
The Helix Project

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Magecrafter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
161 Chs


YEAR: 2161

LOCATION:Game Arena, Ranker's Banquet Hall, Staff Area, Orion Secondary Grounds.

Everyone stared and many glared at the winners of the first round of the Banquet Games. They were all Beginner Rankers, and they all won without a single scratch on them.

The other Rankers couldn't believe it. How was it possible that higher placed Rankers would lose so easily?

But, they couldn't deny the skill and abilities the Beginner Rankers displayed, and so they couldn't pass it up as a fluke or insinuate cheating of any kind. They could only accept the fact of what they had just witnessed.

"Now, for the second round of the Banquet Games... We have..." Luke said, pausing for a dramatic effect.

The other Rankers held their breath, awaiting Luke's announcement.

"Winner Takes All!" Luke declared.