I guess not. Before heading to Windhelm, we decided to check Riverwood for this trader. We stopped at the Sleeping Giant Inn and asked around when we found him sitting and drinking.

I got the trader's attention and asked if he had seen a unique-looking Khajiit girl around. He told me that a young girl comes to the back of the inn where the innkeeper leaves her food at dusk. I thanked him for the information, and we went to the back of the inn. There we saw two mercenaries standing over a young girl. They were talking about having fun with her before bringing her back in. How sick! I got the mercs' attention and mocked them about how powerful they must feel ganging up on a defenseless girl. One of them told me to shut up, or he would cut out my tongue. I begged him to come to try, and a fight ensued. They were no match for us. I asked the young Khajiit Girl if she was okay, but she yelled at me, saying she didn't ask for help and ran away.

We went back to the trader so I could ask if she was always like that. The trader told me that she is very wary of people. She doesn't even talk to the innkeeper that feeds her every day. We left the inn to try and find the girl again when more Thalmer toadies showed up. The Justiciar in robes told me he was trying to find a strange-looking Khajiit. I told him to elaborate as Khajiit, in general, are strange. The damn elf called me a useless dog and demanded that I stop playing games. I called him a roach that needs to be squashed. The Justiciar sicked his little soldiers on me and fled. We killed them all. The strange-looking Khajiit came running up to us and asked why I protected her. I said that if the Thalmor wants her, then keeping her away hurts them. She was shocked at my response and asked after the mercenaries. I replied that they were teaming up on a defenseless girl. She shouted that she is not helpless and boasted about her dagger and claws and how she killed one of the mercenaries and their dog.

I took her for her wood and asked how she ended up here alone. The strange Khajiit told me that she doesn't know. All she remembers is that an elder helped her and that she was being chased. She hid out in a tower, but she ran and ended up in Riverwood when her pursuers drew near. She also says she remembers leaving a satchel behind at the tower and marked its location on our map. We need to get to Windhelm, and this tower is all the way in the other direction. I apologized to her for her memories and said that we will have to go to the tower later. Right now, I have to get this axe back to Jarl Ulfric, and that takes precedence. She was upset but understood and decided to accompany us to Windhelm.

When we arrived at the Palace of Kings, I told her that she would be safe from the Thalmor. They aren't welcome in Eastmarch, and they know it. I asked if she could remain here in the palace while my group and I handle our business. She doesn't like it here but agreed to stay behind. I can't have a citizen getting involved in the war. We found Father waiting in the war room. It appears he has already received word that I am Dragonborn. He was excited that his only son is the legendary Dragonborn and couldn't be prouder. He said that he knew he made the right choice taking me in two years ago. I wrapped my arms around him, saying, "thanks, Pa." He smiled as I had never called him anything other than Father in the time we have been together. I told him about my summons by the Greybeards, and he said he heard the call. He even said that he used to train under the Greybeards when he was a lad. Pa says that he left to fight in the Great War and never went back. He couldn't just stand by and do nothing. He mentioned Arngeir and his disappointment with how Pa uses his shouts. I asked about Arngeir, and he told me that Arngeir is the oldest and wisest of the Greybeards. I wanted to know why Arngeir would be so disappointed in how my Pa uses shouts. He told me they only believe in using them to worship Kynareth.

"Why would they teach me to shout, just to not use it?" I said. Pa explained that as the Dragonborn, the standard rules don't apply to me because I can learn shouts like dragons do with little effort. I was grateful to hear that. There is no way I can sit up on that mountain with so much going on below. I told Pa that with this newfound power, we will surely win the war. He agreed. Speaking of, I gave the axe back to Pa and apologized for not swaying him. Pa said that it wasn't my fault. He is sorry that he was wrong about Balgruuf. Pa called Galmer into the war room and told him what happened. Gilmer knew this would happen and asked Pa to give the word, and we will take Whiterun by force. Pa was hesitant, and I understand why. It's not easy giving an order that will result in many deaths, but there is no other way. We can't let the Imperials take Whiterun.

Galmer assured Pa that the men are ready and willing, and so am I. He has already scouted the area. Pa gave the order and sent Galmer to set up camp. He told me to go as well. I have more than proven myself capable, and since I am Dragonborn, my thu'um would be more useful on the front lines. "Yes Pa!" I said and left for Whiterun.