

Hey there! I'm Connor Davis yes I am well aware of how 'COMMON' my name is so please do let it go. I found myself quite aware of it as it is about my naming as a baby.

Yes, aware! But then again who would believe a baby it's fully sentient at birth? anyone? hello? anyone there?

Well, the thing is I was and trust me I didn't cry because of the blinding light or the slap to my rear... tho to be honest it's more of the sting than the pain per se really. But enough sidetracking I was talking of the fact that I was born fully aware and sentient of everything around me and yeah it was a pain in the rear to learn and to understand that you only get to pee and poop yourself as a baby because well... you're a baby duh! But coming from a baby that came as a White sheet with no knowledge at all of the world and its customs I say stoping the diaper consumption at 19 months of age it's a nice achievement.

Again I sidetracked the thing is that since I was birthed my intelligence was quite high so yeah I have been quite the handful but for what I had seen and Heard from Friends of my parents I'm a freaking angel! I mean WTH! man who would go and race to a table and knock down a cristal collection that took years of effort and tears... and many more after the knockdown.

Well, I'll introduce myself once more guys... I am Connor Davis and I'm currently 14 y\o and on my way to my new home for the last 2 years.

Oh yeah, I'm in my 3rd year of college! Yeah, remember the intelligent thingy. turns out I'm a freaking genius but I know to tone it down because I don't want to be looked at like a freak (not that I'm not) but you know my parents were kinda sad about how people look at me sometimes if a was a smartass about something (not my fault they were misinformed really).

Currently, I'm majoring in engineering and close to full completion of my courses and about to graduate really (some teachers refuse to give me finals and instead assigned me to do some thesis). Turn out that if you are Smart and dedícate time to do the things they ask of you get some recognition and get bullied for a smartass (-.-') like really? Thesis? It's one thing to do one at graduation you know but a minor thesis for your finals it's just wrong! But they pulled the 'it is for your own Good and to help you develop more in the scientific side and not just on the mechanical side'.

Not that they were wrong tho... I get to design and develop small devices or robots and it kinda gets why they push me to spend more time on the library than the lab... turns out that spending 4 days straight on the lab was not something that a minor in development should do. Then again I like making things and comes as easy as breathing to me.

So like that, I'm really closet o graduation and don't know maybe a masters or a PhD after to have more time for developing and leave the minor tag behind so I can actually get a job because even if it's the government it is a crime for a minor to work contract or no contract involved.

Till today I have made and experimented with some small stuff nothing Fancy or world-changing besides a device that helps in the detection of chemicals that are deemed harmful or explosives.

That was actually developed and it's in use in important facilities like airports and government buildings. Got the rights of that one and some income for my future thanks to my parents cause you know minor here! A Smart one but a minor non the less.

While in college I spend most of my time doing my own things like you know my own A.I. Yeah an artificial intelligence! I heard from some teachers that a certain senior of mine that graduated several years ago actually managed to make one and improve it over the course of time.

Never asked who was this senior because a wanna do my own A.I. I don't want to copy an existing one or even try to configure some of the programs and codes of that A.I. Because like I said I'll do my own things I won't copy or recreate it! My pride won't let me even try it.

And well I have been working in my EVE ever since I got hooked in the programming and coding really. I mean who doesn't right! It is quite the feeling to be able to create something from nothing be it an advanced program or a robot it's quite an addictive feel.

Now I'm just about to finish EVE just need to program a voice and some algorithms for some personality traits so it is not so stiff and feels more human even. But I'm having a hard time finding a proper voice modulator so for the past days I've been going around the place listening to females in and out of college trying to find my perfect voice.

And that I did on my 2nd day while I was in the city there was this girl that was really pretty and with a fiery red hair and a sultry semi-strong tone of voice so I almost break my neck turning around the moment I heard her voice really creepy now that I remember. I went to the said girl and Heard her again that voice got me in a trance till she said it.

"hi there tiger"

Those were her words and I look a bit up at her and so her smiling at me and I realized I was not just going to her but actually step and stop in front of her (so embarrassing) I flushed a Little look down and breathed a bit to calm myself a Little then I again look to her and started to speak my mind.

"Hello there miss I'm Connor, Connor Davis sorry to get in the way but your voice really put me in a trance for a moment there and I was just trying to find the source and ask for a favor of the owner.

Again sorry if I was a bit abrupt there but first things first as I said before I'm Connor nice to meet you miss?"

"so Young and saying the right things already you got future there tiger.

And I'm Mary Jane Watson nice to meet you too. Now, what is this of a favor I'm hearing?"

"well, actually I would like to have a word or two with you and record it. If it's ok with you of course!"

"hmm, and why do you need these recordings if I may ask? It's not every day I get asked to let my voice be recorded tho so it does sound interesting depending on the answer that is."

"well can we go to that café I'll explain everything there?"

Getting a nod from Mary Jane we crossed the Street and enter a café shop close by. A waitress took our order and then a look from Mary Jane told me to start explaining.

"well first thing is I'm a college student and I'm currently working on a program a computer program which is almost finished but I didn't want to hear a metallic inorganic voice on the program so I got out and started to look for some voice that I feel it may be perfect for it you know? I mean if you are going to listen to a voice every day better be a voice that claims your attention than something that may as well tire you of listening at the day or so.

So I was looking and happened upon you miss Watson. Your voice really took the conscience out of me and this comes from a person that constantly gets reprimanded in college for spacing out or immersing myself in my projects or studies. So you deserve some praise."

"haha... ok I'm flattered now Connor and call me M.J. as everyone does.

Now the praise thing well you are making me feel a bit smug there if I'm honest hahaha. but then again I get the picture of the favor now and I got no issues with it really so count me in!"

"Awesome! Thank you very much it means a lot to me really!"

"no problem tiger! Now, are you really in college? Aren't you younger than me? And I'm a senior in H.S. even."

"well they say I'm a genius but to be honest I'm just Good at studying and stuff nothing more really that label just get me troubles and a lot of work at the end of the day."

That last part I said it with a sigh that escapes my mouth and a small chuckle from M.J. at the remark.

"got it! Got a friend in a similar situation really! He is smart but doesn't show it much because he says if he graduates and gets admitted to a Good college he won't be able to afford it tho I told him there are grants and the like but he can be stubborn in the smallest things I swear."

Getting an image of a geeky guy with low self esteemed and cursing his smarts for the bullying… maybe?

While I fine-tune the details of my Works and stuff that I'm doing plus the A.I. so as to gave her some peace of mind that it's not for something perverted.

"Not gonna lie you there that you think that what I'm doing maybe perverted hurts a little. But honest it's just because I rather have a nice female voice than a robotic male one that may creep me out saying Good morning and stuff when I start my day and all that!"

"hahaha got ya! Can't say I would like to wake up to that either.

So when do we start? And where do we start? Doubt you wanna do it here right?"

Man, I love when people are Smart! M.J. got the right questions and the answers well...

"right! We can go to my lab in college and record there some sentences and maybe some of your way of wording too so as have more of a Flow in the A.I. instead of a robotic or stiff language what do you think?".

"sound like a plan tiger! Got nothing to do for the rest of the day so we can go now if you want!".

Paying for both of us I Heard M.J. murmuring something about letting a Pet? Learning a thing or two from me… not gonna ask about that because I fear to have to teach something no matter the subject.

I mean come on I gave hell to some professors in college now imagine a teen a Smart one at that giving ME the same dose? HELL NO!

We took some time to get to college and I got M.J. some visitors I.D. so she could come in. It's a college with tons of research done per year so yeah you need an I.D. and guarantor to be let in on the labs area of college and you still need to have someone supervising so as to avoid manipulation and all that.

Once we get to the lab I got some gear up and fetch some mics that I tampered to get a better and cleaner sound...

Got M.J. in a soundbox (made it myself) and started to let her read some words that I prepared beforehand then I gave her some movie scripts (she did mention she wanna be an actress so) that got her going plus with my sincere (nonblocked and unfiltered) advice to some parts she could improve well we got ourselves going for a couple of hours.

By the end, I got a lot of data to process and some help from the videos I took during the session are going to help with the quirks so that the A.I. feels more humane than synthetic.

~time skip~

It's been 4 and a half months now and my A.I. it's ready! Just got a few runs for test and when I clean some bugs got it ready for launch!

I got hold of M.J. and Peter got to know the guy after some time and god he's so timid it makes me look Good… and I'm a 14 y/o teen for god's sake!

"so guys you ready for this? EVE it's going live in but a moment!"

"This is so exciting! Thanks for letting me in on this Connor! You too Mary Jane for introducing us!" Says a giddy Peter to us.

"your welcome tiger! I don't really get most of all the technical stuff but not gonna lie I'm excited to be part of it! Literally!".

So I put some last codes on the computer and start to run the program so as to see my "slap" ouch ok OUR EVE coming to life!

A couple of minutes and there's a small glitch on the monitor then the image of a Mary Jane with blond hair and gray eyes pop on the screen and start to look at our faces and the surroundings after a minute she spoke to us.

[Hello sir, miss Watson, mister Parker]

"hello EVE welcome to our world!"

We three said at the same time with face splitting grins.