
The Heir and Heiress

A forbidden kiss at her 20th birthday party leads to her faking an engagement with the sexy duke she hate! Will she resist or fall for his charms? Contains mature themes and languages.

blaxk_leah · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 5

A few days later, I was ready to call on Miss. Eliza Kingsley. I wore a floral gown with a flower crown on my hair.

Butler: Miss. Katherine Hawthorne to see you, Madam.

Eliza: Oh, Miss. Hawthorne, to what do I owe this pleasure?

Kitty: Good day, Miss. Kingsley. I remember telling your brother I would call on you the day of my birthday ball.

Eliza: And you were so good to keep your word. Come, sit. How have you been?

She eyed me curiously as she rested her hands in her lap.

Kitty: You know, don't you?

Eliza: Oh, dearest, the entire county knows. Gossip spreads like wildfire here. I only want to know how that rake Radcliffe managed to convince you.

Kitty: Er...um..

Eliza: He is rather easy on the eyes, i must admit.

Kitty: Eliza!

Eliza: Just because I'm a spinster doesn't mean my eyesight is broken, dear.

Kitty: You're not a spinster.

Eliza: That's sweet, Kitty, but tell that to the rest of the ton.

Kitty: The rest of the ton is stupid.

Eliza: But you did not answer my question. How did Radcliffe manage to steal your heart?

Kitty: The only thing that man stole was my pride.

Eliza: Ah, it's all a ruse.

Kitty: How did...

Eliza: Katherine, the moment i heard i knew it couldn't be real. You've always spoken quite fervently of your disgust for marriage. But even more than that you've spoken of your dislike for Lord Radcliffe.

Kitty: How is it that you know me better than my own family?

Eliza: Because being alone has taught me to listen. Or perhaps I can think of something less depressing. Well, this have been quite enjoyable.

Kitty: It has been. Thank you for spending time with me.

Eliza: Don't mention it, dear.

After my conversation with Eliza, I found myself in the village about half a mile from the estate on a stroll. I only came here a few times a month as I wasn't overly fond of the noise. Coincidentally, The universe made me bump into Dante. I'm convinced I have rotten luck.

Dante: Did you get my note?

Kitty: Good day to you too.

Dante: Good day, Miss. Hawthorne. The weather is most fine. Do you like my new hat? Well, did you?

Kitty: Yes, Lord Radcliffe. I got it.

Dante: And?

Kitty: And?

Dante: Have you forgiven me? Not that I care. I just don't want to deal with your attitude while we try to figure out a plan.

Kitty: I forgive you.

Dante: Really?

Kitty: Yes, Dante.

Dante: Have dinner with me?

Kitty: You've already asked me, Lord Radcliffe.

Dante: I want to dine with you.

Kitty: Why?

Dante: Because I...

He stepped closer, before glancing around and cursing under his breath as if suddenly remembering we were on a bustling street in the village.

Dante: Because I need an opinion on my food...

Kitty: Your food?

Dante: Yes, cooking is a hobby of mine, but I don't really let people know. My cook has been teaching me, but I've had no one besides her try out my skills so...

Kitty: I never though I'd hear a Duke say he cooks.

Dante: Shhh. Not so loud. The last thing I need is people talking. I have a reputation to uphold.

Kitty: Fine.

Dante: Oh thank God.

Kitty: But if you poison me with your terrible cooking I'm going to haunt you until you die.

Dante: I always knew you'd be there with me forever.

Kitty: When will this dinner happen?

Dante: Next week. I'll need time to prepare everything.

Kitty: Alright. I should go now, though.

Dante: Oh right, right. I'll see you soon, Kitty.

Kitty: I'll see you soon, Dante.

Mrs. James: Miss. Hawthorne! I am most surprised to see you out and about.

Kitty: How dare you even talk to me?

Mrs. James: Pardon?

Kitty: You told people about the engagement even though we told you not to.

Mrs. James: No I didn't, dear. I might be a gossip but I know how to keep certain things a secret.

I don't believe her one bit.

Mrs. James: Wait a minute. Why are you so upset about it? Shouldn't you be ecstatic about your engagement?

Well, shit.

Kitty: Er, well, I just don't like my secrets to get out?

Mrs. James: Mhm. Well, I'm afraid I must be off, Miss. Hawthorne. Good day.

After that very uncomfortable conversation, i walked home to meet my Papa in the sitting room reading a book.

Kitty: Hello, Papa.

John: Hello, Kitten. How has engaged life been treating you?

Kitty: Oh, well...

John: I think you'll be pleased to know I've invited your Lord Radcliffe to doe with us tonight.

Kitty: You did what?!