
Chapter 8: Stimulation

Translator: 549690339

Actually, this was not the first time Helen and Amelia had met. A while ago, Sebastian had introduced her and Amelia outside.

Helen, who was 14 years old, was naive and innocent. Although at first, she didn't like the idea of her father remarrying, she surprisingly didn't resist Amelia after Amelia's deliberate attempts to win her favor.

Why did she accept her so easily back then? Helen looked at Amelia objectively once more and finally figured it out.

Amelia was imitating her mother, Isabella Blair. Unintentionally and naturally, whether in her clothing or expression, Amelia bore some resemblance to her mother. It was subtle, enough not to elicit annoyance from Helen, but enough for her to accept Amelia more readily.

Amelia had really put a lot of effort into it!

Amelia looked at Helen tenderly and sympathetically, which was the most appropriate expression for a girl who had just lost her mother.

"Helen, this is my daughter, Ruby Walker. It's your first meeting, and I hope you all can become friends." Amelia introduced her daughter.

Helen's gaze shifted to Ruby,

Ruby, who was 15 years old, had grown into a graceful beauty, like a flower about to bloom. No wonder...

Helen sneered in her heart.

"Hello, my name is Ruby. I'm happy to meet you." Ruby reached out her hand to Helen and thought to herself, "So this is the Blair Family's Princess, how ordinary."

Ruby felt a sense of secret satisfaction in her heart.

Helen also extended her hand, but as soon as she touched Ruby's, she withdrew it immediately.

Both Amelia and Ruby looked startled. Ruby's face turned sour, wondering what that was supposed to mean.

Amelia stared at Helen in surprise as well. Was this a show of power to her daughter? Could this innocent, naïve little princess really do such a thing?

Sebastian looked at Helen disapprovingly and said, "Helen, you can't be so rude!"

Helen apologized with a guilty expression and said loudly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just that her hand was sweaty, and I'm not used to it... Oh, you're sweaty too! Did you take the bus here?" Helen opened her eyes wide, looking naïve.

The surrounding servants' gazes filled with disdain as they heard Helen's words. Many of them had worked in the Blair Family for years and looked down on others. They had already heard that the new lady of the house came from a low social background and was going to replace Isabella, so they couldn't help but reveal their disdain for Amelia and Ruby.

Ruby withdrew her hand hurriedly, her face turning pale as she lowered her head in humiliation. Amelia's expression also stiffened.

Helen sneered in her heart. In her past life, one pretended to be a good sister while the other pretended to be a good mother, winning her trust and the respect of others, securing their place in the Blair Family.

This time, let's see how they pretend!

Sebastian felt uncomfortable, not because his daughter was insulted, but because his own background wasn't much better. The servants' gazes made him uneasy.

He raised his voice, "Helen, what are you talking about? You're becoming more disrespectful!"

Helen asked innocently, "What did I say wrong?"

Sebastian was momentarily at a loss for words. What indeed had she said wrong? What's wrong with taking the bus? Many people do. It was just their own inferiority complex acting up!

He turned to a servant and said, "Take Miss Walker to the washroom!"

The servant walked up to Ruby with a polite but indifferent tone, "Miss Walker, please follow me."

Ruby followed the servant, and Helen watched her retreating figure with a grin, saying, "Why not take a bath while you're at it."

The nearby servants chuckled quietly.

Ruby shuddered and glared at Helen with a gaze sharp as a knife. To the servants' eyes, she appeared ungrateful.

Do not underestimate these servants, as rumors and gossips often start from their mouths.

Helen turned her head and saw Amelia staring at her coldly, but then Amelia's expression changed to a gentle smile.

"Helen, you're very thoughtful." Amelia's tone was absolutely sincere.

Helen smiled at her.

Suddenly, she realized that smiling brightly in front of her enemies was one way to make them uncomfortable.

Now that she couldn't overthrow them completely, she could only vent her anger like this.

Although Amelia continued to smile, her smile appeared somewhat strained. She looked at Helen doubtfully, wondering if she was doing it on purpose or by accident.

Helen made a welcoming gesture, "Auntie, please sit."

Amelia looked at Helen's innocent smile and felt slightly relieved, probably because she wasn't being deliberately malicious. This girl really didn't have any scheming.

Sebastian felt a bit more at ease and called for Amelia to sit down as well.

As the three of them sat on the carved rosewood chairs, the servants quickly served tea and snacks.

After sitting down, Amelia seemed to take casual glances around the hall, but Helen could clearly see the greed and excitement in her eyes.

Do you think you'll soon be able to enjoy all this?

Helen looked at her and sneered.

Feeling Helen's gaze, Amelia realized her loss of composure and quickly took her eyes off the surroundings. She started chatting casually with Sebastian while occasionally addressing Helen, asking about her studies and life, appearing to be very concerned.

Helen responded half-heartedly, just as Ruby came out after taking a bath.

Ruby, being young, couldn't hide her emotions or her annoyed expression. The more she acted like this, the brighter Helen's smile became.

Ruby couldn't help but roll her eyes at Helen.

Amelia noticed and frowned immediately, "Ruby!" Her tone carried a sense of warning and reminder.

Ruby pursed her lips and lowered her head, feeling wronged.

Helen felt a surge of satisfaction and thought, if you want to pretend to be good, then keep enduring it. After all, this is the Blair's Residence, and nothing will happen to her even if she turns into a female tyrant!

Sebastian rubbed his forehead in frustration and told the servant, "Let's eat."

The four of them walked towards the dining room. On the way, Ruby couldn't help but look around. Helen saw this and said with a smile, "Miss Walker, would you like me to ask a servant to show you around?"

Although there was nothing wrong with those words, the smile on Helen's face made people feel uncomfortable. Sebastian didn't see it, but Amelia and Ruby understood the meaning behind it clearly.

Ruby's face turned red with anger, and she gritted her teeth as she replied, "No need!" She then walked quickly to catch up with Sebastian.

Helen laughed and said to Amelia, "Auntie, your daughter is really interesting!"

Despite Amelia's patience, her expression changed for a moment.

Three more chapters. Please reward me with recommendation votes! Our new book is ranking up, and I really need everyone's support! Thank you~~