
Root of misunderstanding

It had been a while when she started to join the volunteer team. Frequently, she would meet and talked to Li Jun. From time to time, she understood Li Jun as someone who is attentive and talkative. He talked cheerfully to every people he treated, giving them moral support and advice.

He would also find her to give her a bottle of strawberry milk after she finished her volunteering work or the strawberry flavoured chocolate. When she forgot to eat due to her packed classes, he volunteered himself to accompany her to eat. Of course, those happened when he was not busy or on call. It can be counted with fingers though. Slowly, she developed a kind of warmth feelings towards him.

One day, a little boy asked for her help to take some air in the garden. He was diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia, a common type of white blood cell cancer in children. She obliged and helped the boy to sit on the wheelchair. He was somewhat tired doing his treatment and wanted some fresh air. At the hospital garden, there was a lot of trees, flowering plants, bushes, benches, and water fountain in the middle.

As she walked, they boy fell into a slumber. When she reached behind the bushes, she heard someone's voice. "...I am sorry but I could not accept this. I treated you as a friend and that's it. If you misunderstood me, I am sorry." A man said. She peeked behind the lush bushes. There was Li Jun and a woman whom she didn't know who. The woman's eyes were teary but she reached for the man's arm and held it tight.

"Please, can't we at least try?" He pushed her hands strongly causing her to fall down. His eyes were full with rage and if stare could burn, the woman would become an ashes now.

"Du Xia Xing, I told you nicely but you won't listen! I already have someone in my heart. And as for you, I hate a person who doesn't know his place." With that, he walked away towards another direction. Luckily for Yueling, she was not discovered. Later, when the two had gone, she continued to the middle of the garden before she woke the little boy up.

She pondered about what she heard and it was like a wake up call for her. 'He had someone in his heart and he hated those who doesn't know their place. What if he knew my feelings?' She sighed. Lucky for her, the feeling is not yet deep rooted.

That day, Xia xia had called her when she was about to exit the paediatric ward after her volunteering hours finished. She had told her best friend about the growing feelings but when Xia xia asked her again, she just said that dating a doctor is not a good choice. Never to her knowledge that Li Jun heard her.


Yueling put down her diary. 'I wished for it to dissipate yet it seems like it grows. Oh god, what can't I get my head off him?' Yueling took a sip of her hot chocolate. She did realise that starting from the day when she heard of what he said, their interaction seems a bit awkward. His words became more annoying and sometimes he would just said something to make her angry. She didn't understand why but she knew that people usually doesn't get along with her really well. Hence, she never bothered to confront him.

"Sis, tomorrow I'll come and fetch you. We will begin the session in my house." A message sent into her phone.


Tomorrow, she will have to meet her brother to help him with the ex-class president issue.


"Reporting, young master." Ru Mu Sheng was smirking when he listened to his subordinate.

"What a little angel, my soulmate. She would rather go to volunteer at the hospital than answering my messages." Yup, he deliberately texted her the message that he should send to his friends and said that he was sorry for texting to an unknown number. Alas, she never care.

"It's okay. Go dig her information and highlight her preferences. It's been two week since we met. I need something to surprise her."