
The Heir Husband Love

Jocelin Thambrin, an independent and resilient woman, is reunited with her former lover, Jeremiah Halim, who harbors deep resentment towards her due to a misunderstanding. Jeremiah, a wealthy heir to an aviation company, initially had affection for Jocelin but turned into a vengeful person. Jocelin's struggle to rectify the misunderstanding culminates in the revelation of a secret she has been tightly guarding from Jeremiah's life. Will this secret melt Jeremiah's heart? Find out the full story in "The Love of the Heir's Husband."

Heikez · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 7. You Deceiver!

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Hardy, hearing that, immediately ran to tell Jeremiah.

"He just left," said Hardy.

"What did you say? Left?" Jeremiah replied, confused and increasingly annoyed.

"Yes, just now. Wait a moment, I'll call him to come back," said Hardy, reaching for his phone.

"Forget it," Jeremiah shouted, frustrated, throwing the meeting discussion documents onto the table.

"It seems this project is no longer important to him," Jeremiah continued.

Meanwhile, Jocelin kept running without stopping, even in heels, because she didn't want to make Kiel and the doctors wait too long. Kiel, seeing his mother arrive, smiled happily and called out to her.

"Mom!" called Kiel.

"Kiel, I'm so very sorry... Please forgive me for being late," said Jocelin, reaching for her tiny child's hand.

"Why are you apologizing, Mom? You don't need to apologize. I knew you would come," Kiel replied with a smile.

"But... I am a little scared, Mom," Kiel continued, speaking honestly.

Jocelin, hearing this, immediately tried to comfort her child.

"Don't be afraid. Here's what we'll do... I'll share all my energy with you," said Jocelin, touching her forehead to Kiel's.

"Don't be scared anymore, Mom will always be here waiting for you," Jocelin continued, trying to be brave despite her immense worry.

"Alright, I don't want to make you wait any longer. I won't be scared anymore, let's start now," Kiel replied, lying down on the bed before being wheeled into the operating room.

"Smart boy," said Jocelin, grateful to have Kiel in her life.

Suddenly, someone from the operating room staff came out to call for Kiel.

"Patient Jehezkiel Thambrin, please come into the room."

Hearing this, Jocelin held Kiel's hand tighter than before.

"Kiel, listen to me, once you're inside, just sleep soundly. When you wake up, you'll see me right away," Jocelin explained.

Kiel nodded, showing he understood.

"Be strong!" said Jocelin, raising her fist and inviting Kiel to do the same.

Kiel's bed was then pushed into the operating room. Jocelin tried to stay strong as she watched her son disappear from view. Once the operating room doors closed, she could no longer hold back her tears. Jocelin cried heavily, imagining the sadness and hardship Kiel had faced since childhood due to his weak heart condition.

Doctor Ronald, seeing this, immediately took out a tissue from his pocket.

"Don't worry, Kiel is a brave boy. Besides, Dr. Verrel Gunawan is an expert, so you don't need to worry. Everything will be fine," said Doctor Ronald.

"Ronald, please take care of Kiel," said Jocelin.

Doctor Ronald nodded and quickly entered the operating room to assist Dr. Verrel Gunawan with the surgery.

Meanwhile, Jocelin did not move an inch from the operating room door, visibly worried about Kiel's condition inside. A few minutes later, Nancy came running towards Jocelin, who stood like a statue.

"Don't panic, I'm sure everything will be alright. Dr. Verrel is a very skilled doctor," Nancy said, trying to calm Jocelin.

"Thank you for coming to stay with me," Jocelin replied.

"Don't mention it, Kiel is like my own child. Of course, I will always be here for both of you," Nancy replied, gently stroking Jocelin's cold hands.

Elsewhere, Jeremiah Halim was playing golf with Anton Harris, accompanied by his personal assistant.

"Mr. Jeremiah, thank you for agreeing to collaborate with Harris Group. We really appreciate this great opportunity," said Anton Harris.

"Of course, opportunities are given to everyone. Whether it's a long-term investment or not depends on your cooperation system's worthiness to continue," Jeremiah replied.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jeremiah, Harris Group has always been a leading company in the AI industry in the medical field," said Anton Harris.

"Previously, during my wife's birthday party, I wanted to introduce you to some friends in this industry and my business colleagues. But my party was disrupted by Jocelin Thambrin. By the way, I'm always curious, how did you come to know Jocelin Thambrin?" Anton Harris continued, curious about Jeremiah's relationship with Jocelin.

"I don't know her, it was just a coincidence," Jeremiah replied.

"Oh, if that's the case, I should remind you that Jocelin once interned at Harris Group, but I heard her work wasn't good. It's just hearsay, but thinking about it, it's suspicious that after joining IT Solution Win Pro, she became a director in less than two years," explained Anton Harris.

"I don't care about her character, but as a man, isn't it impolite to slander a woman, especially behind her back?" Jeremiah replied, swinging his golf club before hitting the ball.

A few seconds later, the ball hit by Jeremiah perfectly entered the hole.

"Great shot, Mr. Jeremiah," Anton Harris exclaimed.

"I have to go now; I have a meeting to attend. You can give the AI system implementation documents to my assistant," said Jeremiah, preparing to leave.

"Oh, let me escort you," said Anton Harris.

"No need," Jeremiah replied firmly.

Jeremiah left, leaving Anton Harris with his secretary.

"Why did he leave just like that? His attitude is terrible," said Sora, Anton Harris's secretary.

"Help me investigate. Let's see if Jeremiah Halim and Jocelin Thambrin really don't know each other," ordered Anton Harris to his assistant.

"Why are you so interested and concerned with Jocelin Thambrin?" Sora replied.

"I don't care about Jocelin. I'm more concerned about our AI project system. Besides, this is your first project as a director. Do you want to lose to Jocelin?" said Anton Harris.

"Of course not, I won't let myself lose to Jocelin," Sora replied with a scowl.

"That's why you need to listen to me because I would never harm you," said Anton Harris, hugging his personal assistant, Sora, and kissing the top of her head.

Meanwhile, Jocelin was still standing, looking out the window, waiting for the outcome of Kiel's surgery. She didn't utter a single word, faithfully waiting for Ronald to come out and tell her that Kiel's surgery had gone smoothly.

"Jocelin, Ronald is out," said Nancy, pulling Jocelin's arm when she saw Ronald coming out of the operating room.

"How is Kiel, Ronald? Is he okay?" Jocelin asked.

"Kiel is fine, the surgery went very smoothly. He's past the critical phase," Doctor Ronald explained, removing his mask.

Now, Jocelin could finally breathe a sigh of relief upon hearing the news.

"Kiel will be taken back to his room now, but I have to go back inside to handle something. I stepped out for a moment because I knew you'd be very worried, so I came to inform you first," said Doctor Ronald, returning to the operating room.

"I told you, everything would be alright. Now let's rest, you haven't eaten anything since earlier," said Nancy.

The next day,

At 9:00 AM GMT +8, Jocelin was already at Jeremiah's office to deal with the project issue that was delayed yesterday.

"Jocelin is here again and wants to meet with you," Hardy reported to Jeremiah.

"Does she think I'm unemployed? Just coming to meet me whenever she wants," Jeremiah said curtly.

"Alright, I understand," Hardy replied, understanding Jeremiah's thoughts.

"Jocelin, I'm sorry, but Mr. Jeremiah is very busy," Hardy said to Jocelin.

"Oh, no problem, let him be busy. I'll just wait here, it's fine," Jocelin replied with a smile.

"If he doesn't come out within 10 minutes, I'll go in myself," Jocelin added, already planning her next move.

"Alright then, should I prepare some tea?" Hardy asked.

"Sure, thank you, but no sugar, please," Jocelin replied.

"Alright, I'll be right back," said Hardy, going to prepare the tea for Jocelin.

Jocelin turned on her laptop and started typing a code. She was so focused on the screen, typing nonstop. When everything was ready, Jocelin placed her laptop on the table. Hardy, who had just arrived with the tea, looked confused when he saw Jocelin counting down.

"3...2...1," said Jocelin.

The next moment, Jocelin smiled broadly.

"Look, I didn't even need 10 minutes to finish," Jocelin said, having successfully carried out her plan.

"Hardy!!" Jeremiah called from his office.

Hearing his name, Hardy immediately approached Jeremiah, but Jeremiah had already stepped out of his office.

"Please call the IT team; my computer suddenly turned off..." Jeremiah said, stopping when he saw Jocelin sitting and waiting.

"No need to call the IT team. I just locked your computer, but don't worry, all the documents inside are safe," Jocelin replied.

"Why do you like to disrupt my life? There are so many people in this world, choose someone else to bother, but not me," Jeremiah said, annoyed, heading back to his office.

Jocelin quickly followed Jeremiah into his office, feeling agitated.

"If you didn't keep messing with me, I wouldn't do things like this to you," said Jocelin.

"Messing with you? You still dare to say that. Who do you think has been deceiving me for years if not you!" Jeremiah retorted, very



All names of places, companies, and characters in this story are purely fictional.

"Hello, readers, I'm glad to continue this story. Don't worry, you will gradually understand the past between Jocelin Thambrin and Jeremiah Halim. I'm sure you're still curious about what happened that made Jeremiah so full of hatred and resentment towards Jocelin. So please continue to support me, and I hope you enjoy it."
