
The Day I lost it all

​Chapter 1:

"In the winter night i was shivering on a cold floor stained with warm blood steel was red holding it was a man with a gaze piercing my soul .....

​-3 years ago-

I am Lisa Galdr and a daughter of duke in the kingdom of Reinstern, since my father was the duke my arrogance knew no bound's, my attitude was Trashy, harrasing my maids and servants , treating my sibling's with arrogance and harshness since i thought that it would be this way forever but one day it changed it was the day of gathering. The day of Gathering: the day in which.the 12 king and pope gathers in one place to discuss and to find a solution of problems that will effect the continent and the world. church of volcis which worshipped the god of kindness Derga. This church was as lnfluential as the king. The church had massive influential in politics and had controll over the economy just as much if not more than the kings. On the day of gathering my father the duke Alcium Galdr was chosen to be the escort of the king during this important day

High influential figures from all around the continent were siting in one room

Suddenly a man stood up from the seat breaking the dead silence he said 'Lets start everyone today we have gathered here around this table because of the prophesy that was granted to the pope by the god derga' every one were listening interestingly, and the man spoke again ' according to this prohesy The demon king is gonna appear' everyone were shocked they were making a ruckus since demon king appearance basically either mean's world domination or world destruction and upon seing this the pope said 'You need'nt worry everyone everything will be fine the god derga said to start preparations for the war with the demon's " but how pope??"someone asked, the pope replied ' the derga sugests us to increase the war resources the demon king could appear at any time so we must prepare "after hearing this the king of Reinstern clayde reinstern thought ;this is suspicious the 12 kingdoms wont invest their money and assets even though with just their own assets the preparation for war will become smooth and pope knows that so is he not asking for money,if not then what ?" The pope said " no need to worry everyone the great derga doesn't ask for you to sacrifice you assets " everyone one were speechless, the pope said again " the derga doesnt want the women and children of the great kings who willl.be fighting the demon to get hurt in the war so he want to give sanctuary to them" everyone cheered to derga ,and the king clayde realized something " oh i see so the great church must need test subjects thats why they are trying to get women and children who have weaker mentality compared to men and they are royal's as well and they cant refuse since you ll be put on the rough spot , wait i can save my daughter heh" After talking for awhile the king's came to a conclusion of sending their eldest daughter to the sanctuary

Sanctuary : A educatitional facilty owned by the volcis church everyone wants to go to the the sanctuary but only those who are chosen by the church can get in , actually the sanctuary is a educational facilty only at the front but it is actually a experimental facilty that takes women who are mentally weak and are easily manipulated and perform various type of terrifying experiments they do not care for whats right andd when they feel like that some is of no use to them they either kill them or sells them to black market as a slave ,now back to the story, the king clayde came back to his kingdom after arriving to a conclusion with the other kings and was talking wilh his ⁰escort alcium Galdr" alcium do u know nobody will actually send their daughter to the sanctuary " hearing this alcium spoke"do u mean to say they will go against the sanctuary ?"

Clayde said 'ofcource not they will send women but its just not their daughter "

alcium was shocked and spoke " but wont they find out if we send any women since a royal blood has more mana and they have distinctive feature s

" king said " do u remember when we were writing contract we were also supposed to write the name of the person we will send to the sanctuary ... alcium bring your eldest daughter to the royal palace tommorow the church will be sending people t" alcium was shocked he couldn't believe it that the king wrote alcium' daughters name and other kings did the same they wrote some other noblewoman names . Alcium said" your highness how could you " king smiled eerily and said ' its not a problem alcium since i wrote your second daughter's name the trash of your family is just being recycled "

and just like that i was sold to the


After a few experiments they realized i was talenless and so they extracted every bit of my mana and sold me to the black market

where i was a man ' s plaything nothing more than that and it was this was for 3 years

i decided to survive no matter what and get revenge on the church and 3 years in alone i trained anything i could since had no mana and learned everything i could

but when it was winter i was sold to a noble in the country side who did as he pleased with me and

one day for some reason he was very angry and came to my cell he punched me on the face then gut it hurts it hurts then he started to choke me then i realized he had gone crazy my vision got blurry me eye s were teary my ear s were ringing

" i -ii dd-dont want to d-die"

suddenly I was dropped to the cold floor i gasped for air and blood was spreading through out the floor but it was not


it was the noblesblood his dead body was lying on the floor and behind it was a man holding a sword which stained red with blood and when i looked up to see his face

i saw his eyes which were glaring at me as if it was piercing me and when i gazed back in his eyes

it felt more colder than the winter' s chill.

Thank you for reading this i very glad that you have spend your precious time reading this and please give me feed back on how I can improve and I'll try my best to post 1 chapter every weekend

.... Thank You

WhitePencreators' thoughts