
The hero extra

"In world of violence , They no such Thing as remorse." --------- As I was sleeping and dreaming about a life in a fantasy novel , where I have a harem , I become a hero of a fantasy world. But reality us often disappointing , I woke up in my make sift bed and went to do my daily mission, little did I know that this mission will be my last. As on That day I Transmigration into a novel That I read. As a villain extra. A novel where The world is descend to darkness, This world is a world of myths and legend. And when I thought it wasn't tough enough for me already I was born to The eral of The hendrick family, a villain family or you can say a mafia family. In The novel They got Massacre by The main character cast. As i try and survive the Novel and make me redempt The sin of my past. I Alucard von Hendrick will make my dream in This helless fantasy world. **This novel will involve a lot of myths** So if you like myth and legend this may be your cup of tea. --------- An note:I'm a still newbie author so if you have and suggestions you can comment it. This novel with This kind of synopsis may look genetic but It not (I hope) ------- if you want more chapters , you can use your Stone to vote 50 Stone =2 ch daily 100 Stone =3 ch daily 150 Stone =4 ch daily 200 Stone = 5 ch daily And so on I will write as many chapters in a day as I can if you get The Stone high enough. it also help The novel to come and read it.

sam_bath · Fantasy
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34 Chs

chapter 6 The artifact 2

As I woke up again I saw people all around me I'm in what seem like a adventure guild , I saw people drinking talking.

Then suddenly someone put There hand around my neck.

"Let's drink pal"said a man with clothes That have hole and it smell like sh**."

As he grab me and drag me to sit at one of table.

"GET me 2 drink."

"Pal can you pay for my drink?"

"No , I have no money."said Alucard

"What aren't you working around The clock 24/7 how do you don't have money?"said The man

"Why are you relaying on me for what you order anyway?" Said Alucard with a disapproving look.

"Why should I work , when people who do The same Thing as I do earn more money Even thos , They do less work Than me?"

"Maybe They work harder or They do A better job Than You, have you ever Thing about That , all I see is you sit here all day drinking and complaining , I don't see you do any work."

"If you really want to earn more money Than him if you do The same work Than don't sit around all day complaining get to work , work harder and harder eventually you will earn more , what good is it for you to be here all day and complaining and drinking you are wasting your life you still young , keep working hard you will be better."

"But what if my job is just construction or other public job?"

"Then work and learn it may be difficult but That because when you are young you didn't pay attention at school , you still young even if you wasted your childhood you can still young don't forget That, even if you work construction you entire life you will still able to raise a rank and become a manager and earn enough money for retirement if you don't be lazy."

"You know being lazy is a sin more specifically The sin of sloth."

As I said Those word The world disappeared again.

I guess This trial is "The trial of sloth" to beat This trial you need diligence.

As my world got dark.

I wake up to me seeing a mountainof corpse.

I somehow feel like my hunger to eat increase as well , I felt like I could eat anything.

I touch my mouth and I can feel my mouth somehow grew.

I felt like I could eat all of Them , I Think That maybe if I just eat Then maybe my hunger will be satisfied.

Maybe I just eat 1 hand That it.


"Dammit you know that Victor lost This trial by eating The coupse Don't" as I said to my self.

"Yeah yeah This is The trial of gluttony don't eat The corpse I repeat don't eat , just stave."

"If you eat it you will be a monster just stave."

As I sat There on my knee kneeling before The mountain of corpse just waiting until I die while saliva roll down my mouth.

The longer I was There The more my hunger want to take over.

I was on my knee for 3 day , as I finally die ,And pass The trial.

As you may know This trial is "The trial of gluttony" to beat it you need temperance.

That was the hardest trial so far.

As I lay There and close my eye it become dark again.

As I prepare for The next trial.

I woke up and saw noble guard beating up someone I can already Gusse what trial This is.

"What are you doing to That kid? , why are you hitting him?" Said Alucard

"He a peasant yet he dare to refuse my request, it should be and honor to even have me request something to him."

"And you hitting him for That?"

"Yeah he just a orphan nobody he a lower life being Than me."

"There no such Thing as a lower human, we human are all The same, when you born with a sliver spoon in your mouth doesn't mean you are greater That Them , human worth is decided by what you do with your life."

"Do you really think noble are The same as peasant, we are born to do greater Thing Then Them."

"But are you still human?" Alucard ask.

"Yeah what else I'm I."

"Then we are The same."

As I said The world got destroyed and.

This trial is "The trial of pride" to beat The trial you need humility.

It time for The last trial wrath.


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And so on I will write as many chapters in a day as I can if you get The Stone high enough.

it also help The novel to come and read it.