
The Hero's Ascent

SpaceMochi · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A Failed Star 1

Staring right at the hot blazing furnace, I surveyed my body which was covered in quick purple hues and red tethered bruises – throbbing from time to time, which was fairly annoying.

I also noticed that my body was similar to that of a skeletal man, each rib flailing out from my skin poking from the inside.

My heart though hardly noticeable was pounding with inordinate mien as it appeared to struggle in circulating my blood.

"Just what happened when I died?" I whispered.

My wholly stripped body was so scrawny that I had trouble just breathing, my ears were also soundless and muffled, shadowed by relentless earsplitting aches flooding my inaudible human ears.

The room I was in was a small space largely occupied by the enormous furnace that was jam-packed with trash.

Several apparatuses were strewn around the space and cold bodies were amassed from one place to another, overwhelming the room with the robust odor of unpleasant rotten flesh.

In comparison to my severely malnourished body, the skins of the dead sank through their perpetuated muscles and were entrenched with their bones, shaping them as if corpses of old.

I skimmed the room in the hope of finding any hint of where I was, but it only led me to believe that I was indeed in a crematorium – a particularly old one at that.

"Ah…The voice!" Recalling the events, I remembered hearing a particularly pleasant-sounding voice just before I passed on.

"Wait, did I really die? No that can't be after all I'm alive and talking." I wrinkled my eyebrows, "What the hell just happened before I passed out? Perhaps I reincarnated?"

I alleged of the thought of course, but it wouldn't be probable unless some fucking god helped me when I was dying.

Bearing through the daunting thoughts flooding my mind, I stood up soundlessly through the empty room when a particular item roused my interest.

Taking a deep breath I stood in front of a table, and gawked at the item – multiple syringes scattered throughout, shadowed by the awful-looking liquid beside them.

Though the liquid wouldn't directly help me in anything, the syringes might help me in the hope of anything making in harm's way.

So, I grabbed two of the syringes and posed in a defensive manner – breathing with deep concentration I unleashed a flow of gashes which I only succeeded with three at best.

"This should be enough," I said with a ragged breath.

Still butt naked, I readied myself and organized to leave the hell-forsaken room which I was in.

Separate from the room was a lengthy well-made great hall, the scope of its magnitude rivaling that of a museum – ornaments were fashioned in an orderly custom showered by the scrupulous glimmers of sunlight escaping from the long-outmoded curtains that seemed to conceal the whole expanse.

Probing the wholeness of the building might seem to be overwhelming due to its sheer extent, rooms were extant left and right in the interior and expanse of the corridor.

Stealthily rambling from one room to another unclothed, in the end, I found myself in front of an entrance at the end of the great hall.

As usual, before entering I sided my ear within the rigid exterior of the entrance – hopeful that no one would be inside.

Thankfully, from what I observed when I was searching from room to room, even though the size of this building was significant, the contrast of its security was pretty laid-back as I hadn't even run into a single human being ever since I strayed out from the stench hell of a room.

After confirming that no one was undeniably inside the room, I deliberately pushed the door scraping with excessive sound along the hushed span of the hall.

After stepping inside, a stuffy odor of conserved dust stamped my nose along with a sweltering trace of feces.

"What the hell?" I retorted, my hair scrunching with uncanny detort as my face wrinkled with a sickened expression.

Much like the other room, the room was filled with dust and cobwebs – boxes strayed all over the space abandoned with abundant items.

Thinking that this building might be an abandoned one might not be too farfetched, seeing as the maintenance of the building wasn't regarded as much anymore.

This room held quite an amount of clothing, perhaps a once-rich family had lived there.

Walking within the feces-filled floor I stood in front of an open dresser that hung a few couple male clothing and rummaged my gaunt fingers from one clothe to another – though the smell of the clothing was quite grubby and deep-rooted it was better than running around stripped naked.

"I'll just take this one," Though there were various picks to choose from, all of it doesn't seem to fit my excessively malnourished body, so over the numerous clothing I had rummaged I ended up choosing a black tuxedo and a black pant to pair it.

Now that I was covered from neck to legs it was time for me to set out, but first, there was something that I should check.

It was bugging me earlier but I had set some priorities so I disregarded it to some extent, but now that I had achieved my priorities, I needed to check it.

Closing my eyes, I sat down within the feces-free space and started meditating, my perception started to burrow as my presence crossed the threshold of my heart – then suddenly I was in a void, no light, no darkness, just pure empty void.

"Hah…this is more serious than I thought, I'm basically a normal person at this point," I mumbled, my concentration waning within the spatial ordinance which I was in.