



It has been three days since that eventful dinner. Me and Luke hasn't talked since. I am annoyed at him for not taking my side but I know that he was also irritated towards me for acting like a child.

My head hurt so much from crying every night. I have gone to bed without even touching the dinner they sent me. I felt sad and lost. I am so alone in this. I just want to go out and escape.

But I can't just leave Luke like that.

Sulking like a spoiled child, I throw the pillow off the bed and stood. Clenching my jaw, I decided to do the thing that would help me cheer up: I jump on the bed. There are no springs to creak but the floor groan. I imagine Mia being the mattress and I jumped with much more than strength that I ever possessed before.

I do not know why I have acted like that. Not to mention that the king and the queen was there. My manners have eluded me and the green monster, which is jealousy, accompany me instead.

Collapsing down on the bed, I counted until fifteen before I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." I muttered against the mattress and watch as the maids go in. They started their job, three of them going inside the bathroom to fill the tub, two of them straightening my tangled hair and four of them is preparing the gown and the make up I would need for today.

It was awkward at first when I found out that they are in charge of bathing me and dressing me but we have come into terms that they would only help me with the zipping of the dress and putting on my make up. It was a long and hard discussion but they eventually agreed with the help of the queen, of course.

Elle and Gabriel went home after that dinner and I expect that they would be coming back soon with Jacob. I miss my little pumpkin, he would easily make me smile by just standing in front of me.

With a sigh, I walk towards the bathroom, and settled on the tub that the maids have filled. I let myself be engulfed by the sweet aroma of jasmine and vanilla. This is just so soothing. After thirty minutes, I pulled myself off the tub and wrap myself in a warm fluffy towel, putting my underwear on as I did so. I called out the maids and they dress me up like the princess that I should act upon.

Mia's words still hurt me every time my thoughts dwell on what happen that night. I do not want to be a laughing stock but with the way I act...I should not have agreed to this.

The other maids went out but one of them remained, giving me a letter.

It was from the queen as expected. I reread the letter again and again not believing myself. We are going to have the engagement party, tonight? Tonight! I mean, what the hell are they thinking? I thought, I am only going to help Luke find his bride and while I do that, I will just pretend to be his bride. But this?

Engagement party?


It was hard for me to decide on what I should feel. I am annoyed that I am going to deceive so many people again and act in front of them but I am also feeling ecstatic. I love to dance and I am pretty sure that there will be lots of it on the party.

The queen included on her letter that I have private dancing lessons today at the ball room. Wearing my flat shoes, I went towards the direction of the ball room and entered it, surprise to see a bald man wearing a onesie. Geez, it's almost hard not to gag of the sight.

He look at me and bowed. I bowed back and was shocked when he suddenly took my hand. At once, music started and I was shocked that this man, who look like some seal awhile ago, could be an extraordinary dancer. I am having so much fun that I didn't even notice myself laughing. The man just shook his head, smiling at me before he let me twirl and we bowed down to each other again.

He smiled at me, clearing his throat, he said in a baritone voice, "Bonjour, Je suis Pete, mademoiselle. Honored to be at your service."

"Avec plasir, monsieur. You are outstanding. I do not know what to say, I am completely speechless." I took his hands and smiled at him. He only smiled back and gently pat my hand. "The pleasure is all mine. You're not so bad yourself, mademoiselle. I was surprised that you are able to dance with that heavy gown of yours."

"Oh, this is easier than dancing on a mascot. I've been a consistent mascot of our school back in college and high school."

"That explains it," He laughed. His voice was soothing. He was like an Uncle to me. "Monsieur, can I call you uncle, instead?"

"Oui. Pas de problem, mademoiselle."

We studied the steps for the rest of the day. Monsieur Pete, or should I say Uncle has praised me for numerous times. He is so delighted that I was able to pick up the steps very easily. With a kiss on the cheek, I waved to back to him and say "Au revoir..."

The maids took me up again to my room and dress me into a different gown. It was white with gold decorations scattered on it.

It was beautiful but it made me feel bad. I wanted to cry because everything felt so real to me, like this is really my engagement party.

I waited for a couple of minutes more for Luke to arrive. I am expecting that he and I will walk down the hall together but it seems that he's not going to turn up. With a sigh, I push opened the door only to bumped into someone.

I was about to snap at the person when I see blue powdery eyes looking down on me. I cleared my throat and said, "I thought you are not going to come for me which is why-"

"I would always come, just know that." He said in a curt voice that I could help but feel sad about the coldness of it. I loop my arms around his and we started to walk down. Flashes of camera welcome us as we descend the stairs. I wave towards Elle and Gabriel as they stood beside the Queen. Jacob was straining to get off Gabriel's hold and I know that it was taking Gabriel all his patience not to put Jacob in a cell. Jacob successfully got off the hold and cried out while dramatically collapsing on the floor as Gabriel pulled at him, "Aunt Ne! I wanna go join Aunt Neeee!"

Gabriel took him off the floor, brushing his pants before whispering something in his ear. Like a spoiled child he is, Jacob nodded at his father and embraced his neck. Gabriel only smiled as he took Jacob on his arms and carried him instead.

I caught Luke staring at the scene that I have witnessed and sighed as I see his sad and guarded expression. I wonder how I could make them accept each other again.

The great hall was decorated all in white and gold. The red carpet is the only one that is in contrast with the white roses and golden draping. Luke led me into a table up the stage. The king introduced us once again and we all have a toast.

"I have to tell you something," his whisper startled me for awhile. I lean close and ask, "What is it?" I watch as he took a deep breath and said, " The chose maiden will arrive the next day."

"What?!" he just nodded at me, his face still unreadable.

There are various presentations done. After that me and Luke were asked to dance together. I can see Luke's surprise as I match his every move. We dance like we are one; like water in the river we area smooth and fluent. I closed my eyes and relish on the moment, enjoying the warmth of his hands on my waist, his breath fanning my face and the feeling of having someone. The music transition into a more romantic one and I opened my eyes as Luke twirl me. Suddenly, he was kneeling in one knee, smiling at me as he present me the ring.

The ring on which he randomly gave to a stranger which is me, a few weeks back. The very same one that caused me to be chased by a couple of agents and also cause him to be stabbed. It was the ring, the very same one, that belongs in their family for ten generations now.

"Neola Loisa West," I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. This felt so real and I wish that it was. I want this very same man, kneeling in front of me and doing this. I want him to be the same man I would meet at the altar and make the promises of a lifetime. I wanted him to be with me but I know that he is also going to be king. This kingdom needs me. "Will you be there to guide me and help me on the days I will rule? To be my anchor on this sea, be the star on which every wish I made will come true? To give me joy on the days I feel down, to love and to cherish me till the day we die? Would you do the honor of being my bride?"

"Oui, mon amour..." and I let it all go. My hopes and frustrations; my dreams and my heart. I let it all go as I cried, not the tears of joy as they thought it was but the tears of defeat and sorrow.

Oh how I wish it was all true.
