
The Heavenly love forbids

The protagonist, Carola Winnie is ready to give up everything for her duty but not her love, who can't love her. with flaws and misunderstanding and the past will the alpha love her truly or will he be too late?? love has magic... it is a novel which recreates new form of love...

YoungAutumn_2003 · General
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19 Chs

Island is dangerous!!


if it weren't for Leo's stubbornness, I would not come here.

my annual exam was approaching and my opening speech for being a weapon wasn't finished

How the Hell did I agree to come here with leo?

Leo Ferguson, the only heir to the throne of the kingdom is my best friend,

we met three years ago and since then became inseparable.

" Linda and Ellen are waiting for us " I said to leo, " drive fast, slow ass"

" shut up piggy"

" why did you bring us to this place?"

" island is food for vacation and you need vacation the most.."

I smiled,

actually he is right,

I had been under pressure for a month now, maybe rest could help me regain my energy.

" how about we go to the beach today? "

" stop kidding me! the weather is wild, it would not be safe for us " leo warned

I looked at the sky and hit his shoulder, " have you really lost it? look at the sky, the sun is shining, no storm or clouds are near by"

" I am tired, let's go tomorrow..."

I took a deep breath and said fine.

well! I wasn't happy.

for a month the inferno has kept targetting royal families and this guy came here without informing anyone.

what if we are attacked ?

I am not that capable to use my power.

what would we do ?

i looked at leo, he was smiling.

for some reason, I cannot let my best friend be sad.

may be I am thinking too much!!

" we have reached"

" Leo!!crystal!!" said Ellen, who was standing at the door of cottage, " as always, you guys arrive late..Linda, look who

came "

I smiled .

leo ran inside the cottage, I looked behind.

why do i get this creepy feeling that something bad is waiting for me ?

I am standing at the cliff,leo stood behind me with blood all over his body.

he called my name, I tried to reach him,but a black force pulled him towards the cliff.

I couldn't scream, only I watched him go.

behind me, everything was ruined, I should have informed the royal guards when I had time, I should have used my powers wisely,

...I killed leo....


" phew!!" I drank water,

what was the dream all about?

I felt as if ....

suddenly i understood something,

i only see this kind of dream when something bad is going to happen.

it's not a coincidence,

I had a bad feeling from the start, I took my scarf and tiptoed outside.

if an inferno is here, they scatter black fog around, if I could just confirm it...

the forest scenario was breathtaking, although I had no time to admire it.

my phone rang, it was leo calling me. I didn't pick up. I am sorry but I am too worried if things turn out to be exactly what I thought?

I inhaled a strange smell,

this was the same smell,I inhaled when I entered this island.

oh no!! I heard a cold voice,"The target is here but not alone...weapon too"

I squeezed my mouth


"we will execute the plan accordingly by midnight. ALL HAIL SKOTADI!!"

I gulped,

I tietoed a little far from there and chanted metapora, it didn't work

I chanted again,only sparks..

what's wrong with my powers all of a sudden?

I ran a little far and again chanted and this time it worked.

I transported to beach and fell to my knees,

what should I do ?

I took out my phone and dailed his highness no.

" Beep..Beep...Hell-"

"your Highness, in..inferno are here in the lenten island...I...need help"

" wait !! how- "

" there..there..is no time..to explain..send royal guard..hello!!hello!!"

call was cut, god no network!!

I chanted metapora!!

wait why am I not teleporting?

no! this can't be happening, not at this critical point....

I have to get back to hotel or else things could be worst. I ran,

why can't i use my power?

I stopped abruptly, the smell...it had radiation that's why I hadto chant the spell thrice and that's why my phone lost connection.

I need to find the source and destroy it.

Two and half hour passed and it's dark now but I haven't found that place. I was feeling scared.

I need to save everyone. suddenly fell down ,my knee hurted.

maybe it wasn't physical hurt, I was crying for but the thought of losing my friends and leo.

I am weapon but still I am unable to do something. neither I can use my powers nor I know that place where the source is...


someone inside my head spoke,"no one will help you unless YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR ABILITY, have VALOR and things will turn out to be better.."

" but I don't know what to do,I don't know how to save all of my people..." I questioned myself,

" Do not worry about that,do what you have learnt so far, I will help need you if

needed,remember what u felt"

what I felt?

try to think carola!!!

there must be some clue to get there, I took a deep breath,

and again I took a deep breath, I could smell that damp smell.

that's when something clicked in my head!!

The smell!!

that's it, the clue is the smell,I should have known.

I ran and ran until the smell became strong, it was already half past ten,when I reached .

I stopped to catch my breath, and over looked the place,

I could see two men with mask and cloak standing still behind them was a box which exhaled black smoke, I went a head for a little clear view,when I saw a enchanted circle.

I heard footstep so I crawled to the nearest tree,

I heard them speak,"we must head towards the hotel,it's almost time."

they applauded thrice," Ola skotadi chalazi***"

they vanished,

I came near the enchanted circle, wasn't a normal enchantment- The lost Dark arts-

only oracles know how to break an enchantment like this...

how can I break it with a deadline?

I touched the circle and flow of electrical sparks flowed through my body,

I can't pass it,

"jinglestlla" it was a mere spell..

I used breaking locks.

" stellelaenchante" I spoke while my hands trembled, the result brought no change,

I know nothing more!!

wait,my sword could help me,

"OURANIOS:the sword of heaven, " with a burst of yellow light, the sword jumped in my left hand,

"I need you" I said holding the golden sword, which is made of sacred heaven war and used by the god of war.

"darkness ruin " I said and forced the sword on the circle,

it was like fire over ice, who would win?

"near the water of sacred, The stars of heaven, let the peace arouse,thy shall be the kingdom of god " these line were from the sacred book I had read while training,finally the enchantment broke and the destroyed the box.

I was about to appreciate my success when a loud noise was heard,I turned and ran a little further,it was a blast.

oh my god!!

everyone is still at the hotel, I have to go.

I just hope the royal guard would arrive now.

because I won't be able to handle them alone.

"Metapora" I chanted and teleported myself to the destroyed hotel.

The hotel was on fire, I hope there is still time,

if they kill leo then the city would be in turmoil and give inferno a chance against us.

i jumped,"ellen,leo!!ellen,Ellen "I shouted," linda,Ellen.." I turned right and then left

" Help!!" I heard a voice from the corridor,

I ran towards that voice.

there were many people along with Ellen who was fight with an inferno,

I opened the door and charged with my sword on his back, he moaned and turned around towards me and that's when I stabbed it's heart with my sword.

" Ellen!!where is leo?" I asked

" I..I..where were--"

I cut her off,"WHERE IS LEO?"

"he went to the cliff..."

I tapped her shoulder, " take his people to the beach. I have already called for help"

she nodded, I casted the spell of metapora to teleport me to cliff.

when I got there, someone was already pulling leo towards the cliff ending, he was ina pathetic condition.

I shouted,"stop!!" and ran towards leo

that inferno charged a dark light towards me but I dodged it and attacked him with fist of fire but I went through his body, I looked at him,"you aren't alive "

it pulled arm and twisted me to the ground,

I took a stick and threw it on it's face but nothing happened.

nothing looked scary than this but I must do something," to fos fernei avgi, " a voice whispered in my head.

leo held my waist and helped me getting up," are you fine?"

" where..is t..he?" then I looked in front, leo had casted a spell of protection,which is why that inferno furious,

I looked at him," you are alive " tears escaped my eyes," I thought I lost my best friend "

he kissed my hand,"I have something important to say,after this maybe I won't get this chance .."

I cut him off," rubbish, we need to find a way out of here"

" my spell can break any moment..just lis-"

" I have an idea" I said and picked my sword." discaste the spell "

" have u lost it?...crystal...I.." he fell down,I held his upperarm," the real reason we came here was because I wanted to confess my love to you...I LOVE YOU,CRYSTAL "

before I could manipulate or even reply inferno broke through the spell and threw me to the other end.

he took leo by throat and pierced a glass through his chest,he vomited blood.

I got up and I held my sword in hand "to fos fernei avgi!!" and ran towards it, the sword glowed and I felt enormous amount of energy flow through it, I pierced it right through it's real body, The inferno played cleverly, he hid his body in the spell.

leo felt down,he looked at me,"cr.. crystal...I..lov..e..u"

I smiled sadly and looked behind me,Royal guards had arrived.

I held Leo's hand and spoke,"I love you as a friend "