
The Heiress (Louise Agatha Morgan Ye)

Louise Morgan, became blind at the age of 10. She chose not to see the light of this world and hid behind the darkness. Countless of beatings, taunting, mocking she had endured. On her 12th year, her father Jonas Morgan decided to marry his childhood friend, Whitney Du and adopt Dorothy Du as his own child. On the eve of his engagement, Louise was lost and found 3 days later on the hospital. Jonas took all the burdens while Louise was in coma. Five years later, she found herself in a huge bed. It was the eve of Christmas and snow has been falling. The white blanketed all plants and chilled her heart. When she woke up, Lucia was the only one who was there, her father Jonas was forever gone. Whitney Du and her daughter enjoyed all the riches of her family. But it was not to late to get everything back. She was the rightful heiress of LM group and she, Louise Agatha Morgan Ye, will exact her revenge.

Army_21704 · Urban
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78 Chs


Shirley raised her brows meaningfully.

Mr. Ye?

"Okay. Ms. Ye..." The manager retreated after they settled inside the room.

"Show me his picture..." Shirley asked directly while she spread her hands towards Louise. Merideth was equally curious.

"No. You will see him later anyway..." Louise swiftly tucked her phone inside her pocket.

"Petty." Shirley scoffed playfully. She didn't mind though. Louise smiled and said nothing more.

Their food arrived but they were waiting for the man. They talked about anything from skin care products to the latest celebrity news.

They were laughing and having a good time when the door opened and a waiter ushered someone inside.

Augustus walked towards the women whom went silent.

Shirley narrowed her eyes and smiled meaningfully while assessing the man.

The famous, Mr. Ye of the underground world is here.

Louise walked towards the man and smiled at him sweetly.

"You're finally here. Let me introduce you to my friends."

She half dragged the man towards the sofa.

"Girls, this is Augustus, my husband." Louise introduced.

"This is Shirley and this is Merideth my friends."

Shirley stood up and offered a handshake but the man disregarded her hands but it didn't deter Shirley's enthusiasm.

"Hello, Mr. Ye." Shirley retracted her hand and waived him cutely.

"Hello." Merideth greeted perfunctorily. Augustus nodded back at her.

"Let's eat first..." Louise suggested.

"Okay." The two acquised and followed them to the table.

It had a plenty of food but all of it are quite nutritious.

This made Augustus raise his brows silently. He looked at Louise before he pulled a chair for her to sit down and he pulled himself a chair beside her seat.

Shirley pulled a chair for Merideth as she can't exert any force before settling.

Augustus poured the wine over their glasses personally.

"Ms. Shirley and Ms. Merideth, thank you for taking care of Louise this entire time. I was delayed by some matters in country S and had Louise come over first. Thank you. If you have any troubles, you can ask her for help." Augustus raised his glass and clinked it towards them.

Merideth saw that Shirley gave her a wink and she picked up the glass that contained grape juice.

Thinking that it was a wine, Augustus downed the half-glass of grape juice in one go. It only dawned him that it was a juice when he smelt the sweet fragrance from the glass but he just didn't stop there. He drank it like a fine wine but the curl of his brows betrayed his calm demeanor.

Louise giggled over their prank. Augustus jotted this on his list of her naughtiness. She will pay it sweetly, later.

Shirley laughed out loud over Augustus. Merideth stifled a laugh too.

"That's a nice prank." Augustus raised his brows towards the women across him and had a small arc on his lips.

"Sorry Mr. Ye, Merideth can't take alcohol." Shirley apologized but the tone was not right.

"She's pregnant... It's supposed to be a farewell party for her now but since you suggested that you will treat us, then we just go along with it." Shirley tattled while covering her mouth to avoid laughing out loud.

Augustus didn't really mind as he knew these matters beforehand.  Merideth was going to country S after this.

"Let's eat, I'm quite hungry." Louise complained as she put away her glass as she began to see what to take to her plate.

Augustus beat her to it. He already placed the Caesar's Salad over and had scooped her a bowl of soup.

"Here, have some soup first before eating." Augustus served Louise like there's no one else. The two women envied her greatly. They felt like not eating. Their appetite diminished after witnessing such public display of affection.

Shirley and Merideth buried their heads towards their own plate.

Single people like them have no rights to complain for now.