
The heavens and Abyss

After been betrayed by his own government and people, he is now consumed by hate and anger as he soons encounter a life changing event. Am open to curious minds feel free to join my telegram group chat to get more details about this book and other books and also to get to know other cool authors here. I will be waiting https://t.me/+1GLi5isfUgkwYzlk

villain_maker · Fantasy
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Chapter 1-welcome to the realm of shadows

Somewhere in a baren land, with nothing but absolute darkness, black figures wondered about as the scene shifts to an average looking mansion in the middle of nowhere.

Kenji: where am I?

Shadow: feel at home you are at my house, you must be tired after that messy teleportation I did, it was my first time so do not judge me 

Kenji with a face of surprise and uncertainty: did I die, am I dead and am dreaming?

Shadow: no of course you are not dead, I transported you to another realm within our world, you are now in the realm of shadows

Kenji: realm of what now please I feel like am dreaming have I been kidnapped 

Shadow feeling frustrated: oh for fuck sake!!

 Drags Kenji by the collar aggressively opens the door and pushes him outside to see the environment

Kenji: what is this, what's going on 

Shadow: do you believe me now 

Kenji: yes yes take me inside 

Shadow: good 

Closes the door 

Kenji: is it just me or you look alot like me 

Shadow: yes in fact I am you well the shadow version you see

Kenji in total disbelief: how is that possible I don't understand?

Shadow: well it's going to be a long explanation do you want me to go into it?

Kenji: am all ears, after all I can't go outside to do anything

Shadow: well if you say so okay then where do I start, this is the explanation an old shadow sage once gave me well you see there are three races in our universe 

The creator with the rulers are one, The god of demons with the monarchs and regular demons are two, human and shadows are third. The shadows are a subspecies from human that comes in existence immediately the creator decides to create a new human, to be true no new human have been made over the years now every child born in the human world has already been made a very long time ago also th__

Kenji: wait sorry to interrupt so you are saying I have been in existence before I was born?

Shadow: yes that's what am saying, this is hard part you see when the creator created everything he also created darkness, according to the sage the is no perfect light without darkness, if I should go deep you wouldn't understand any of it I barely do.

Kenji: don't stop now you are already too deep to stop 

Shadow: fine if you say so but even this part is a mystery I don't know the details, the high demons have been reported to been able to disrupt the pattern of human life like them changing what was suppose to happen in a human's life to their own wishes.

Kenji: that's messed up but It makes sense maybe my life was disrupted by those fucking demons, so let's leave that, am here now but what am I suppose to do to?

Shadow: I don't know it's your life I only saved you cause if you had died, I will too cause we are too connected, shadows that are too connected to the their human counterpart end up dying when their human counterpart die the ones that are connected by emotions end up losing their minds, so you know there a rank classes here too like the high shadows called darkness they can use magic powerful ones don't mess with them then are shadows like me, I can use a little magic not strong till then there are shades mindless shadows and also the different regions here like the primordial shadows land, hill of darkness l, city of shadows and some other small cities and towns, if you are to travel you can go to the city of shadows it accommodates people like us 

Kenji: why do you sound like you are about to say goodbye 

Shadow: well cause I am, there can't be two us in one realm so I have to die or both us will fade away it can't be helped

Kenji: am not letting that happen, you just dragged me out of my nightmare I can't let you die because of me 

Shadow smiles: what am I suppose to do then 

 A moment of silence went through the room as shadow speaks loundly 

Shadow: yes I have an idea well it's an untested practice but it's worth the try 

Kenji with a serious face: what's that tell me?

Shadow: since there can't two of us why not both of us become one person after we are the same 

Kenji: that's a great idea so you will be inside my head right?

Shadow: I don't know it's untested, I will need some time to prepare it will be done by morning, it's already late why don't you go upstairs feel at home while I get this ready.

Kenji: ok 

I got up from the chair and went upstairs found a properly arranged room with a full closet I checked the bathroom and found water so I decided to take a bath, after finishing that I picked an outfit that looks good on me as I then sat on the bed thinking of how am about to start my new life as I suddenly fell asleep, I can't say it's strange for me to fall asleep I was really tired.

Shadow: wake up, wake up do all humans sleep so deeply like this 

Kenji with a sleepy face: wh___what good morning is it ready 

Shadow with his worries in his face: yes it is we have to hurry we don't much time 

Kenji: alright I will be down in a minute 

Shadow: good please be quick 

 After a short minute I came downstairs seeing what resembles a magic circle I have only seen it in animes and movies 

Shadow: you are here good come into the circle it won't last long 

Kenji: ok 

I came into the circle then shadow came in to the circle began to spark and everything went white.

After that light I felt different, I was stronger, more intelligent I had memories that weren't mine, I gently walked to bathroom to get how I looked now well I look the same but with black hair and sliver coloured eyes 


 Thanks for reading this chapter, feel free to comment down below it's really helpful thanks also sorry for the shortness I had to attend to something