
The heresy

‘’When mortals die, their grievances and unwillingness are the last thing that linger. Their souls will then go to the vast sky and become the stars that guide those they left behind through the darkness of the night.” Said the woman to the child on her lap. She and the child were gazing at the endless night, the cold wind caressing their skin. “But mother” the child looked at the woman embracing her “what about father’s kind? Would they also be stars when they die? How about you?” The woman smiled then gently tousling the girl’s hair “You know xiao yue, not all existence are the same. There are certain kinds who does not belong here but somewhere else. But no matter where or what, always remember, me and your father will always be by your side.” the woman stared the girl’s eyes gently conveying her utmost love and tenderness, she then lifted her finger and pointed towards the little girl’s heart “we will always be right here. When the time comes when me and your father are to leave this world, just look down in your heart and we will be there.” --- --- In the dark era where light and dark intersect, gods and vampires coexist and were said to be the strongest opposing deities of heaven and earth. Both the light and darkness live in harmony but in places not seen by all,fights ensue for the sake of getting the supreme title as the strongest race in all realms. This era birthed a heresy that was bound to be condemned by all of the races. A half blood; Half goddess and half vampire. She is an unknown that poses a great threat as she is the greatest variable of uncertainty. A taint to the pure bloodlines of the dark and the light. Besieged by forces, Ying Yue lost her parents and had to survive drifting off through time. Witnessing countless births of new era, using countless identities every 100 years. On the 25th Century where mankind welcomed the interstellar world, Ying Yue was plotted and was sent to her demise. Those emotions she bottled up poured out and in the midst of this painful tragedy, she encountered enlightenment. Would this enlightenment be enough for her to correct all repercussions she left behind and help her achieve her heart’s desire? Would she be able to remember those important memories she forgot? She very much hope so…. ************************************************** Author sama: I will try my best to update at least 2 to 3 chapters every Wednesday and Friday. :) But of course if I had enough time, I might probably upload on the other days too. Also, this world is purely fictional. All names I have in this book were picked from our uncle Google and they don't describe or portray real people outside this book... so if any of these bother you I apologize in advance. *** there will be smut chapters in this book which will be locked to give you the right to decide if you want to read the detailed one or the fade to black. Reading the book just as it is will not affect your reading. I just wanted to add the detailed one for my own fun and readers like me of course. Happy Reading

sheila1001 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Her Zither's Voice

"Yueyue, you did very well." Bai Xingmei praised Ying Yue one evening as they practiced playing the zither.

"Thank you, Mei'jie. I wouldn't be able to do this without your help." She thanked sincerely. Since that night when Bai Xingmei promised to teach her, the young maiden never failed to keep it.

Each night they would both be in the pavilion, one learning, one teaching. They never seemed to tire of it.

Ying Yue, having another chance playing the music that she loves, was very diligent. Zither was something she wasn't too good with. When she was on earth, she could play almost all the instrument but what she preferred were piano, violin, and flute.

She wanted to have Bai Xingmei teach her the basics of the flute so she can once again play it here but even though Xingmei knew how she doesn't have one at the moment. So Ying Yue then decided to learn the zither for the meantime.

But after a few tries, she was hooked. Using her skills from the past and Bai Xingmei's guidance, she was able to now play the zither using a style unique to her own.

If Bai Xingmei's music was gentle and warm, hers was intense and melancholic. Like a millennium of longing that never found a place to vent. Ready to wreak havoc to whoever heard it.

"Yueyue, you know I am quite envious of you…" Bai Xingmei opened up, "You learned zither because you wanted to, and not because people were expecting things from you." Smiling sadly, she looked at the zither in Ying Yue's hands. "At least you have your freedom to do what you liked to do without anyone saying otherwise."

After all the time they have spent together, Ying Yue saw how simple this big sister of hers was. She never wanted to do stressful things like scheming or excelling. It was just that the pressure their father gave her was too much for her to handle.

So to blow off steam, she was always visiting this garden to play her heart out. Trying to shout her grievances to the air because she knew no one would even want to listen to her even if she wanted to speak.

"Mei'jie, I know it had been very hard on you… but at least you are still lucky because not everyone has the chance to learn and get what you have even if they have the will." Ying Yue solemnly advised.

Looking at this body's situation, at least Bai Xingmei would have ample resources to turn things around if she pushed herself to it.

As if realizing something, Bai Xingmei smiled, ashamed. She remembered that this particular sister of hers didn't even live as she ought to in this estate. She suddenly felt her woes were somewhat superficial.

Reaching her hand out, clasping it on Ying Yue's, she smiled then said, "You're right Yueyue, this jiejie is quite insensitive. But I would like to thank you for reminding me that I am very blessed despite everything."

"Mei'jie, I will always be thankful to you because you have given me this chance to be able to express myself freely, so I want you to always remember that I will be on your side all the time. May it is on hard time or happiness, you can always count on Yueyue to be with you. So don't be sad anymore." This girl has given her a lot of things without asking anything else in return. For this, she was indeed sincerely moved.

She then made a prompt decision to protect this person from her future demise.

As if remembering something, Ying Yue suddenly said, "Meijie, Isn't the banquet coming nearer? Have you thought of what you are going to play?"

"Well, I am not sure yet. I am still choosing between two songs that I am good at. They both depict auspicious atmosphere so I guess they fit banquets most."

"Mei'jie let me tell you a secret. You know I always sneak out of the estate and Xiao Hua was the one covering for me all the time." Ying Yue has no scruples in dragging her foolish made along the mud.

"My lady!" "Yueyue!" Both Xiao Hua and Bai Xingmei uttered at the same time in surprise. They were surprised by two different things.

Ying Yue only shrugged as if it was nothing serious, "Every time I go out, I visit the public library, and there is a hidden section there where most of the old scripts and books were kept. And I found this." Laying out a piece of paper with a series of bars and notes written on it, she then began to explain that these notes were a guide on how to play this piece in the zither. Ying Yue was not lying because even she was shocked by this discovery.

This piece was named "Butterfly Lovers" which was also the same piece that was well known in C country. This is a very sad song about a person who dreamed about his lover and his emotional sufferings because this lovely story of theirs was only but a dream.

His longing and agony were clear for all to see. It was like you were thirsty for a long time and the water was dangling right in front of you, so you reached out, only to find out that everything was only an illusion.

Although this particular piece was sad and probably something not usually heard in birthday banquets, if she was able to explain it well in the end, wouldn't it be okay? Besides, Isn't the point of the competition is to win without doubts using your talent to conquer?

"Meijie, let me show you how it is played… I have memorized this one already." preparing the Zither Ying Yue then closed her eyes. She tried to internalize the notes and how she envisioned the music to sound like. Taking a long breath then opening her eyes, she started to play.

As someone who never fell in love before, she interpreted this song as that of a longing for someone who she has never found yet.

In the thousands of years she was alive, not even once did she stop to find someone who would be able to complete her heart.

As an immortal, those carnal desires were something not new to her, she even participated in it at some point. But each time, she felt like it was not what she was looking for. Those ecstasies and satisfaction that humans felt after the deed, was something dreadful for her, as every time it was done, it just made her emptier and seemed to thirst for something she never even knew what.

Thus she has always despaired and yearned to have that special someone. Then all of a sudden, the image of a certain prince on top of a sturdy horse came to mind.

At this point, her music suddenly became giddy, like a young maiden whispering sweet nothings to her lover.

But as she remembered that this world was just another world that she would one day leave behind, her heart broke as can be heard in her playing. This sadness was overwhelming that it can devour the hearts of those listening. The song came to an abrupt end.

Ying Yue was drowned in sadness as can be seen with her quivering lashes and shoulders. Her veil was wet with her tears and her heart was breaking in a million pieces.

Bai Xingmei got a hold of herself then wiped her tears. She faced Ying Yue patting her head. She wondered where this young lady could get those emotions from. wasn't she only almost 8?

Coming back to her senses, Ying Yue apologized quickly then wiped her eyes dry. "Mei'jie, I'm sorry for the spectacle."

"No, it was very beautiful." Then she firmly said, "Yueyue, I will not be using this piece because it is not for me. But I was able to see some inspiration that might help me out, so thank you for playing for me."

"En." was the only thing Ying Yue could say as for that moment she choked full of emotions but apart from that she was also surprised, why did she think about the fourth prince all of a sudden?

On the other side of the continent, a certain prince sneezed at the border. He then continued his work as if nothing happened.

The soldiers around were all horrified, thinking of what will they do as the world was about to end.

The demon just sneezed, didn't he? was this a new sign when a country was about to be doomed? They would just be glad if it weren't them ending up being doomed.

With this thought in mind, they all stepped back, creating at least a 20 meters radius away from the monster which they call general.