
The hero extra

"In world of violence , They no such Thing as remorse." --------- As I was sleeping and dreaming about a life in a fantasy novel , where I have a harem , I become a hero of a fantasy world. But reality us often disappointing , I woke up in my make sift bed and went to do my daily mission, little did I know that this mission will be my last. As on That day I Transmigration into a novel That I read. As a villain extra. A novel where The world is descend to darkness, This world is a world of myths and legend. And when I thought it wasn't tough enough for me already I was born to The eral of The hendrick family, a villain family or you can say a mafia family. In The novel They got Massacre by The main character cast. As i try and survive the Novel and make me redempt The sin of my past. I Alucard von Hendrick will make my dream in This helless fantasy world. **This novel will involve a lot of myths** So if you like myth and legend this may be your cup of tea. --------- An note:I'm a still newbie author so if you have and suggestions you can comment it. This novel with This kind of synopsis may look genetic but It not (I hope) ------- if you want more chapters , you can use your Stone to vote 50 Stone =2 ch daily 100 Stone =3 ch daily 150 Stone =4 ch daily 200 Stone = 5 ch daily And so on I will write as many chapters in a day as I can if you get The Stone high enough. it also help The novel to come and read it.

sam_bath · Fantasy
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34 Chs

chapter 3 The artifact

As lay in my bed wondering.

How I can beat Victor.

I thought of many different way , I can try blackmail him , maybe I can use trap to beat him, maybe I can beat him like that.

but all of The Thing I know about him is from later in The novel , his backstory doesn't really contain information on what ability he have in The past.

And in The data book I got to know what the cleansing is but I don't know what The mission are , I can't ask my brother or sister because every year The mission is different.

I am working with very limited information right now.

So I need to Think of a way to beat him with a item or somethi—yeah I can get and artifact I maybe can get 1 of The characters cheat.

Hmmm I want a cheat That doesn't make The main cast power or The side hero weaker , it not that I care about changing The story or something , it because They are hero and There use There power to saved fight demon later on .

I will need There power later on , so I can't really take There hax.

So most of my candidate are villain.

I need it to be near me so I can get it , I need The power to not depend on my physical ability.

Hmmm I Gusse I can get That.

As I was laying in bed I suddenly heard something.


"Who is This?Ron?"

"Honey This is your mom , I'm coming in." Said his mother behind The door.

When The door open I saw a black hair women with a slim body and she have red eye.

she came in she have a face of mother who concerns, she Then said"i heard you have memories problem from Ron , are you Okey honey?"


I don't know what to say I never had a mother before what should I say? what if I said something stupid and she realize That I'm not her son, what happens Then?

"It Okey honey it seem like you still have some of your old habits even thos it seem like you lost some of your memories, you don't have to worry honey, how we reintroduce our self."


"I will go first Then I'm Sue you mother, I don't really have a last name because I'm not from a noble household you see , Then son how about you introduce yourself Then , I will help you with you introduce if you want."


"It okey son I'm your mother tell The information you know , if you don't know anything you can ask me you dear mother Okey?".

As she said That with a smile on her face and she place her hand patting my head.

somehow it feel sort of comforting , despite in my last life I was 28 years old.

"I think I'm Alucard von Hendrick , I'm 8 year old , I'm you son I Think? , I'm a child of Arles." Said Alucard with a soft tone.

"Yeah you right." Sue Said with a surprising tone.

"I'm sorry son , I'm sorry That you got my lineage instead of your dad , I'm sorry That you are born to This family , if you were born to any other family you would probably have childhood. "said sue as tears come out of her eye.

"I'm sorry That you will die in The cleansing, I will try and save you son I promise , we will escape This family so you can start a family of you own , so you can have a childhood , but especially you live your entire life with freedom." Said The crying mother.

"Now rest and recover son, I will find a way for us to get out of here."

((As she That she got off my bed and went out The room.))

Well That was Alucard mom sue , even thos what she said is possible , it very unlikely That we will successfully escape.

Even if I successfully escape, The family will put a bounty on us , and The entire underworld will be after us.

There a higher chance of me winning This year cleansing Then escaping and living till I'm 18.

I mean out of 1000 of people attempt of escaping The cleansing There have been only 1 ever person to escape.

And That person was already strong enough to win The cleansing , he chose to escape because he didn't want to kill his family member.

So They no way we can escape, That probably why she was crying she know she lying but I Think she just want to comfort me.

Maybe The original owner of The body Train really hard and kill himself.


Maybe I should Thanks The owner of The body because now I got a mother.

Tomorrow I will go and get The artifact.



"Tomorrow bring me to The hendrick mountain."

"Yes sir do you need anything else?"

"Yeah bring me some healing potion as well."

"Sir if you want healing potion , Then you need to The permission of The mansion doctor first."

"Okey , tell Them That I need it for just in case."

"Yes sir have a good night sleep."


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