
The Heir and Heiress

A forbidden kiss at her 20th birthday party leads to her faking an engagement with the sexy duke she hate! Will she resist or fall for his charms? Contains mature themes and languages.

blaxk_leah · Teen
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18 Chs

Chapter 3

A full night of sleep had given me the strength I needed to face the day-Even after my birthday ball from hell. And there was only one thing to do to get my mind off bad things. It's archery time!

I pulled the bow back as I aimed for the target, sending the arrow straight towards the bullseye. I was letting my rage fuel my aim today. However, as I went along, my aim got more and more sporadic. I was no longer hitting dead on like I usually did.

Dante: Shit!

Kitty: Er, sorry.

Dante: trying to get out of our engagement so quickly?

Kitty: Evidently. Speaking of which, have you figured out a way to get us out of it?

Dante: It's not a walk in the park, Katherine. Anyway I think of either ends up with one or both of us ruined or exiled to France.

Kitty: Clearly, I should have gotten fake engaged to someone else.

Dante: If all else fails we can just have a really long engagement. You only have a tear or two, though, before you're on the shelf.

Kitty: Hush!

Dante: Kidding. Whoever thought women couldn't get married after four and twenty or whatever age is now as moronic.

Kitty: That was...quite original of you Lord Radcliffe.

Dante: But I am no doubt interrupting your archery. I will let you get back to it. May I call on you this week? Perhaps I can take you for a walk?

Kitty: Good day, Lord Radcliffe.

I say as I walk away to my room.

Anne: Katherine, come here!

Oh, brother. I think while face palming.

Kitty: Yes, Mama?

Anne: Where have you been?

Kitty: Practicing my archery, Mama. What i always do on Saturdays.

Anne: A good wife does not shoot bows and arrows like a wild woman. You should practice more refined skills, such as piano. At least Emilia has yet to fail us.

Kitty: Then maybe Emilia should marry Lord Radcliffe. After all, she's not the 'disappointment'.

Anne: Enough with the attitude, Katherine. Now go practice your piano.

Kitty: Mama, no...

Anne: Go along now. Those ballads wont learn themselves.

Truth be told, I adored the piano. It was a nice break from having to talk to people, and indoors work was nice at times. I only ever pretended to not like it so my mother would continue to send me to the music room for her little punishments. Now, lets practice a happy song. This song was whimsical and happy, always lifting my mood- Even from the lowest of places. After playing the song, I walked to my room to have a good read of my normal rom-com books. Somebody knocked on my door pulling me out of my reverie.

Kitty: Come in!

Angelica: Excuse me, Miss. Kitty. I have a letter for you from Lord Radcliffe.

Kitty: Throw it into the fire.

Angelica: I don't think your mother would appreciate that.

Kitty: Perhaps not.

The letter read so:

My dearest Katherine,

It is with anxiousness that I invite you for dinner and a walk with me in a week's time. The dinner will naturally come after the walk. I find I need refreshment after exercise. Even that which isn't vigorous. I would give you examples, but I trust you're still pretending to be a fine lady.

Yours, Dante.

Angelica: In three...two..

Kitty: Dinner?! I suppose dinner wouldn't be too bad. I do enjoy food.

Angelica: You aren't upset?!

Kitty: Why would I be upset over free food?

Angelica: I have to get back to work, Miss. Katherine.

Kitty: Of course.

After a while, I heard another knock. Seriously?! Cant I have a me day in my peace?

Emilia: Kitty, can I came in?

Kitty: Come in!

Emilia: At least you're in a pleasant mood!

Kitty: Ah, yes. Absolutely delighted. Nothing says fun like my life at the moment.

Emilia: Have you figured a way out pf your engagement yet?

Kitty: Not yet. Dante swears he's trying though.

Emilia: What a shame. By thw way, I must tell you of what I've seen here at night lately. Oh, I'm almost afraid to even speak of it! A ghost! Kitty! I am most sure!

Kitty: Oh?

I quirked my brow as she spoke, wondering if her spectre could be the sae on id seen wandering the halls the night before.

Emilia: I fear I might be going mad.

Kitty: You're not going mad. I saw it too.

Emilia: You did?!

Kitty: Yes!

Emilia: Do you think they'll return?

Kitty: There's only one way to find out.

Emilia: I always see it disappearing towards the servants' quarters.

Kitty: Then I think we know where to start.

Emilia: Do you think we'll find anything here. Do ghosts eat people?

Kitty: I don't think so, Em.

Emilia: What was that?

Kitty: Probably a beetle.

Emilia: What kind of beetle clangs?!

Kitty: You're so jumpy tonight, Emilia.

Emilia: Don't act like you're not afraid too. You admitted you saw something too.

Kitty: Knowing my luck that was probably just a figment of my imagination.

Emilia: Sigh.

Kitty: Come on, I don't think we're going to find anything here.

Emilia: Maybe they went home?

Kitty: Do ghosts have homes?

Emilia: Oh, what if it doesn't have a home?!

We saw a hand travel towards us, the owner hidden in the shadows. it was the same masked figure from before! We screamed loudly!

Dante's POV

My head spun as I paced the fields. Katherine had been at earlier that day. Had she received my letter? Did she care? I ran a hand through my hair as I eyed the target in the distance, half-tempted to take it home as a token.

Gerard: Come along, Lord Radcliffe. It grows dark.

Dante: Coming, Gerard.