
The Heavenly Prince

Arthur, first prince of Clove Empire…..who was born poisoned before birth , born crippled. But destiny had some other plans ….Arthur who from crippled went to became a Heavenly Dragon. This is the take of The Heavenly Prince. This novel contains Overpowered MC Sweet diabetes inducing love story MC originally has only one lover and should with 1 only but it might change to 2 but 2 will the most …. (NO Harem) Novel has slice of life not just fights and killing. It’s my first time writing and I m writing because I was not able to find my ideal story ….. So give it a read if u want …maybe u will like it . If u want a detailed synopsis just read chapter 1 u will understand what the whole novel is about . :)

ChaosMaster · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Arthur Leroy

Alex listened everything with all his concentration and the asked -

"Did the Demon God die?"

Leonard looked at him and said in a heavy voice "**NO**"

"He ran back into his demon realm and still at this moment is trying to gain his power and attack back on our world"

Alex like all other people in the lower realm knew about the Great War that took place thousands of years ago which ended in defeat of Demons but he didn't know the rest of the details.Listening this his expression also became grim and hate for the demons.

Leonard continued "I don't know if the Martial God Clan have another person who can reach the level of the Heavenly Martial God but your son can surpass the previous Dragon God"

Hearing this Alex was shocked but at the same time he was filled with pride.

"About the future events u need to make few preparations"

" First , his majesty can't take your thrown as he has to ascend to higher world when the time comes"

"Second , u need to hide the talent of his majesty so that he can grow properly before he has enough power to protect himself"

"Also his majesty is allowed to take his family when he ascends"

Hearing Leonard , Alex understood what and why the the above things were said .

He then said-

"Senior Leo , you don't need to worry about the crown Prince issue as when I had known that my son won't be able to cultivate I had decided that my next son will become the crown Prince also The royal maid had seen that my son's meridians are blocked , even though I had hinted not to spread this matter , if my assumption is right , right now more than half of the kingdom knows that my son has been born crippled"

"As for the last , my wife loves her son most in the world and she would follow him to the higher realm even if u don't allow it"

Listening to Alex's last line Leonard bursted into laughs "Hahaha , right right I saw it earlier before when I was sealing his majesty powers she was glaring me like a tigress as if saying if I hurt her son , she would eat me alive"

"Good , as I have sealed his majesty's powers , outside people it would seem like his majesty's body is crippled. The fate is shining on the Dragon clan…Heavenly Dragon God u can now rest as ease now that a new Heavenly Dragon has been born"

"Alex Leroy , from today I have also become the guardian elder of Leroy Clan and will train and protect your clan as I do to my Dragon Clan"

Alex was overjoyed hearing this and also noted that senior Leo had pledged to be guardian of Leroy Family not the Clove Empire , as he knew in soon to be future he with his family is going to ascend to the upper realm.

[In this world there are two realms - the upper and the lower , when one breaks into martial monarch he/she is allowed to ascend to the upper realm]

Alex bowed down and said

" Many thanks to Elder Leo , I wish for our bright future"

Leonard with a satisfied face said-

"Good good , you are good emperor , his majesty is lucky to have you and Maria as his parents , let's go and visit his majesty now."

Both of them after finishing their talk walked back to the room when right now Maria and the little boy were.

When Alex and Elder Leo entered the room they saw Maria gently massaging the little new born while the later was enjoying it with a beautiful smile on his face.

Seeing Alex and Elder Leo enter she picked the little boy in her arms and sat on the bed.

Alex explained everything to Maria and that Leonard was Leroy family's guardian.

Hearing this Maria was happy , she was satisfied with their decision to not make her son's talent public and that they were to ascend with his son later in future…she was excited to witness the growth of her son into a majestic figure and kissed his soft cheeks full of affection.

She then came down and bowed , "Thanks to Elder Leo for his protection"

Elder Leo smiled and replied " No need for thanks , you are the mother of our majesty it's my duty"

"By the way , we still have to name his majesty."

Hearing this Alex and Maria smiled then had already thought of a name , Maria caressed the little boy who was smiling and trying hug his mother with his tiny hands.

"Arthur Leroy"

Elder Leo heard this and nodded with affirmation" Yes , good name , soon the world will tremble with the name of **ARTHUR LEROY**"

Meanwhile , the news that the first prince born is crippled and can't cultivate had spread like a wildfire , although Alex had made it clear to the royal maid to not spread this news but the rest of maids who were present while the birth of Arthur knew that first prince was born crippled.

They spread this everywhere , this also reached the officials and the people of other empires.

They all knew that the first prince won't be the Crown Prince as he would live his life as a mortal and their Emperor and Empress will have to have another child to have a heir for the thrown.People were having all the gossips and speculations for the future events.

The news reached the Dorian Empire, this was the one whose people while hiding their origin attacked the Clove Empire to assassinate the empress along with the unborn child .

Although clove empire didn't have any proof they very well knew it was them . Milton Taylor , The emperor of Dorian Empire used to fancy Maria but Maria loved Alex and married him …so he tried many times to get his revenge but because Alex was stronger than him he had to switch to cowardice and try to assassinate a pregnant lady. Everyone in Clove Empire used to hate the Dorian's to the bone.

At this time in Dorian Empire , a middle aged man sitting on a gigantic throne was waiting for the news of assassination from Clove Empire , when a shadow came inside the throne room it revealed itself in front of the gigantic throne and knelt down.

Milton (The Dorian Emperor) :"Rise , Tell the whole news loud and clear ."

The shadow "Yes your majesty , we have poisoned the empress of clove empire but Emperor Alex was able to get a heaven and earth herb to save the empress and child.

But because the deadly poison had already reached the child , Even the heavenly treasure was not able to completely save the child and the first prince of the Clove elEmpire was born crippled with no talent and blocked meridians."

Milton after hearing everything started to laugh

"Whahaha…..good , very good , this is what you deserve to take what is mine..whahaha "

He laughed and mocked Alex , although his team was not able to finish the plan completely this was a good enough result for him.

He stopped laughing and asked in a serious and heavy voice

"Did anyone catch u or were your identity revealed"

The shadow answered while trying not to look at the the emperor "No your majesty, we had hired all the people from far away villages with no relation to Dorian Empire and we even killed them before we entered the Dorian Empire borders."

Milton after hearing this relaxed that now Alex won't have any proof that it was him that planned the attack , he also imagine the raged face of Alex and started to laugh inwardly. He dismissed the meeting and went towards his concubine section of his palace where he had all his concubines , he also needed a son for his throne and take over the Clove Kingdom.

Before ending the meeting he had ordered to get his Tamed Beast ready to go to the Clove Kingdom , to participate in the feast for the birth of their first prince. Of course he had no good intentions , all he wanted was to go and laugh at Alex's face.