
The hero just wants to live a slow life

A middle-aged man died while working. He is confronted by a man who claims to be a god The god gave Nagaiki an unreasonable cheat power and asked to save the world he would be placed in. After that Nagaiki was transferred to a kingdom that claimed to have saluted him as a hero whose aim was to defeat the demon king and save the world. After defeating the demon king, he disappeared somewhere and the kingdom that summon him continued to search for him. After defeating the demon king, nagaiki meets a beautiful woman from the lion-human race with dying silver hair. Nagaiki changed his goal and built a house in the middle of the forest, and lived peacefully with the lion race/ beast race woman named Hikari and have many children. From here the story begins.

TempuraXD · Fantasy
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10 Chs

General Knowledge of the Wizarding World.

5 Years Later

Shiro [5 Years]

Shiro is training with her father, Nagaiki, in front of her house right next to the waterfall.

"Hiyaa !! Magic level 3 [Boost]. Magic level 5 [Accel]" Shiro disappeared from the front of Nagaiki and appeared behind Nagaiki and Shiro shouted "Got you!" while jumping and swinging the gun at Nagaiki from behind him.

"[Back Step] and .... * Hit" Nagaiki who was about to be attacked by Shiro suddenly behind Shiro and hit Shiro's head with his hand.

"Agh ....!" Shiro immediately held her head with both hands that were in pain, and turned to look at Nagaiki with a frown.

"You're still too naive Shiro, do you have to increase your training?" I was surprised that when she used Accel, I didn't expect her to reach that level at such a young age.

Shiro frowned even more and puffed out her cheeks with a red face, she hit Nagaiki who was talking and screamed.

"Dad is stupid! Uwa ..... Mama, daddy bullied me again" and turned to run towards Hikari who was sitting in front of the house knitting clothes.

"Argh .... That pucnhes hurt you know" How could she hit that hard.

"Hahaha (chuckle), come here let mom fix your hair" Hikari put the knit next to her and held Shiro's head on her lap.

"Ma, how strong is father? Can I beat him?" Shiro asked as Hikari brushed her gently, and saw Nagaiki chopping wood.

"Of course, he is the strongest person in the world, if you keep practicing maybe you can become as strong as your father, even you can beat him later." Hearing that, Shiro immediately woke up, eyes sparkling with high hopes.

"Really! ?? Then I will continue training again. Father I want to practice again !!" Excited she ran up to his father and asked for additional training.

"Then I'll explain the materials for your additional training." So far I've only taught her how to fight, I haven't told her general knowledge.

"All right, I'm ready daddy" Shiro sat in a position directly in front of her father.

"Well, Dad, starting from the most basic thing, which is mana, Mana is the foundation of life that governs this world, every object has mana to a certain extent, living things can't live without mana so, when you fight someone, you have to save mana as much as possible where are you

Next is the InkCore, every living thing has a Inkcore.

The Mana content that we have is at the core of the core, the core is divided into 8 levels, namely Black, Red, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and White. And each level has 3 levels, namely Dark, Solid and Light.

Furthermore, Element, Element is divided into 4 Namely there are Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. There are actually 2 more elements, but the user of this element is no longer there or there are only a few, so this Element is no longer used as general knowledge, namely elements, Light and Darkness.

People who control 2 - 3 Elements are called Multi Elements. The person who can control the 4 Common Elements is called the Element Quartet. The one who is able to use all the elements like father is called the legendary element. Usually the one who can control all elements is the Hero or the Demon King.

Furthermore, there is Fusion, Fusion is the level and combination of Element.

Air Element = - Ice and -Plant

Earth Element = -Gravity, -Metal, -Crystal.

Earth + Fire Element = Magma

Element Fire + Wind = Lightning

Earth Element + Wind = Barrier

There are 2 Legendary Fusion, namely:

Light = Solar

Darker = Shadow

Next up was Witches, people who could control mana were called mages.

The witch is divided into 2 namely.

1. Andemaiter users who enhance their bodies using mana, use them to possess incredible strength, defense, and agility. However, their weakness lies in their limited range. An Andemaiter talent is measured by the strength of the mana channels in their body. This measures their speed and efficiency to relocate their mana from their mana core into various parts of their bodies. [2] When Andemaiter awaken, they form a pushing force around the barrier, signifying that they have dominant where channels in their body; the degree of the force depends on their innate talent.

Andemaiter is divided into 2

* Fundamentals of Andemaiter: Andemaiter utilize speed and precision in the use of one's where core to properly distribute which into different parts of the body.

Being able to utilize the mana channels efficiently requires years of both mental and physical practice.

Since Andemainting involves extracting mana in its purest form, there are no highly notable signs or distinctions of an elemental sense at an early stage. However, Andemaiters are able to control their mana more freely, allowing them to fight through various different forms of Andementation.

* Andementation Backlash: The phenomenon backlash occurs from depletion of the mana core, resulting in extreme physical pain for andemaiters. Depending on how strenuous the damage to the mana core is, the heavier and more intense the pain is.

2. Anderine, users who emit mana to the outside world allowing them to bend their surroundings to their will, possessing unfathomable powers.

However, their weakness is that they must supplement their own mana core with mana from the outside world, to exert mana into their surroundings in the form of spells. A anderine's talent is measured by the power of their mana veins.

This measures their speed and effectiveness to absorb mana from the outside world into their own mana core.[2] When Anderine awaken, they form a vacuum of mana around them, signifying their dominance in their mana veins the degree of the force depends on their innate talent.

Divided also into 2

* Fundamentals of Anderin: Anderines gather the surrounding mana in the area and draw it inwards. Once the mana is inside the body, one must circulate the mana into one's mana core to stabilize and purify the atmosphere's diluted mana.

Anderines use appropriate conductors such as a staff, wand, or ring to channel the mana using the proper incantations. The more powerful the spell, the longer it will take to draw in the surrounding mana, store it inside the mana core, and release it.

Since andering involves exerting focused mana into a particular spell, conjurers will have a special aptitude and typical lean towards a certain element at first. However, with proper training, conjurers can become adequate in the basics of all elements.[2]

* Anderin Backlash: The phenomenon backlash occurs from the overfilling of the mana core for anderines. This is caused by the overuse of spells beyond the anderine's capacity, or using a spell too powerful for the mana core to handle.

The next one is Monster Core. Monster Core is a Core that has been dropped by a dead monster or animal, the Core can be absorbed by which it is contained or can also be sold at a high price depending on the level of the monster.

Or you can summon the core to be a pet, usually it is done by a monster tamer, but there are also conditions where people who are not tamer monsters summon the monsters from the monster cores they get.

Alright enough for our lesson today, is there anything you want to ask? "My daughter is terrible, she even looks excited when I explain general knowledge at length like a grandpa.

"Yes there is! * Hands up, by the way, what level are my cores at, dad?" Shiro was still excited even though she was only practicing general knowledge that usually children her age didn't like the discussion.

"Alright let's have a look at the Skill Level 7 [Observation] hmm ... !!" Ah ... what the hell is this kid. Is she because of my daughter? I can't believe what I see. The core is colored ...