
The hell planet

This is about a boy Alfie that had his family killed by the second commander of the demon lord bezzulup

vezdurs · War
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20 Chs

7. Secret training

It was a hot day but I thought it was a good idea to train by myself in demon woods. Until it was then when I saw it it was demonic bear RUN IM GOING TO DIE stop shouting Alfie think. I have to kill him second thought I'm getting the hell out I'm not trying to die I'm to young. It was until this shady figure came he use void magic top tier magic only unit leaders can use this magic but this isn't a unit its its A DEMONIC ZOMBIE WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME. I'm finally out this forest that demonic zombie was probably a old unit leader. I have never seen void magic before it really is strong I hope I can learn it one day I will become a unit leader and take down the second commander and find my sister.