


Those McChickens were good. With a full stomach, I'm happy and walking home with a smile on my face.

The sound of a branch breaking makes me pause in my track. I look around to see where the noise came from but there's no one in sight causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

I continue walking and I can't shake the feeling that someone is following me. Feeling scared and nervous, I speed up my pace and try to lose them by quickly turning around the corner but the loud sound of a car engine makes me stop.

I turn around to see a car speeding to the side of the street beside me with a confused stare. What's going on?

I suddenly feel a strong grip on my arms. I turn my face behind me to see a muscular guy holding tightly onto me. The sound of the car door opening distracts me.

/"What are you-/" he quickly force me into the car and get in to sit next to me. The door closes and the car speed away.

/"What the hell!/" I scream out.

/"Quiet!/" The muscular guy from the passenger seat order. /"Scream all you want. No one's going to hear you./" I keep quiet, afraid that he'll do something to me if I don't.

What the hell do they want with me? Oh god, I don't want to die.

I sit in silence, dreading what's to come.

After about 10 minutes, they enter into a dark alleyway and stop the car right next to a door on the wall. The scary guy next to me gets out and grab my arm to drag me out of the car against my will.

/"Let me go!/" I scream at him but he just ignores me and drag me inside the building. Once inside, I can hear the faint background music. The lights are quite dim. The awful smell of alcohol and smoke fills my nostril as much as I resist it. If I'm not wrong, this is a nightclub.

They drag me through the dim hallway and up the stairs through a door that leads to what looks like an office. The guy lets go of me once we're in the room.

In front of me is a desk filled with paperwork, binders, and a laptop in the middle. The chair is facing the other way which makes me wonder if there's someone sitting in it.

I look around me and notice that there's two bodyguards guarding the door. On my right is a pretty big window that you could see everything that's happening downstairs. My guess about this place being a nightclub is correct once I see, through the window, a bunch of people rubbing their bodies against each other on the dance floor and people sitting on the bar stool at the corner drinking and cheering.

/"Hello, Casey Smith./" The chair behind the desk spins around and I find myself looking at a familiar face. His icy blue eyes stare at me with amusement.

I've seen him around our neighborhood before. I've always wondered why a man like him, wearing $500 suits, was wandering around in our neighborhood for.

He's muscular and intimidating as if no one could mess with him. But as much as he is intimidating, he's handsome which makes him even more dangerous.

/"Who are you?/" I asks with curiosity. How does he even know my name?

He smiles at my question which makes him less intimidating to me now. /"I'm Caspian Morgan./"

/"What do you want with me? Don't you know kidnapping is illegal?/" I snap at him, fighting back.

He scoff at my reaction and smirk, /"I like a girl who's feisty./" He gets up from his seat and walk around his desk.

/"Your dad owes me $10,000 and hasn't been paying up. I've already given him a few months and he's running out of time./" He lean back on his desk and face me with determination twinkling in his eyes.

/"So? What does that have to do with me?/" I asks, trying to keep up my tough persona.

I kept telling Dad to stop gambling and borrowing money from dangerous people but he just won't listen. Now he has brought trouble to me.

/"You see, when the borrower doesn't pay up before the deadline, I have to get it from someone close to them through any means necessary,/" He emphasis the last part so I get it through my brain, /"...even if I have to order my men to do dirty work for me./" I stay silent, afraid that he'll kill me if I say another word.

What has Dad gotten me into?

Caspian stands up straight in front of me. /"Since I like you, I'll make you an offer: pay me back everything in two weeks or you'll never see your dad again./"

My eyes widen at his threat. /"Two weeks? That's not enough time. How am I supposed to get that much money in two weeks?/"

/"I'll see you in two weeks, Casey Smith./" He smiles devilishly at me before walking back to his chair.

The bodyguards walk to me and grab my arm. /"Please give me more time,/" I beg. They force me out of the chair and drag me out of the office. They drag me through the hall and toss me out the same door I came through in the alleyway then they lock the door on me.

What the hell. They're the ones who kidnapped me here, at least have the decency to take me back.

Angry, I kick the door and end up hurting only my toes. With a sigh, I walk out of the alleyway and to the sidewalk. I turn left to see the front of Mr. Caspian douche Morgan's nightclub.

Aura is written in big blue neon letters on the wall above the entrance.

/"You're a fucking asshole. Don't ever call me again!/" The pissed off voice catches my attention and I look to the source of it to see that it's a blonde girl coming out of Aura.

I watch as a guy run up behind her and grab her arm. /"Come on, Sophie. It was just a one time thing,/" he said. I recognize his face anywhere.

Kaden Pierce, Montrose's very own heartbreaker.

I watch as the girl, who I assume is Sophie, slaps Kaden in anger. A gasp escapes my mouth as I watch the scene unfold before my very own eyes.

Did I just witness Kaden Pierce getting slapped?

Best day ever.

From what I've heard about him, I'll say he deserves that slap and many more. He's broken and hurt too many girls to even count.

Kaden glare at her before chuckling in disbelief

Kaden glare at her before chuckling in disbelief. She turn and walks away. I'll cheer her on but I don't want to bring any attention to myself.

Go, Sophie, I mentally cheer her on as I watch her get into a taxi and drive off.

/"Don't you go to my school?/" Kaden approach me. I turn to look at him in shock. He knows me?

/"Yeah.../" I trail off, not knowing where he's going with this.

/"Why are you here? Do you work here?/" He asks. I notice him looking me up and down, checking me out and I can't help but feel insecure. /"Of course you don't, I mean you don't have much to show./"

I sneer at him and debated whether or not I should slap his other cheek but decided to turn away and walk home.