
The heavenly rebellion

A man-hating God and a powerful demon. A rebellion against the gods that betrayal them both

Suprememonky · Sci-fi
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3 the old woman's stories and wisdom

Artemis starts to get worried, did fast take her clothes on, and started to look for him, appeared out of nowhere was an old lady beside her, with green hair that looks like grass with flowers and brown eyes, with a happy face, screamed" grandma and hug the old lady" how my sweet grandchild said Gaia, with a worried face she asked Artemis why she was here, Artemis explained her, Gaia only nodded" I know where your friend is I can show you where he is following me" Gaia was we're shocked that her grandchild that hates men was worried about one and he gave her a cold feeling if her granddaughter falls in love with him she would be in danger" Artemis saw him, he was laying blackout in the sand, Artemis rush towards him" grandma help me here, Gaia to the right side while Artemis took the left side together they started going back shelter, while they go, Gaia said " this is not the first time I find him blackout in the sand, Artemis asks her so this is a normal thing" gaia said it only happen when eh tries to use his powers, AArtemis looked at her grandma she said" even if the gods took a bit of my power I can still use some so why, Gaia looked and started to explain" normally they take around 80% of your power but for him, they took 96%, with a shocked face Artemis turned her face towards Gaia and asked who is he, my sweet granddaughter I can't tell you but I can tell you a story about the only of my creations that scares to the core, born out of a mineral but seems to be one of the strongest beings this being go, by many names as the devil but the fittest for him is the God of the demons woukong, Artemis froze when she heard the name you mean that woukong, Gaia nodded, gods stop him from ever getting his power back we seal his power away, you gods have sealed many things away that never works so well before they could continue talking they arrived, and they lay him in the bed, Artemis asks her grandmother if she can't say who he is nods yes or no, is he woukong, gaia nodded yes Artemis froz, before you decide what your gonna do with this information remember he did all things for he's people and other demons and what he did for you.

I'm trying my best to upload a new chapter daily but I need people to comment on their thoughts

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