
The hero just wants to live a slow life

A middle-aged man died while working. He is confronted by a man who claims to be a god The god gave Nagaiki an unreasonable cheat power and asked to save the world he would be placed in. After that Nagaiki was transferred to a kingdom that claimed to have saluted him as a hero whose aim was to defeat the demon king and save the world. After defeating the demon king, he disappeared somewhere and the kingdom that summon him continued to search for him. After defeating the demon king, nagaiki meets a beautiful woman from the lion-human race with dying silver hair. Nagaiki changed his goal and built a house in the middle of the forest, and lived peacefully with the lion race/ beast race woman named Hikari and have many children. From here the story begins.

TempuraXD · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Demon Lord's Last Wish

In the demon king's throne room there were 7 people. 6 people stood in front of the demon king's throne. And the one sitting on the throne was none other than the Demon Lord.

The 6 people at the front were most likely high-ranking devils, or you could say the demon army leaders. Consists of 4 women and 2 demon men.

They seemed to be the demon lord's last stand, judging by the mana of the high ranking demons, at least one of them could beat 1000-2000 people with their mana.

"Welcome hero, I'm surprised you got here so fast, I just got the news that a hero will be summoned, I didn't expect you would immediately attack us.

"The demon king still didn't expect what he saw. Generally, the summoned heroes will go through training beforehand until they are truly ready to fight against the Demon King and his troops.

"Your Majesty begs permission to attack!" Said one of the demons leader who was not like with the presence of the hero in front of him.

"No need, this is my fight, hero what's your name?" The demon lord started to stand up and ask questions.

"My name is Hoshimoto Nagaiki, a hero" I shouldn't have said the last sentence.

"My name is Nazar, I am the 14th Demon Lord. I have a request from you before we fight. Can you let them go?" The demons in front of him turned their faces towards the demon king.

"Your Majesty! We will fight with you!"

"Yes, if we fight together we can definitely beat him"

"Right! We w-" The demon lord let out his aura. and stand up from the chair throne.

"SILENT! There is no reason for you guys to interfere in my battle, even if you guys unite you still won't be able to beat him.

Well before we start, Magic level 5 [Sleep]" While snapping his fingers, the 6 people in front of him collapsed and fell asleep.

This is very different from what I imagined so far, at first I thought the devil had no sympathy, the two devils were cruel but the fact that he was protecting his men was very different from what I thought, the three of them didn't look like such a monster.

The demon king's appearance, like a friendly old man and physically they looked human, I thought the demon lord would have a terrible appearance like thorns everywhere, but who knows in this world anything can happen.

"You are good enough for a demon lord, then I will respect your request not to kill them, then let's start Level 5 Magic [Lightning Sword]" Lightning that formed a sword came out of my hand.

"Level 5 magic? Looks like you underestimated me. Grade 7 magic [Full Devil Armor]. Grade 9 magic [Demon God's Sword]. Let's get started !!!!" The two of them jumped and clashed swords, with great speed.

The battle lasts 5 hours 22 minutes. And of course it was on purpose by Nagaiki, he restrained himself by using magic below level 9. So that the Demon King ran out of mana, and couldn't move.

"Hahahahah it's a fun battle, I haven't felt defeated for a long time, and now my time has come, Hero Nagaiki, I have one more request" said the Demon King who was smashed to the ground.

"what is that?" Wait a pity for someone like him to die in vain. I hope there is a time when humans and demons can coexist.

"In that room, there is a human baby, I found it 2 days ago in the river. You can think of it as your child. Can you take care of the baby?" The demon king gradually became transparent and became blue beads that flew upwards.

The room that is pointed is the room beside the throne, there is a door.

"Okay, I will fulfill your wish"

"hahah .... Thank you, now I can go in peace." His body turned blue light and flew upwards.

Fine, my job is done as a hero, but, what am I going to do with these guys? Well I'll just let it be, so that's the baby's room.

"..." The room was like a normal room, and inside it was decorated so beautifully, I guess the Demon King was planning to make this child his daughter. Maybe he was the same as me in his previous life, he was too focused on developing his strength instead of having a family

"I will fulfill your wish, and this child I will take to be my daughter" This is a baby girl, she is placed in the middle of this room with a soft mattress.

"Then I will take her with my magic so as not to wake her" this child is fast asleep .... very cute.

They're still asleep too, well I'll let it go, I'll go away from here. before they wake.

Outside the corpses were scattered about, and the sun was starting to rise above. My next goal is to find a place to live.

"Tier 5 Magic [Fly]. Tier 2 Magic [Boost]" I flew 200 meters above the ground, and added boost to increase my speed.

The baby girl I brought with me already gave 5th tier Magic [Barrier]. And Grade 6 Magic [Gravity] on my body so it won't be able to get away from me due to the gravitational pull of my body.

I'm flying full speed towards the north, why am I heading north? I don't know, I had a feeling I would find a good place if I went north.

All day flying north I still haven't found a suitable place to live, so I decided to rest, the baby I brought was still sleeping, actually I used sleep magic to put it to sleep as well. I drained my mana into the baby's stomach, so she wouldn't feel hungry.

Well I think it's enough rest, dawn has arrived, and it's time for me to continue my journey. The sun has risen, I opened a little barrier protecting the baby I brought, why? Because sunlight is also very important for babies.

After a few minutes I closed the barrier again.

3 Hours after leaving, I found an extraordinary special place, this place is a very nice place from what I imagined. In that place there is a high waterfall, and in front of the waterfall there is a large lake.

I decided to build a house next to a waterfall. Around there there are lots of teak trees, so I cut down the teak trees and refined them to make a house.

I make a house in traditional Japanese style, I make a house that is aligned with a square and in the middle I will make a garden.

That's still my plan, now all I have to do is gather the ingredients.

"Skill level 2 [Blades of wind]"

"[Blade of Wind]"

"[Blade of Wind]"

"[Blade of Wind]"

"Alright, I guess that's enough, to arrange the structure of the house that I will use, wind magic level 8 [Wind Fairy] Where wind fairies appear everywhere and number around a hundred.

They will help me to make a house with their wind magic" they looked. like the fairies in tingkerbell, they too could not speak, and only spoke using gestures.

2 Hours passed, and I've made a traditional 50 meter long house, it's quite long. and 15 meters wide. finished in just 2 hours, after which I thanked the fairies and they disappeared immediately.

"Thank you for your help guys, good bye" The fairies were happy to get my attention, they started waving and disappeared one by one.

After that, I made household utensils. Such as mattresses, kitchen utensils, chairs, tables and so on. The sky was getting dark, and I immediately went into the house and put the tools I made, I also made a mattress for my little baby.

"She looks cute ..... !! How can I forget her, of course I have to give her a name, I know! What if Shiro which means white, she has beautiful white hair maybe it suits her." should I use sleep magic to put her to sleep? I don't think so, maybe it's better to let her sleep by herself.

2 hours later

"Oh come on, Shirō why aren't you sleeping?" Little Shiro laughed happily as his father talked to her.

".... so cute .... I think I'll wait a little longer"

After 4 hours passed, Shiro finally slept and of course I slept toom

sfx: Bruak!

Suddenly I heard a loud crash in front of the house, when I looked outside. It was a female lion human race who was seriously injured. I immediately took her in and treated her.

And suddenly