
The Hero's Ascent

SpaceMochi · Fantasy
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A scowl flickered athwart my face but quickly vanished as I forced a grin. Oddly, my magic that had been cultured for years upon years disappeared with no trace whatsoever.

"Things just got a lot tougher," I said, my teeth champing from each other as my face to a certain degree bare an annoyed mien.

My control over magic was no longer extant within me. I contemplated, my view circling the surroundings, bright glimmers were dispersed from several directions molding perceptible imageries of floating dust around the manor, yet no particle hovered in between.

My past magic-augmented vision was no longer present, I was practically a normal person with past experiences.

I realized that my body was no longer under my control, and I had no grasp over magic. The realization made me understand that I had to start over from the beginning.

"Ha…Let's get this over with," I whispered, closing my eyes and vehemently soothing my mind, from which I started establishing a new-fangled core.

The world appeared to be enclosed in unfathomable blue as the reddish color of my skin sheltered my untimely vision.

Parting my insight and disconnecting from the never-ending darkness.

My heart pumped faintly end to end with my scruffy breaths. My vision and lucidity within this world were mere solitary notice.

Nonetheless, I had experienced this once in the past so doubt took no hold as I experienced this course once more – or so I thought.

With no vision, nor senses overseeing me, I was upended and motionless within my reverie – thoughts of influence filled my mind as I writhed to move from a halt.

Things which I had naturally done weren't being made, and I was entombed within the floundering consciousness of mine.

Suddenly, as if a toddler regaining consciousness, a sudden cold feeling washed my being as it comprised my mind, it wasn't the sense of image and audible range that I again realized, but it was one of the senses I had previously lost.

The ability so sense mana.

My vision spurned around as the multi-color wall flashed within my eyes, and hues of multiple colors were strangled within each other forming the aspect of reality – as my senses opened up again, I observed the multi-face walls were no solitary image that I perceived.

There were more incomprehensive things that were present within the space, yet my understanding nor perception stood no answer from the sense that I was feeling.

It was as if multiple chunks of debris were floating stretched from the enormous three-dimensional plane, yet at the same time they stood no existence within it.

Yet, it kept on calling for me its voice penetrating my mind whispering echoes of command that directly influenced me.

Instinctively I was commanding mana with my thoughts, and the multi-colored hues strangled a more complex structure and guided the incomprehensible uncertainty towards my heart, casing it and interlacing them from each other until my heart was visible yet covered within foreign matter.

Excellent glows zoomed in and sheltered my presence as I recoiled once again from my spatial ordinance – this time the musky scent of impurities basking my nose along with the scent of feces.

The floor on which I was positioned was roofed with a shadowy liquid encompassing my body – my heightened senses felt the acquainted presence of magic as my vision was shelled with the view of organized hues of particles.

Once again, I formed my core.

A familiar frenzied sensation danced and trailed from my fingertips as I tried to deploy the alien-like particles from the air.

Gripping archaic energy towards my palm, I stimulated my newly molded core filling with nature as it streamed from my veins imbuing every cell of my weak body, the mana-rich air trembled as the alien particles drew towards me.

My figure burned with unprecedented radiance as the borders of my core swiftly lengthened, and starved of any struggle I had attained the next level of the core – which in the past had me struggling for over two years.

My mind drifted, and my thoughts wandered off, I stood adjacent to the floor and gawked directly at the mirror – black mid-length hair covered my head as well as my red fiery eyes.

From the thought of it seems that I had reincarnated in someone else body – the familiar silver hair which I was acquainted with was nowhere present as well as the scars which I had suffered from multiple battles.

With my senses heightened with mana, I could feel the god's presence strongly compared to the past. Perhaps after my death, the gods who had turned their backs on humanity had successfully managed to…my thoughts trailed off.

"I need to find out, why I reincarnated to this body," I murmured, and for me to find out, I needed to be stronger, stronger than my past life – to rival the gods.

Carefully shaping the mana within my core, I drew it close to my palm and around my body augmenting the innermost fibers of my muscles. My palm swelled with power as it held the form of a scorching sphere – embracing the room with a warm squall.

I began rambling. The sweltering spark of the sphere excelled through the room as the archaic energy surged with my power, illuminating the path in response.

Like lightning hammering its intended mark, I aimed the sphere into a window and released it with great oomph.

A single bombardment materialized within a flash destroying the place with a gaudy boom as debris started soaring in multiple directions.

The elegant rays of light I had observed previously were nowhere to be seen apart from the lunar light of dusk which I gazed at, and as expected– no town greeted me with surprise and gasp.

Only the silent breeze which I sight.

The dusky trace of night hummed with an eerie catch as I observed the uninhibited town.

My gaze tracked from the barren town, empty of hushes from the people which this town should had, except for the manor which I stood. No other building rivaled its size – the town's entirety equaling an old park.