
The Heart of Yue

Every Sunday is a new chapter from here on out! We will be uploading every Sunday by 11:59pm U.S eastern standard time at the latest! Creator note: This is a much more mature fantasy setting; we deal heavily with dark topics such as racism, child abuse/abuse, manipulation and many more heavy themes. In the world of Moirilia there exist three humanoid races. Humans, Elves and Dwarves and each of these races all hate one thing in particular. Shifting beasts. These beasts are able to take the form of any humanoid race they chose, and there is virtually no way to tell them apart from real humans, elves or dwarves once changed. The one and only way that any of the three races have an idea is from the sired children of a humanoid and changed beasts, who retain both traits and abilities similar to their beast parent. Over the years the discrimination and violence towards the new sired race call Anzu continued to grow and become worse and worse, until war broke out. We follow both a ghost of the distant past and a young Anzu girl during the age of war. Follow as Yue, the ghost of the past mentor’s and raises Elvina from a scared child into a fearless adult. From a sloppy and brash kid into a possible combat goddess; what all will she have to do to live a peaceful life free of blood, death, pain and warfare? please comment as much as possible! it helps with feedback and helps us gauge how much you all enjoy everything. Also we would like to see and engage with you all as much as possible! :)

Redcloudpavilion · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Fire Fairy’s Promise

The sun crawls over the horizon, bringing the dawn of a new day. The waves calmly slosh on the rocks below, a light breeze carrying the cent of salt in the air; the leaves and grass sing a lofty melody as they sway in the wind. It's an easy, sleepy morning on Tangamoor island much like any other day. While the forces of nature are in harmony with one another, infectious giggles can be heard from the top floor of the cobblestone house. The sounds of dishes clacking and food sizzling filled the interior, yet they were overpowered by the cent of bacon wafting through the whole house; the fain humm of a man echoing along the it all. 

Kaycee is slaving away at the stove on the bottom floor, whipping up something for the family. "Loo Dee Doo! La de da, I'mma be!!" He sings some random elude he just made up with the biggest smile on his face. "Gonna put some salt here. Little pepper there, ye ye we gotta season aaalll the goodies!!!" He begins to sing louder as he prepares breakfast, and begins to do a little dance as well. "Hmmm… Oooo… Yeah! La De Day Baby." Just as he's in his zone a hand pats his shoulder, "oh!" He turns to see Alexious holding back tears, his face beat red. "Pfft! Kay-Kaycee. What the hell are you wearing. No better yet, what are you doing? Hahah! AAAHahaha!"

He laughs and Kaycee smiles like a child. "I'm cooking man. I'm just in a good mood, don't hate bro." Alexious just continues to laugh at the sight of Kaycee standing in front of him wearing only a pink apron with trousers cut slightly above his knees. Huge white socks that go to just below the knee and goofy Google eye slippers. "Seriously man, hahah! Where in the world did you get that?" He asked whipping tears from his eyes, continuing on. "Pfft! Why does it say 'grill girls go hard'? Hahah!!" Kaycee just chuckled and said. "Ask Faye, i lost a bet and she made me wear this. Hahah!" They laughed together for a good few minutes before Alexious nodded and composed himself. "I'll go wake the others; and for the love of all that's good. Never lose a bet with Faye again brother. She completely violated you." He turns and continues to laugh all the way up the stairs.

while Alexious and Kaycee were having their moment, so were Brannon and Allison; the two of them lay inches away from each other looking deeply into the eyes of one another. "You know, love." The base of his voice was more than enough to make her bones shiver and she smiled. "Yes, bran? What is. It?" She asked while staring intently into his striking amber eyes. "I believe you should start teaching our little sparrow about her history." She flinched and slightly withdrew from him for a second. "Why waste my time on that. She shows no signs whatsoever of anything like we saw when she was born. I haven't seen her cast or accumulate any magic at all." He sighed and gently placed his finger under her chin; bringing her eyes back to his and smiled. "Love. It's only been four years. I know how you feel, but even our Althea manifested her prowess at just five and two quarters."

Her gaze waivers as she speaks in an uncertain tone. "I know that, but she also was already a third step beginner in mage craft at that age. Elvina isn't even a First step beginner. I just don't want to waste my energy anymore like i have this last year." He sighs, leans in and kisses her softly; catching her off guard. "What? What was that for? Don't just do that out of nowhere!" She playfully shoves him away and he laughs. "It's called training for a reason, love. Just have patience, you're not wasting any of your time. You are investing your time and energy into our beautiful little child; into our precious youngest girl. She will grow, i know it. Patience is key to her success and growth, my love." He speaks so softly and looks at her so intensely that she can't help but give in. 

She sighs and they share a passionate kiss before separating and she says. "Okay. If you say so, I'll take her out today. I'll see if i can get her to begin to activate her blood on her own." He smiles and she smirks, "is that to your liking?" He smirks right back and says, "you are always to my liking, love. You just need a nudge in the right direction from time to time." She playfully scoffs and hits his chest. "Oh, really? 'A nudge in the right direction' you say? Haha! You are an ass Brannon Koan." He places his hand on her cheek and says. "Yes i am, that is why you love me too; you are stubborn, strong willed and impatient." She looks away and then back at him again. "Dig a little deeper why don't you." He smiles again and says, "that Allison Koan. Is why i love you, you are the unrelenting dark force that complements the gentle flame in my heart."

"What are you wearing?!" They heard Alexious shout from downstairs and go quiet as the listen. After a few short minutes; Knock, Knock, "hey brother, sister in law! Come downstairs for breakfast. I'm sure you'll be more than entertained with the view as well. Hahah!" They looked at each other, puzzled and Brannon asked. "What do you mean the view brother?" Alexious just continued o chuckled and said. "Trust me. You'll know when you go downstairs. It's best you see for yourselves." Brannon sighed and sat upright, rubbing his bald head. "Alright brother, we will be down shortly." He lugged himself off the bed, and lazily reached for his trousers. Allison stares at him as he stands; his massive frame towering over her, every muscle looks to be sculpted of stone.

She rolls off her side of the bead, and stands tall. "You seem sluggish today." She states flatly. "Yes, love. My left side is flaring up again." He sighs as he turns to her. "Well, it's an injury you could've avoided if had you listened to me." She says while walking over to him. "I know, but I couldn't just leave them to die. They were just children, love." She stands in front of him looking up into his eyes, her hand resting on a scar on his stomach. "You died. I lost you. I will not watch you die again." Her voice strong and unwavering. He softly smiles and says. "Almost, love. I almost died. It is a lot more difficult to kill me than you know." She frowns. "I know what a dead man looks like. Your heartbeat wasn't there. It stopped."

He placed his hand around her cheek and smiles. "Yes it did. It was only for a second, but my heart did stop." Her grey eyes sparkling in the light had him smiling so wide she actually smiled back. "Never leave me like that again; I refuse to live eternity without you; you make this immortal curse a blessing, and I mean it Brannon Koan." Her raspy voice flowed out tenderly as her gaze softened. "Not in a million years my love." They then speak simultaneously, "I am yours and you are mine, eternally intertwined." They share a loving embrace, before separating to Dress themselves.

Alexious walks up the stairs and down the hall, stopping in front of the door to the girls room. Infectious giggles reverberate through the door and down the hall. Inside Faye has Elvina on her shoulders while walking around the room. "See little sis, i told you that you're still light." Faye smiles and Elvina giggles. "I'll get big one day! I'll be strong too!" Faye chuckles. "I know you'll grow up strong, but until then I'll carry you just like this. Got that Ellie." They both smile and she continues, "So do you want to come to the awakening with me and dad today?" Elvina excitedly shouts. "Yes! I wanna se your magic big sis!" Faye then lowered her to the ground, turns to her, places her hand on her shoulder. Her eyes serious and expression dark. "Okay. I'll need you to do something for me though." Elvina shrugs and asks. "What is it?"

Faye slightly furrows her brows and says, "i made you a cloak and you need to wear a head dress too." Elvina looks on her, confused. "Okay, but why?" She kneels down to her eye level, "you need to hide the fact that you're an Anzu, Ellie." Her gaze focused on Elvina whose ears fluttered and twitched in annoyance. "You know hoods and hats hurt my ears sis." She pouts and Faye grasps her shoulders tight, "i know, i know. I just need you to do this Ellie. You know how dangerous we've been telling you it is for Anzu outside the house." She nods, "you say people want to hurt me because I'm different, right?" Faye sighs. "Yes they want to hurt you… well to be honest they'll do a lot worse than hurt you. They'll try to take you away."

Elvina angrily swipes her hands off her shoulders. "Nobody's ever gonna take me away! You guys keep me inside the house all the time. I only ever go out into the yard and the trees to train all the time." Faye sighs and runs her hand through her hair. "I know, but you like going outside to play and train don't you?" Elvina continues to pout. "Well, yeah. I do. I just wanna go to town with you guys, i wanna see the village. It's not fair that I can't go unless i have to wear a cloak and a head wrap. I don't like having to hide all the time." Faye pauses for just a second before smiling. "Hey i tell you what, I'll make you a deal okay?" Elvina pirks up and smirks, "what kind of deal? Like the fun kind?" 

She smiles right back at her and says, "yeah. Since it's your first time ever going into town you wear what i made you; then the next time we go out I'll let you wear whatever you want. How about that, Ellie?" Her ears stand straight up and her pale lilac eyes let out a faint glow and her tail pointed straight out; catching Faye by surprise. "Really? I can go out in just my tunic and trousers?" Faye let out a defeated sigh. "Yes. You can water that if you'd like; though i wish you would wear a dress like other girls you age." Elvina smiles and says, "you're twelve and you wear dresses, maybe girls you age wear dresses. I'm only eight so maybe girls my age wear more comfy stuff like me." She smiles wide.

Knock, Knock! "Girls! It's breakfast time." Alexious shouts through the door. "I'm coming in." He says politely, Faye and Elvina both shout. "Okay, come in!" The door swings inward slowly as he peaks his head through the crack. He smiles as he watches Faye help Elvina wrap her head scarf on. "So you're coming out to the awakening today?" He says softly, she smiles and says proudly. "Yup! Sis said that i can go if I wear this this time." He tilts his head and asks, "this time? Did you make some sort of deal?" Elvina proudly says, "yup if i wear this then i can wear whatever i want next time we go out to town." He smirks and says, "okay then. You two finish getting dressed and meet in the kitchen." He turns to Faye and jokes. "You'll have a good laugh at your joke too." Her eyes seem to sparkle as she shouts. "KayKay is wearing it!"

he laughs and she darts past him and down the hall, "I'm already dressed! Ellie you can finish up on your own. This is gonna be awesome!" She disappears around the corner of the hall leaving Alexious and Elvina alone. "Uncle Lexi?" She asks with her ears slumped overtop her head, a shy expression on her face. He tilts his head and says, "what is it Elvina? You can speak your mind, it's okay." She perks up slightly after his reassuring words. "Should i bring my sword and shield? I. Try to be strong and tuff and stuff in front of sis. I don't want her to think I'm scared." She says as she fidgets with her fingers, clearly shaken from what Faye had said earlier; Alexious noticed and closes the distance between them, ruffles her hair and says softly. "Of course you can. I want you to feel safe, i want you to be safe."

he continues, "you should always carry your weapon on you. A warrior never goes anywhere without their weapons." He walks over to her bedside and grabs her sword and round shield. "As a fighter these are extensions of your body, as a swordsman this…" he holds out her sword, "is an expression of your soul. Remember this, your soul is your sword and your sword is your soul. Always keep it at your side." He places it in her hands an smiles softly. "I'm sure Kaycee told you this too. Never drop your sword in battle, because if you do that is when you fall." Her eyes begin to glow again, surprising Alexious as well. "Okay. I'll always keep it by my side. I'll train harder too, so i can be strong." He pats her head, ties her head scarf and walks out the door. "I'll see you down stairs."

Elvina waits until she hears him walk down the stars and whispers. "Hey, umm. Yue? What should is do." A lofty ethereal voice echoes out. "Young Elvina. You only need to continue to hone your skills. Now remember what i told you, child." She pauses before answering. "Whenever i wanna talk i can just think it, right?" The voice replies. "Correct. We'll speak on the way to this awakening you speak of. Now go eat with your family. I'm always here, there is no rush." Elvina gathers her sword and shield, throwing knives and a dagger. She fastens her cloak and heads down to meet her family.

Down stairs she walks in to see Alison, Faye, Brannon, Alexious and Kaycee all laughing and at the sight of Kaycee and she busts out laughing herself. "Kaycee you look absolutely amazing! Hahaha!" Brannon bellows out and Alison joins in, "i have no idea why Faye made you wear that, but I'm glad she did. Fuck, i needed a good laugh." Elvina sits down to eat with everyone and Alexious speaks up. "Okay everyone listen up. Today will be Faye's awakening and Elvina's first time out in the town. We need a game plan for keeping her safe." Brannon nods, "agreed. I say one of us should be with her at all times to ensure she stays cloaked and covered." Kaycee nods in agreement and Alison sighs. "I'll watch her." She turns and meets eyes with Elvina. "You are not go leave my side, do you understand me." 

She nods and says, "yes ma'am, I won't go anywhere." She looks back slyly. "Good. Then i say. We finish our food and head out." Everyone agrees and they all scarf down the meal Kaycee prepared for them. Once they finished they all gathered at the door and headed out. While walking through the forest trail Elvina thinks. "Hey. Yue can you hear me?" she replies, " i can, child. Tell me what this Awakening is, I've never heard of it." Elvina's ears twitch in confusion underneath her scarf. " you don't know? That's weird. The awakening is what everyone goes through at twelve to unlock magic i guess. I don't really know how else to say it." Yue is silent for a few minutes before asking. "What do you mean, child? Can you not feel the mana in this era?" She shrugs and says. "I guess, but i feel it all the time. I think it just makes you use your element i guess?" 

Yue is silent for a bit before answering in a curious tone. "Strange… very strange. If you feel mana your attributes naturally reveal themselves. In my day even children of six year could use the six elements. Even some were able to tap into the two superior elements as well." Elvina asks, "what do you mean? Are you saying it's a lie?" Yue replies amused, "no. Not a lie, but something must have happened after i died. Let us just go and watch this Awakening. My curiosity is peaked." Elvina sighs and looks to her mother, "mom, i have a question?" Alison tilts her head slightly down towards her and scoffs. "What is it?" She nervously fidgets her fingers, "would you need to have an awakening if you can already feel mana?" A curious look flashes across Alison's face, "why do you want to know? Can you feel mana without an awakening?" Elvina darts her eyes to the ground. "Yeah, mom. I… I think i can."

Alison grabs her shoulder and stops while the others continue to walk and joke. "We'll catch up! I'm going to have a little chat with Elvina for a minute." Alexious nods and shouts back. "Okay, don't be too long. We're on a schedule." She flips him off and he laughs. She turns her gaze to Elvina who's looking up at her for the first time. "Tell me the truth girl. I have yet to see you use any magic whatsoever. I do not like lies." Elvina looks past her mother, making sure only she can see before returning to her intense gaze. "I didn't say anything because big sis says you can only use magic after an awakening, so I wasn't sure if i was different." Her mother smirks and says, "show me then. Let me see if you can use magic." She nods and holds out her hand and says. "Okay, but don't say anything about it to big sis. I don't want her to think I'm weird."

she scoffs and say, "I don't give a fuck about that. This is just for me to see." Elvina pauses for a second before Yue whispers in her mind. "It's okay child. Do as your mother says, i will allow it." With that her lilac eyes glow a brilliant pale purple and tendrils of black and purple whip around her forearm booth clockwise and counterclockwise, until they meet in the palm of her hand and streaks of lightning crackle around the blackish purple orb rotating in the palm of her left hand. She looks up to her mother who for the first time in her life she sees smiling. "I… i can do more. I'm just not good at controlling i-it just yet." Alison who's grinning from ear to ear say's while salivating at the thought. "If you can do more show me. Show. Me. Now." Elvina nods and says. "Okay… i can ch-change the sh-shape if I think about it."

she focuses on the thought of a sword and the orb spikes out in all directions before turning and contorting into the shape of a sword. A beep black and purple short sword with streaks is lighting crackling and radiating all around it. "Th-this… is a-all i… can do." She says before it explodes and disappears, catching everyone's attention. "Alison! Why are you using magic?" Brannon shouts confused. She just turns to him with a look of pure bliss and happiness, "our daughter just wanted to see some magic so I thought I'd show her a little something special, honey!" Tears well up in his eyes as he smiles and says. "I'm so glad you two are bonding! We'll continue forward, just be sure to catch up and not be late my love." She says while still grinning from ear to ear. "Of course. We'll be right behind you."

she whips her head back to Elvina, kneels down, puts her hands on her shoulders and says. "What. The. Fuck. You want to tell me what that was, because i know sure as hell it wasn't a spell." Elvina smiles and says, "I don't know. I just feel it and it comes out, so was that magic?" Alison actually laughs and says. "You little bitch! You used two attributes that completely oppose each other, and you say you just feel it and it comes out? You have no idea what the fuck you just did do you? Aaahhahahaha!" She cackles and a sinister look falls over her face. "You, my beautiful fucking child. You just freely used mana and pulled two opposing attributes on. You formed a mana weapon with absolutely ZERO training! And you tell me you just feel it? And it fucking happens?" Elvina laughs and says. "Hehe. Yeah, i guess so. I go out in the woods and try it when i want to feel strong."

Alison pulls her close and kisses her head for the first time. "M-mom? What was that for??" She says absolutely confused. Alison cradles her face in her hands, staring into her eyes with a look of bliss and says. "That, my child. That was for the best present you could have ever given me. That was for surpassing my expectations. That was for doing something with magic I hadn't even experienced or even seen Althea do. You will be a force of death on the battlefield, you will be the grim reaper." She stares into Elvina's eyes and her thoughts run wild. With magical power like that all she has to do is activate her blood and she'll be unstoppable. How was I unable to see this? I must be going senile or something, because this is absolutely fucking insane. She stands up and says, "let's go catch up to the others. After the awakening you and i will begin beast blood activation training today, so be ready my little Grim Reaper."

massive red brick buildings and huge oak homes line the cobblestone streets, a massive marble fountain eight meters high sculpted into twin dolphins dancing around an ethereal water nymph stands proudly in the village center. Facing toward the docks that lead out to the sea is an elaborate cathedral style church, gargoyles, angels and holy maiden statures stand tall along the arches and towers. Mesmerizing patterns and colorful murals dance across the walls and pillars, enormous spruce doors fifteen meters high an ten meters wide are opened outward like a loving father outreaching his arm to welcome his child home. A massive line of people pours into the doors and Elvina stares in shock and awe watching more people than she's ever seen before all crowded into one single building.

inside the church the center is sunken in thirteen meters deep with steps the double as seating circling sixty meter radius. Intricate runes and strange arcane shapes and patterns are plastered all over the platform in the center. "This is an enormous mana field formation. Why in moirilla would they need such a powerful mana field here?" Yue speak to Elvina, who's just as stunned. "I feel like I'm swimming, it's so thick in here. Is the mana field thingy why i feel like this?" Yue chuckles. "I'd say so, child. Let us watch closely. It may prove to be beneficial for helping you with your control to watch how mana moves in the mana field. Do not look away my student, for i feel this is a blessing in disguise being bestowed upon you." She grins from ear to ear and rubs her arms together.

Alison notices, smiles, leans over and whispers. "Tell me what you feel. I'm curious." She continues to smile as she leans her head back and and says. "It feels like a warm hug all over. It's the most comfy thing I've ever felt, it's way different from outside. I feel so light mom. I feel like i could fly." Alison places her hand on her back, smiles and says. "I cannot believe your affinity is so high, control yourself or you'll attract more attention." Elvina opens her eyes and she looks down to see her body is letting off a faint lilac glow the same color as her eyes. "Oh, sorry mom. I guess i started to absorb it on accident." Alison fights to hold her laughter back as she says. "Pfft. God Damn It, Elvina. You're just full of surprises today. Just get it under control. Pfft." 

She can absorb mana without even realizing it? She's just one hell of a late bloomer in some areas, but I'll be damned if she isn't a prodigy in mana training. I'll make you strong Grim Reaper. She thinks as she watches the glow dissipate. "Okay mom. I think I'm all good now." She pats the back of her head. "Good. Now eyes forward. You don't want to miss the show." Elvina nods and the church goes quiet… "Ladies, Gentlemen and creatures today is the annual awakening ceremony! I welcome you all in the name of God and the Queen herself! I am the priest who will undertake the task of overseeing all those who wish to awaken their magical abilities and attributes." A priest adorned in long flowing white and gold robes speaks with a form of godly grace and reverence. "All the children twelve years of age come down the the center platform!"

Faye and two dozen other children stand up and make their way down to the center platform. The light blue glow of the sigil's mix with the holy white light from the runes and formations turn the church into an almost otherworldly spectacle. Faye stood out among those other children who all seemed nervous; in contrast to them she was calm and strangely relaxed. Her pastel blue and fiery red hair fluttered and began to glow elegantly against the lights, her pale pink and white dress seemed to shine and her pastel blue heels glow with the same intensely elegant force as her hair. Her pale skin shines so beautifully against the light that some would easily mistake her for a goddess. She was just a simple ethereal beauty.

"first up! Alphen, son of Fila Mother and Andros Father, come forward! Place your hand upon the stone and you shall be awakened!" The priest motions for a small half elven boy just a few centimeters taller than a meter, with dirty blonde hair and slightly elongated ears. He places his hand on the stone and a small gust of wind whirled around him, blowing his hair slightly; making it more disheveled than it already was. "Alphen, The Wind Mage! As bestowed by the gods he is awakened and reborn anew!" The priest shouts and applause erupts from the crowd. The remaining children all have eager expressions after seeing Alphen awaken as a wind mage.

one after another each of the children came forward and each awakened one of the main four elements Earth, Fire, Water and air; these are by far the most common among commoners and lower nobility alike. After quite some time and yet in no time at all it was time for Faye to step forward. "Faye Adachi, Daughter of Alexious Koan and…" the priest pauses and the room goes silent. The sound of metal boots fills the room as the onlookers turn to see the Fire Elvin Royal Guard that had completely surrounded them. "Daughter Of Lilith Adachi, Your Majesty!" The priest bows as A tall slender woman began to walk down onto the platform. Her light red hair flows down to her waist; an elegant crown of solid gold with a large fiery red mana stone housed in the center sits atop her head.

 Her fair skin shines bright against the otherworldly light in the platform, her deep ruby red eyes as piercing as an eternal flame. Her dress is a seductive pure white A-line deep v cut down to the solar plexus; that elegantly flows to just above her feet with one leg slit. Heels made of pure, perfectly controlled fire magic leave small embers as she struts. A silver necklace hangs down to the center of her chest housing an old, yet stunning sapphire. White gold three piece shoulder straps wrap around her upper body from the neckline. The air around her seems to stop as her presence is one of strength and elegance. "She's as flashy as ever." Kaycee joke as he nudges Alexious whose gaze is fixated on her, completely bewitched. 

Lilith turns to Face Faye whose eyes light up in excitement, "Mom! You came, I'm so glad you're here." She walks to her and outreaches her arms with a beautiful smile, her raspy yet refined voice echoes out smooth like the softest silk as she speaks. "Of course my beautiful girl! I wouldn't miss this for the world." She give Faye a big warm hug and looks up to the crowd of people, with a smile as she holds Faye in her arms. "Today your Princess will officially awaken. All present please rise to your feet. Today you will be the first to witness the future of our beautiful kingdom." Her voice floats through the air, enchanting all those present.

all people present stood to their feet and watch as Faye walks hand in hand with her mother, their queen. They stop in front of the stone and Lilith smiles as she steps back. "Go on. Place your hand on the pedestal, feel the mana corse through your body. Invite it in and you'll become one." She smiles and nods as she places her hand on the stone she closes her eyes. A burning heat rushes through her body, yet i doesn't hurt. At the same time it's as if an icy liquid is keeping her cool; she relaxes her muscles and allows both of the forces to completely envelop her as she lets her mind fade into bliss. 

At the same time everyone presents watches as water rushes out from beneath her feet filling the entire stage. Ice shards form in the air as the water splashes against the edges of the steps; in the air a surprisingly large ball of fire forms and begins to swirl. Red, blue and orange flames dance through the air as they separate from the ball and surround Faye; the water recedes in and swirls around her at the same time as she begins to levitate. These was nothing but silence as they watch Faye floating unharmed surrounded by fire water and ice. Her hair changes to an extremely light purple and her body glows blue on the left and red on the right. "Water and fire in harmony with one another is something that has not happened in over two hundred years!" The priest exclaims.

the echoes of the royal guard bowing has everyone follow, the priest cries as he shouts. "Faye Adachi, dual elemental of Water and Fire! The first in over Two Centuries, and our Princess has awakened!!" Faye opens her eyes and all the magic disappears, but just as she begins to fall a winged horse of fire catches and lowers her safely to the ground. The horse shrinks and disappears as well and just as she catches herself her mother gets to her knees and hugs her, tears of joy stream down her face. "I'm so proud of you! You are the bridge between our people, i love you so much my daughter. My beautiful daughter." She kisses her head, melting all the hearts of all who are present.

"Long Live The Queen! Long Live Princess Faye!" The crowd begins to chant and murmur. "Our queen is so benevolent and pure." "She love her daughter so much." "No other king or queen would kneel like that, that just shows how much she loves her." The crowd is absolutely astonished as they watch in amazement. Lilith stands to her feet with Faye's hand in hers and says. "Today you have all witnessed a blessing from god! Today our kingdom has just received a gift. My people, no. My family, together we can create a beautiful future. Just as i and my amazing husband have been gifted with my daughter; she is proof that all elves are equal! It does not matter if they are water, wood, dark, fire or light!" 

She continues "all children are gifts from God, and they are our future. It was once said that Fire and Water can never be together and I as your queen decided to let love lead the way; She is the result of following love and forming bonds. All elves are equal! All humans are equal, and all dwarfs are equal. In our kingdom love, acceptance, compassion and companionship are the values we hold dear in our hearts. We in this beautiful kingdom are family, and i love you all!" She holds up her free hand and looks to Faye. "You can speak if you want, but I will not force you." Faye smiles wide, straightens up and says. "Like my mother has said, we are all equal in this kingdom, but I believe that we will become even greater in the future; I will work hard to live up to the standards that you all deserve and bring that greater future to you all. Long may Tikata Reign!"

the people cheer and bow to them as they are slowly ushered out, leaving Alexious, Kaycee, Brannon, Alison and Elvina with Faye, Lilith and six royal guard. Elvina races over to Faye, eyes wide with excitement. "Big Sis! Your mom'sa queen??" She slurs her words due to her excitement. "That's so cool! How come you didn't say that before?" Faye laughs and says, "Would you have believed me if i did? Plus it doesn't matter because it never really came up in conversation, Ellie." She playfully pats the top of her head; Lilith looks on confused and asks. "Big Sis?" Faye then looks back to her mother and exclaims. "Oh, no! She's Auntie Alison and Bran Bran's, but i was with her when she was born. I had to try to make sure she was okay, didn't dad tell you?" Lilith smiles and looks over to Alexious. "Oh, no. He said you had some training and he had 'family obligations' to attend to."

Alexious scratch's his head and lets out a nervous laugh. "Hah, yeah. She was the family obligation. I just wanted to surprise you?" He say's trying hard not to stutter. "She chuckles, "hmhm. You can never stay calm when I'm all dressed up, can you?" He smirks, "never, I know you're the same as well though." He winks and she laughs. "Look who's acting all confident when he hasn't shaved or cut his hair in years." She flirts back. "You love it, don't lie." Alison audibly sighs in both disgust and annoyance. "If you two don't get a fucking room I'm taking Elvina and leaving. Now." Kaycee smiles and says with a puffy chest. "Well I think having the whole family together is great!" The adults continue talking between themselves, but Lilith separates and her attention is focused on Elvina. "Elvina is your name right?"

she smiles and nods. "Yup, but sis just calls me Ellie for short. What's it like being a Queen? Is it safe? Do you stay inside all the time too? Can you go wherever?" Questions leave her mouth at super speed and Lilith laughs, places a hand on her shoulder and says. "Sometimes i stay in and sometimes i go out. It just depends, but more importantly i know that you're an Anzu." She nods and fidgets her fingers. "Yeah, but sis made me wear this so i can hide." Lilith removes the hood of the cloak gently and with a warm smile she says. "It's okay to take this off for a bit, you're with family after all." Alison notices what's happening and speaks in a stern, yet snarky tone. "What do you think you're doing, you're majesty?"

Lilith replies, "i just want the child to be comfortable, same as her really." Elvina eagerly takes her scarf off and drops the cloak revealing her ears, hands and tail. Lilith smiles and says, "looks like a high grade Anzu again." She turns to Alison with an almost apathetic look. "What are you exactly, if you don't mind me asking? I don't know of many changed beasts; such as yourself producing three high grade's in a row. It's quite perplexing." Alison keeping the royal guard in vision stays put, but the corner of her lip twitches as her hands tense up. She replies as calmly as possible for her. "With all due respect your majesty, It's honestly none of your fucking business." Lilith smirks, walks forward and playfully pats her shoulders.

she laughs and says, "Oh sister, there's no need for such hostility. I was only just curious, because honestly I'm just surprised. It's rather impressive in all honesty. I meant no harm, so let us calm down and get to the important matter at hand." She hugs Alison who's stiff as rock and walks back to Faye. "My daughter. You have to depart for burmstone next year, you do remember that right?" She sighs and says. "Yes. I remember, but what about Elvina?" Lilith shakes her head and says, "you know she can't come to the kingdom. It's still not safe there for her people." Faye lowers her head and asks. "Can i have just a few more months?" Lilith rubs her head and Elvina asks. "What's Burmstone and why's it not safe?" Lilith turns her head and says. "Because of the rampant abuse and trafficking on Anzu that we've been trying to root out for decades now."

Alison and Brannon both turn their heads and she scoffs. "Trying, my ass. More li-" Brannon nudges her and she stops. She storms over and grabs Elvina. "Let's go. I'm done with this fake bullshit. It's time to train." She roars and Elvina waves as she's dragged away, Brannon, Kaycee and Alexious follow. He waives and says. "I'll see you soon. You two continue to catch up, I'm going to go to town with Kaycee. Love you." Lilith tilts her head in confusion, but just shrugs it off and turns her attention back towards Faye. "How does seven months sound? Would that be enough time to get your affairs in order?" Faye smiles wide and shouts, "of course! That's much more than i was expecting, thank you! You're the best!"

she hugs her and Lilith motions for the closest royal guard who walks over to them. "At you request, your majesty." He bows his head and holds out a multi colored oval shaped stone with a clear glass button in the center and a Black stone below it and a blue stone on the side of it. She take it from his hand and hands it to Faye, who asks. "What is this?" Lilith smiles and brushes her hair away from her right ear; revealing a similar colored jewel in her ear and taps it. "Can you hear me?" Her voice comes through the stone and Faye gasps. "Oh my gosh! Mom, this is a new magic tool!" She smiles, "You're smart you catch on quickly. These are called communicators. You can communicate with me directly through this, and I you. They can also record voice." Faye look on confused. "Record like you'd write records in a book?"

she nods and says, "that's correct, but this is a bit more interesting than that. Place your thumb on the black stone and speak into it, then place your thumb on the blue stone." Faye does as she says and says, "hello, hello. Mr. recorder." And puts her thumb on the blue stone. "Hello, hello. Mr. recorder." She's speechless as she hears her own voice speak back to herself. "Mom. How long until these are no longer prototypes?" Lilith smiles and says. "In another year or two. There are still things the artificers want to add, but these are for our use. Anytime you need advice or would just like to talk you could just 'call me' as the artificer says. Just place your thumb on the clear glass and I'll hear you. You can also send me recordings as well."

she continues, "just touch both the clear glass and the blue stone at the same time." She hugs her mother again and suddenly realizes that she needs to catch up to the others. "Oh, mom. I should probably go make sure Ellie is okay with auntie Alison!" Lilith says, "it's completely okay, I understand more than you know. That woman is unbelievably abusive with her barbaric training methods." Faye takes a step back in disbelief. "Oh my gosh! I thought i was the only person who thought that? I can never say anything because she's so intense." Lilith puts her hand on her shoulder gently and says. "If it would make you feel more comfortable you can record while you're out with them and we can talk after."

Faye smiles wide and says, "Thank you! Thank you, I'll do that! I just cannot stand not being able to vent." They hug and Faye runs off to catch up the others. Outside Alison is dragging Elvina, who still has her scarf off and she notices that she's getting stares that make her uncomfortable. "God Damn it! I wish i could rip that bitch's head off." Alison shouts and people stare. "The fuck are you lookin at? Get out of my way!" The stares disappear and people shudder away. Elvina sheepishly asks, "what's wrong? Wasn't she being nice?" Alison stops in her tracks, faces her, looks into her eyes and with hatred in her voice she speaks callously, "listen to me Elvina. That was all fake. I'm a bitch down to my soul i know it and so does everyone else, but she is disgusting. She's a slimy, filthy cunt who disguises herself with words of honey that sting with venom. She is a two faced double timing queen. Stay far. Far. Away from her."

she looks at her feet and says, "i… i just don't understand?" Alison sighs, realizing she probably just used terms her eight year old daughter doesn't fully understand; so she kneels down grabs her face gently with her hands and says. "I just want you to never talk to, be around or believe anything that has to do with that woman. Trust me on this. I am a bitch to everyone, i am who i am and I'll never change or apologize for that. That woman on the other hand hides behind her big talk and status pretending to be sweet; when she's arguably more rotten of a cunt than i am. Do you understand now?" Elvina realizes for the first time that her mother is speaking to her different, calms down and nods. "I get it. I understand, sorry." Alison stands up reaches for her hand and Elvina grabs it.

they continue walking until they get into their usual training spot in the woods. Alison and Elvina separate and stand five meters apart from each other. "Okay, you're going to try this now. I'll explain how it works so just close your eyes, listen and feel your body. Not Xi, Not Mana. Feel your body. Focus on it." She nods "HEY! There you guys are, dad told me you went off for beast blood training, are you sure she's even ready for that?" Faye shouts worried and slightly out of breath; Alison just scoffs. "I know what she can handle. She'll be fine so just shut up get beside be and watch." Faye listens and stands by her. "Okay close your eyes." Elvina nods and closes her eyes takes a deep breath and exhales. "Focus on your breath and slow your breathing. Feel your heart beat in your chest, the thump of your pulse in your neck. Feel the blood flow in your veins, the muscles relax and listen."

she continues, "listen to your body and find the dark energy; a sort of presence that lies dormant in your blood. Let it flow slowly at first and then spread it to your bones and muscles." Elvina stands still listening, waiting, hoping and yet nothing happens. She opens her eyes and realizes she out of breath. "Wh-what? Why am. Why am i out of breath?" She asks and Alison shakes her head. "Not enough. Again." Faye looks up at her worried and back at Elvina whose eyes are closed again. Feel the dark presence. Feel the dark presence. She thinks, but just like before she's out of breath. "NO. Do it again." She nods and goes again. Focus on my breath. Slow it. My heart. Listen to it. My pulse feel it. Find the dark presence. She continues with her mind set, but again she opens her eyes and again nothing. She drops to her knees sweating and breathing heavily. "Are you fucking kidding? Three time! Three times and nothing? You really are talented in some areas and useless in others."

Faye rushes over to her and shouts at Alison. "That's enough! I told you she wasn't ready yet auntie. Look at her." She scoffs again. "Whatever. I'm heading in, I'll s-" "Wait! I… i think i get it." She turns around and watches as Elvina closes her eyes for a fourth time, but this time Faye is by her side. Okay i just need to let go. Focus only on my body. Mom said my body and not mind. Let go and find the dark presence. her mind goes blank and her body gets hot to the touch, so hot that Faye jerks away. her mouth opens as feline fangs begin to grow, her body doubles in muscle mass and ten centimeter claws extend from her fingers. She stands and she's even grown just a little, her ears are slightly longer and wider too. She opens her eyes and realizes she can see twice as far and hear at least twice as well. "I… i told you i can do it. I just had to let go."

Alison sighs and smirks. "Let go huh? Of course you're that type, whatever." Elvina collapses and reverts back to her original form and Faye hesitantly grabs her. "I… did i do g-good?" She asks and Alison sighs and says. "Well it took you four tries when Althea did it in one go and even Altreaho got it on his third. Not bad, but not great. We'll just have to work on your control. You two do whatever, I'll see you inside." She walks off. That definitely could have been better. She needs harder training, I refuse to have my little Grim Reaper struggle with a simple transformation. Get ready for hell, because now that i know what you can do with magic there's no fucking way I'm going easy now. A devilish smile falls on her face as she walks away.

Faye worriedly grabs Elvina's shoulders and asks. "Why did you say you had to let go? What did that mean?" She slumps her head into her lap and says. "I… i was thinking the whole time. I tried to focus, but I couldn't." Faye brushes her hair out of her face so their eyes meet and asks. "Okay, so what does that have to do with letting go, Ellie?" She looks up into her eyes and playfully blows her red and blue hair. "I just had to not think. Like let go, just go with it i guess? It worked so i did good." Faye's eyes begin to tear up as she asks. "Ellie, when you… when you say just go with it, let go and not think… did your mind go blank? Did you fade away?" Elvina nods and sits up, looking her in the eyes and notices that she's upset. She starts to panic and asks, "i… i mean yeah? Why? Is-is that bad?"

Faye's eyes flash with anger and she says, "OF Course! That's bad." SLAP!! Elvina sits back on her butt in shock from Faye's sudden smack. "B.b.big sis… i… I'm s-sorry. I. I didn't know. D-don't hi-t… hit me. I… I'm sorry." She begins to cry seeing that she made Faye upset enough to hit her when she's never done that before. Faye notices what she's done grabs her by the shoulders and pulls her closer. "Never. Ever. Do that again. That is how Anzu go Berserk! I knew it! I knew that you were not ready. I told Auntie and she still made you do that!" Faye lets out all her frustrations and anger. "What would you have done if you hurt someone?! What if you hurt me? What if you KILLED SOMEBODY!" Elvina starts to cry. "I… i don't know! I'm sorry! I-i-i… I don't, want to k-kill anyone! Aaahhh!" She shouts as she cries and Faye pulls her close. She hugs her tight and after a few minutes once they both calm down she takes a deep breath.

she cradles her face in her hand much like a mother would and stares into her eyes. "It's okay. It's okay, because you didn't hurt anyone and you didn't go Berserk. Promise me that you will not do that again. I don't care if it's easier to just black out, you stay in control. Promise me that you won't transform unless I'm present or i tell you it's okay." Elvina nods and whimpers, "i… I promise." Faye sighs and pulls out her communicator, "what's that?" Elvina asks and Faye waives her hand, "A new tool to talk to people far away. I'm calling mom." and presses the clear glass, "mom, did you hear all that?" "I did, and i have a special sigil for controlling the transformation of an Anzu. Once you're inside get your pen ready and I'll explain it to you. I think it'll help you girls well." "My gosh mom, that's great! Can it fully suppress the transformation for emergencies?" "Of course I'll give you both."

Faye sighs in relief and smiles at Elvina, "I'll be helping you with this. It's way too dangerous for you so I'll make you a promise too okay." Elvina nods and asks. "What is it?" Faye grabs her hand and says, "I'll alway be there for every transformation to pull you back, but if you go berserk Ellie. I'll be tho one to bring you back or stop you. Whatever it takes, I'll bring you back if you're lost. That is my promise to you." 

Elsewhere on a ship currently headed away from Tangamoor Island Lilith sits in her captain's cabin, having just heard everything. She smiles and that smile turns into an ugly grimace and then a laugh. "God! This, this is just perfect! My daughter is as simple as her lovely father, though she's got what it takes to be the next queen with how she reacted little Elvina's first transformation." She ties up her hair and calls out, "Send Echo in!" After a few minutes a tall woman wearing a white hooded mask and and all black uniform, steel boots, a bow over the shoulder and arrows at the wait. A short sword on her back and a dagger holstered in her chest straps walks in. "You called?" Lilith smiles. "Come and sit, and take off that mask. It's just us here and i have some interesting information for you.

the woman sits and removes her hooded mask revealing feline ears atop her head, jet black hair and silver eyes. She looks at Lilith emotionless and says. "Okay, I'm siting here. The fuck do you want? Another mission, and i swear to god if i have to go back to the mountains I'll actually fucking kill you. Respectfully, though." Lilith stares at her in surprise, agitating the woman. "I got shit on my face or something? What are you looking at me like that for?" She just laughs and says. "You and your mother are actually copies of each other, you do know that right?" She rolls her eyes and says, "Fuck you. don't start that shit with me today." Lilith laughs and says. "You are two of the only three people who talk to me like this, but whatever. The awakening went well."

the woman smirks and leans forward. "So I assume she awakened fire? I was right wasn't i." Lilith smiles and says. "We both were. I'm sure you understand what that means." She tilts her head and says, "dual elemental of Fire and Water? Is that a fucking joke, because if not that's actually cheating." she laughs and says. "Of course it's true! Don't get upset yet, because I have yet to tell you the best part. Althea." She's visibly annoyed now and says. "What are you saying my name for, Lilith?" She smirks and says. "I believe you are unaware your parents had another child." Althea's expression changes to disbelief. "No way, how would you know?" Lilith plays the recording with a sinister smile on her face and Althea joins in after the recording is finished. "How old?" She says. "Eight. She's a really sweet girl, so it's unfortunate that she's got to disappear."

Althea looks her in the eyes and they laugh. "You want me to kill my little sister? Are you serious? That's fuckin dark, you're one twisted Bitch. I like it though." She winks and blows a kiss. Lilith shakes her head. "No, God. Just, no. We're just going to have to break their bond and then you'll raise her for the special operations team. Faye will take her place on the throne and all will be fine." Althea holds up one finger. "Let me kill some people. I need to blow off some steam." Lilith shrugs and says, "i don't really care who you kill. Do as you see fit, you're the head of special operations. Just don't cause me any headaches." She leans back and kicks her feet up on Lilith's desk. "How much time do i have to plan?" Lilith chuckles.

"seven months." 

I'm so sorry for the lack of chapters recently! I'm the main writer (Jay) and by brother (Tray) is the editor and for the last month and some change I've been struggling with my mental health really bad. Depression has had a death grip on me recently and I've also been struggling with various health issues. So it's been a bit difficult for me to fully focus, but I'm glad to say that I've been feeling much better these last few day.

Writing will be resuming from here on out on a Bi-weekly schedule. We will be shooting for two chapters to release every other week. I'm so sorry for the unintentional hiatus once again.

The Bi-weekly schedule will be every other Saturday and Sunday.

Redcloudpavilioncreators' thoughts